Matrix Transformation: Linear Algebra Final Question Explained

For part (b), the rotation should be about the z-axis. The matrix for this should be In summary, the conversation is about a Linear Algebra homework question where the student is asking for help understanding the question and finding the associated matrix A for a linear transformation. They also ask for help finding the matrix B for a 3-dimensional transformation composed of a rotation and a reflection, and for finding the volume of the image of a cube under different transformations. Feedback is given on the student's attempted solutions and they are advised to be more careful with the dimensions and rotations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to figure out this question that was on my Linear Alg final last year with the intent of maybe appealing the mark. I'd really appreciate if you could explain this to me.

Question: Let S:R2 => R3 be a linear transformation given by S[x, y]T = [-2y, 6x-3y, 5x+y]T

a) Find the associated matrix A of T
b) Find the matrix B of the 3-dimensional transformation T composed of
i) a rotation through 60 degrees about the x axis, followed by
ii) a reflection in the x-y plane
c) If C is a cube of unit volume, what is the volume of the image T(C)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I don't get why they switched from S to T all the sudden. For part (a) , I had:
[tex]\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & -2 & 0 \\ 6 & -3 & 0 \\ 5 & 1 & 0 \end{array} \right]
[/tex] * [x, y, 1]^T = [tex]

\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} -2y\\6x-3y\\5x+y \end{array} \right]

The first matrix is A that they want.
b) So for this part I got confused, I wasn't sure if they were talking about the same T (in that case, how can it have two corresponding matrices?). I assumed it was a new one and thus I got:

\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1&0&0\\0&1/2&-sqrt(3)/2 \\ 0&sqrt(3)/2&1/2 \end{array} \right]

I got those values by drawing a y-z plane and "rotating" coordinates of two unit vectors that correspond to y&z coordinates, because the x-coordinate shouldn't change.
c) For this part I got even more confused because now I had no idea which T they wanted, the one from part (a) or (b). I did work for both - I did triple product in both cases.
For T from part (a) I got V=0 because of that last column being all zeros. And for T from part (b) I got V=1, which makes sense because it's just a rotation and shouldn't change the volume.

Phew, that's it. Can someone offer me some feedback on this? I really want to get my A back in that class, but I'm not sure I have a case... Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Your answer for the standard matrix A isn't correct. Note that it is a mapping from R2 to R3, so from this you should deduce that the required matrix is of size 3x2. And there's a difference between R2 and R3; you can't just add a 0 to the third dimension if nothing is specified.
  • #3

I would first like to commend you for seeking a deeper understanding of this question and attempting to appeal your mark. It shows a strong dedication to learning and understanding the material.

Now, onto the question itself. Let's break it down step by step:

a) The question is asking for the associated matrix A of the linear transformation S. Your solution for this part is correct. However, it may be helpful to explain your thought process a bit more. You correctly identified that the coefficients in the transformation equation correspond to the elements in the matrix. For example, the coefficient of y in the first row and second column (-2) corresponds to the y-coordinate in the transformation equation. Keep in mind that the matrix A represents the transformation in standard basis, where the basis vectors are [1,0] and [0,1]. So, when you multiply A by a vector, you are essentially transforming the standard basis vectors to the new basis vectors, which in this case are [-2,6,5] and [0,-3,1].

b) This part is asking for the matrix B of a 3-dimensional transformation T composed of a rotation and a reflection. It is important to note that the transformation T is different from the transformation S in part (a). The rotation and reflection are applied in three dimensions, while S is a transformation from 2D to 3D. Your solution for this part is also correct. To clarify, the rotation matrix you obtained represents a rotation of 60 degrees around the x-axis, and the reflection matrix represents a reflection in the x-y plane. These two transformations are applied sequentially, resulting in the matrix B.

c) Finally, for part (c), you correctly calculated the volumes for both transformations T from parts (a) and (b). However, keep in mind that the question is asking for the volume of the image of a cube of unit volume, not the volume of the transformation itself. So, for part (a), the volume of the image would be 0, as you correctly calculated. For part (b), the volume of the image would be 1, as you also correctly calculated.

In summary, your solutions for all three parts are correct. However, it may be helpful to provide more explanation and context in your solutions, especially for parts (a) and (b). I hope this helps and good luck with your appeal!

FAQ: Matrix Transformation: Linear Algebra Final Question Explained

1. What is matrix transformation?

Matrix transformation is a mathematical process where a matrix is used to transform a set of coordinates or points in a geometric space to a new set of coordinates. It involves multiplying the original coordinates by a transformation matrix to obtain the new coordinates.

2. How is matrix transformation used in linear algebra?

In linear algebra, matrix transformation is used to represent linear transformations in a matrix form. This allows for easier manipulation and calculation of these transformations. It is also used to solve systems of linear equations and to represent geometric transformations in 2D and 3D spaces.

3. What is the purpose of matrix multiplication in matrix transformation?

Matrix multiplication is used in matrix transformation to combine multiple linear transformations into a single transformation. This allows for more complex and precise transformations to be performed. Additionally, matrix multiplication allows for the transformation to be easily applied to multiple points or coordinates.

4. How do you perform a matrix transformation?

To perform a matrix transformation, you first need to determine the transformation matrix based on the specific transformation you want to apply. Then, you multiply the transformation matrix by the coordinates of the point or object you want to transform. The resulting coordinates will be the new transformed coordinates.

5. Can matrix transformation be applied to any type of data?

Matrix transformation can be applied to any type of data that can be represented in a matrix form. This includes numerical data, such as coordinates in a geometric space, as well as non-numerical data, such as text or images, that can be converted into matrices. However, the type of transformation and the resulting output may vary depending on the type of data being transformed.

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