Fundamental Frequency of the earth's crust

In summary, the fundamental frequency of the Earth's crust is estimated to be around 1/54 minutes. However, due to the Earth's dynamic and non-solid nature, there is no exact frequency. There have been attempts to calculate the frequency using the Earth's total stored energy and the damping factor. However, the exact value of the damping factor is not known. It is unlikely that dancing or jumping would cause resonance at this frequency.
  • #1
Here's one for you. Is there a way of working out what the fundamental frequency of the Earth's crust is? Has anybody done this. And what would happen if we somehow matched this frequency, say by all dancing to a particularly banging dance remix of Electric Light Orchestra's "Mr Blue Sky" all at once? Came up in a conversation and we need to find out before we can concentrate on the more important matter of exams.
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  • #2
I would pose that, since the Earth is a dynamical, non-solid sphere(with regards to the moving molten material deep inside), that there is no "fundamental frequency"
  • #3
Damn! We couldn't decide if the crust may have. A look on google found some article that suggested it may have a fundamental frequency of 10Hz, but you know what the internet is like. Contains everything in the whole wide world ever, including all the nonsense people talk. Ahh well, I suppose it means I don't have to find someone to dancify ELO for me.
  • #4
I'd imagine you have very strong damping forces on this scale, you're looking at thousands of kilometers of goo...
  • #5
Ratter said:
Here's one for you. Is there a way of working out what the fundamental frequency of the Earth's crust is? Has anybody done this. And what would happen if we somehow matched this frequency, say by all dancing to a particularly banging dance remix of Electric Light Orchestra's "Mr Blue Sky" all at once? Came up in a conversation and we need to find out before we can concentrate on the more important matter of exams.

The fundamental frequency of the Earth as a whole is about 1/54 minutes.

See for instance for some textbook references. (MTW's "Gravitation, pg 1036 - the problem shows up in figuring out the Earth's response as a gravity wave detector).

The proposed Lagrangian for this problem is essentially

L = A xdot^2 - B x^2

The numerical factors of A and B, which are given in the text, would allow one to compute the amplitude of the vibration (i.e. height change at the equator) given the total amount of energy stored in that vibrational mode.

I'll give a description of the form of the results for the factor B in terms of some well-known physical constants of the Earth.

Total stored energy (the term proportional to x^2) is given by

(stored energy) = (1/5) * (Gravitational binding energy of Earth) * ( x /r)^2

where r is the radius of the Earth
x is the distance that the equator moves
and the Gravitational binding energy of the Earth is gives

2.24 ^10^32 joules

The value for factor A can be estimated from the resonant frequency, if desired, but we don't really need it for what follws.

Given the above relation, one can compute the total stored energy in a vibrational mode as a function of the height change at the equator (x).

What isn't given is the appropriate "damping factor" to use. Basically the differential equation for the above needs to be extened to look just like a standard "resonant circuit", aka a "spring / mass / damper" problem. The value of the damping constant (the Q) isn't known (by me, someone somewhere probably knows it) but is probably not terribly large. (The Lagrangian I actually wrote down above doesn't contain the term for the damping factor, but we know that it is there).To calculate movement if we knew the value of Q, and the input power of the exciting vibration, we would use

energy lost per cycle = (stored energy / Q) = (input power) * (54 minutes)

where the equation for stored energy has been previously given.

You can put this all together to solve for 'x' as a function of input power, and the presumed value for Q, but I haven't worked out the details.

People jumping up and down won't be near the resonant frequency in any event (1/54 minutes) - you'd need some different mechanism to incite resonance (everyone hiking up the mountains for an hour?)
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FAQ: Fundamental Frequency of the earth's crust

1. What is the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust?

The fundamental frequency of the earth's crust is the lowest resonant frequency at which the earth's crust can vibrate. It is typically between 0.01 and 0.1 Hz.

2. How is the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust measured?

The fundamental frequency of the earth's crust can be measured using seismometers, which detect and record the vibrations caused by earthquakes and other seismic events. Scientists analyze the recorded data to determine the frequency of the earth's crust.

3. What factors affect the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust?

The fundamental frequency of the earth's crust can be influenced by various factors such as the density, thickness, and composition of the crust, as well as the surrounding geological structures. Tectonic activity and changes in the earth's mantle can also impact the fundamental frequency.

4. How does the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust relate to earthquakes?

The fundamental frequency of the earth's crust plays a crucial role in determining the types of seismic waves produced by earthquakes. It also affects the propagation and amplification of these waves, which can have significant consequences for the intensity and damage of an earthquake.

5. How does understanding the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust benefit us?

Studying the fundamental frequency of the earth's crust helps us better understand the structure and dynamics of the earth's crust. This knowledge can also aid in predicting and mitigating the impact of earthquakes and other seismic events, as well as in resource exploration and development.

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