Where Are the Intelligent, Easy-Going Men for Seniors?

In summary: Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.Results - ZERO.So they lowered my search age to 40 and searched the entire US. Got a few hits but :eek:.Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?

I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.

Results - ZERO.

So they lowered my search age to 40 and searched the entire US. Got a few hits but :eek:

Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Evo said:
Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?

I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.

Results - ZERO.

So they lowered my search age to 40 and searched the entire US. Got a few hits but :eek:

Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?

Try >50, looks and weight irrelevant, looking for cheap thrills.
  • #3
Ivan Seeking said:
Try >50, looks and weight irrelevant, looking for cheap thrills.
<snork> :biggrin:
  • #4
Obviously some of us have not put in the required time...
  • #5
Evo said:
Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?

I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.

Results - ZERO.

So they lowered my search age to 40 and searched the entire US. Got a few hits but :eek:

Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?

From personal experience, I can tell you it's the atheist thing that gets us, Evo.
  • #6
Evo, except for the intelligent part, I fit your criteria perfectly. But sorry to say I'm already taken. However, I can tell you that the online thing can work sometimes. It did for me. And, it was an online community similar to this one (not physics related) that lead up to my perfect match. :)
  • #7
lisab said:
From personal experience, I can tell you it's the atheist thing that gets us, Evo.
I've seen advice columnists telling people to select any or at least a few religions in order to get more results.

turtle, I've been on this forum for 8 years and only a couple of men have approached me. :frown:
  • #8
Evo said:
I've been on this forum for 8 years and only a couple of men have approached me. :frown:

Mere mortals don't date goddesses.
  • #9
Evo said:
turtle, I've been on this forum for 8 years and only a couple of men have approached me. :frown:

Borek said:
Mere mortals don't date goddesses.

I personally thought we would get banned for even daring to!

Also, how do you search for "intelligent" on match.com? Do I get to check off boxes that say "Dumbass, Theatre Major, Average Intelligence, Very Intelligence, Nobel Prize winner"?
  • #10
Evo said:
Try "non-religious".

Seems to me what you want to search for is simply someone who has no strong religious views.
  • #11
Pengwuino said:
I personally thought we would get banned for even daring to!

Also, how do you search for "intelligent" on match.com? Do I get to check off boxes that say "Dumbass, Theatre Major, Average Intelligence, Very Intelligence, Nobel Prize winner"?
You can, or could, do keyword searches of their entire profile on the standard match.com.
  • #12
Evo said:
You can, or could, do keyword searches of their entire profile on the standard match.com.

Perhaps the key then, is to do keyword searches for specific categories that people you like might be into. How many people put "intelligent" into their profile?
  • #13
I think Greg should start a dating site for geeks. Chris and his partners sold OK Cupid to match.com for $50 million.
  • #14
Wait, I thought you were a self-proclaimed misanthrope?

Your hard-crunchy exterior starting to soften a little? :wink:
  • #15
Pengwuino said:
I personally thought we would get banned for even daring to!

Also, how do you search for "intelligent" on match.com? Do I get to check off boxes that say "Dumbass, Theatre Major, Average Intelligence, Very Intelligence, Nobel Prize winner"?
Almost as many as those that claim to be "very attractive". I'm sure they might be attractive to some life form, but it's not human.
  • #16
DaveC426913 said:
Perhaps the key then, is to do keyword searches for specific categories that people you like might be into. How many people put "intelligent" into their profile?

A lot, but it's often spelled wrong.
  • #17
lisab said:
A lot, but it's often spelled wrong.

:smile: Yes, you can filter out words too, can't you? Like "enteligent"
  • #18
DaveC426913 said:
Wait, I thought you were a self-proclaimed misanthrope?
I am. If I joined, my profile would start out "I am boring & tired. I sit at the computer all day and watch the squirrels outside my window eating the seeds I've put down for them.

My old match profile actually did say that I did not want "Mr Excitement" and went into a bit of detail to get across just how boring I was.
  • #19
Evo said:
My old match profile actually did say that I did not want "Mr Excitement" and went into a bit of detail to get across just how boring I was.

  • #20
One method that I used when I was doing the online dating sites was to try and be the first one to greet new female members when they registered. But nothing more than just a simple welcome. Anything more will just make you seem weird, creepy, or desperate. The greeting will almost always cause them to check out your profile. And it's even more likely to work for a woman because there are a lot more men than women on dating sites. And of course you can be choosey by only greeting the ones that interest you.
  • #21
Evo said:
My old match profile actually did say that I did not want "Mr Excitement" and went into a bit of detail to get across just how boring I was.

Pengwuino said:

I agree. Do not put that in your profile. :)
  • #22
TurtleMeister said:
I agree. Do not put that in your profile. :)
I've had "Mr Excitement", I want "Mr dull & boring".

He should like moonlit walks to the dumpster, not mind me sleeping next to a box of kleenex, hopefully he will not wake up when I scream out in pain at 3am when I hit my toe on the corner of the wall on my way to the bathroom. He will line my meds up for me to take and keep track of them for me.

  • #23
Some guys will put that they are religious just because it's more desirable (as in, more women search for that).
  • #24
KingNothing said:
Some guys will put that they are religious just because it's more desirable (as in, more women search for that).
Yeah, and that means they're willing to lie to get a date. Nope.
  • #25
TurtleMeister said:
One method that I used when I was doing the online dating sites was to try and be the first one to greet new female members when they registered. But nothing more than just a simple welcome. Anything more will just make you seem weird, creepy, or desperate. The greeting will almost always cause them to check out your profile. And it's even more likely to work for a woman because there are a lot more men than women on dating sites. And of course you can be choosey by only greeting the ones that interest you.

No, that is creepy/desperate :-p . If you're a guy, you're going to be lumped in with 20 other guys trying to contact the girl.

It would probably work for a girl, as I doubt guys get dog-piled on when they join sites like.

Maybe I should try one of those sites out. "Nobel Prize winning Penguin. Very religious if need-be. I make a lot of money and will do everything for you regardless of how much you pull your own weight or how much you actually care to do anything for me".
  • #26
Pengwuino said:
Maybe I should try one of those sites out. "Nobel Prize winning Penguin. Very religious if need-be. I make a lot of money and will do everything for you regardless of how much you pull your own weight or how much you actually care to do anything for me".
For shame!

(Let us know how well it works).
  • #27
After reading this thread, might I suggest Evo that you consider joining some clubs in your vacinity that peek your interests. Think of all the volunteer organizations that promote wildlife, nature, or things that might interest you. You would be surprised that even men enjoy learning about antiques and go on nature walks through countrysides and ocean trails. You might like to consider becoming a volunteer for a museum or a theater that does productions or a book club. Make a list of things that peek your interest and join a club or organization that you think would be fun. It's amazing how many men join poetry clubs and art classes. Just some ideas passing your way. Best wishes to you on your journey. Life is fun. Live it! :smile:
  • #28
Evo, you sell yourself short. You are trying to ensure you list all the worst traits about you. Why?

You have positive traits, you would do stuff that's not boring - with the right person.

You ex was not Mr. Excitement, he was Mr. Not Safe. You can find someone to do things with that you find exciting - and they don't have to be out of your control or take you way past your comfort level.

Now, go back and write a bio that puts your best foot forward. The bio describing the person you want to be when you're with the right person.

Go. Git. No cookies till you're done.
  • #29
Evo said:
For shame!

(Let us know how well it works).

I haven't even signed up for a site and I already have 10 e-mails from people.
  • #30
ViewsofMars said:
After reading this thread, might I suggest Evo that you consider joining some clubs in your vacinity that peek your interests. Think of all the volunteer organizations that promote wildlife, nature, or things that might interest you. You would be surprised that even men enjoy learning about antiques and go on nature walks through countrysides and ocean trails. You might like to consider becoming a volunteer for a museum or a theater that does productions or a book club. Make a list of things that peek your interest and join a club or organization that you think would be fun. It's amazing how many men join poetry clubs and art classes. Just some ideas passing your way. Best wishes to you on your journey. Life is fun. Live it! :smile:
I wanted to volunteer at the arboretum, but then I hurt my hips. Need to get that fixed.

I am seriously considering becoming a volunteer proof reader for the Guttenberg project. But that's done on my home computer and I would never actually meet anyone.

Oh, and this is Kansas, as in we ain't got no culture here, nope, don't allow it, damn city slickers. *spits chaw into styrofoam cup*
  • #31
Evo said:
He should like moonlit walks to the dumpster, not mind me sleeping next to a box of kleenex, hopefully he will not wake up when I scream out in pain at 3am when I hit my toe on the corner of the wall on my way to the bathroom. He will line my meds up for me to take and keep track of them for me.


You will find someone, who is just perfect for you...and good with meds...meaning the dispensing of them, not sneaking yours.
  • #32
Evo said:
I wanted to volunteer at the arboretum, but then I hurt my hips. Need to get that fixed.

I am seriously considering becoming a volunteer proof reader for the Guttenberg project. But that's done on my home computer and I would never actually meet anyone.

Oh, and this is Kansas, as in we ain't got no culture here, nope, don't allow it, damn city slickers. *spits chaw into styrofoam cup*

Never been to Kansas. Sorry to learn about your hips but I assume you can walk. If that is the case then you can become a docent or take some classes at the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead and the Overland park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Kansas. You might even donate some of your time selling items in their gift shop or help to plan an event. Once you are a docent (volunteer) then you are invited to private functions with their Trustees and Fellows of the garden. You can meet a lot of fine people at those events too. Trustees and Fellows of Botanical Gardens travel the world and they are people who are extremely nice. Who knows, you may meet a nice gentleman there. :smile:

I think there are great opportunities available to you. Just call the number and see if you can volunteer or even take a class there.


It's just a baby step toward a rewarding future.
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  • #33
Internet dating should give you a fresh outlook on misanthropy.

You might even find one of those annoying compulsive types, like the ones who can't help but mention:



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  • #34
Zryn said:
Internet dating should give you a fresh outlook on misanthropy.

You might even find one of those annoying compulsive types, like the ones who can't help but mention:




Yeah yeah. We saw it. We ignored it. Grammar nazi... :wink:
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  • #35
I am sure there are many people not looking for something special or some special sparks but I wonder if sites like match.com are targeted for those people.

Just keep working on it I hope you get someone soon!
