Why Does Temperature Change on Mountains as You Get Closer to the Sun?

In summary, as you get closer to the sun on a mountain, the temperature changes due to the decrease in air pressure and a decrease in the amount of atmosphere to absorb and trap heat. The higher elevation also results in less atmospheric insulation, causing a decrease in temperature. Additionally, the angle of the sun's rays and the tilt of the Earth's axis can also affect the temperature change on mountains. As a result, the temperature decreases as you climb higher on a mountain, making the summit significantly colder than the base.
  • #1
Why is it that you feel cold on the mountains when you are actually nearer to the Sun? By right, it should be hotter.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Because you aren't that much nearer to the sun - what's a few thousand feet compared to 90 million miles? There are a number of reasons why it is cooler at higher altitudes, but the main one is that as warm air rises and the pressure drops (because there is less air above pushing down), the air expands and cools according to the ideal gas law.
  • #3
russ_watters said:
Because you aren't that much nearer to the sun - what's a few thousand feet compared to 90 million miles? There are a number of reasons why it is cooler at higher altitudes, but the main one is that as warm air rises and the pressure drops (because there is less air above pushing down), the air expands and cools according to the ideal gas law.

The temperature of air is dependent on its internal energy and not on the volume expansion. If quoting, PV = nRT, we have, [tex] P_1V_1 = P_2V_2 [/tex]. The temperature does not change, no?

Further, when the warm air rises and cools, shouldn't it "drop down" to a lower altitude?
If the air cools down when it rises to a higher altitude, the energy lost must go somewhere but where?
  • #4
touqra said:
The temperature of air is dependent on its internal energy and not on the volume expansion. If quoting, PV = nRT, we have, [tex] P_1V_1 = P_2V_2 [/tex]. The temperature does not change, no?
Further, when the warm air rises and cools, shouldn't it "drop down" to a lower altitude?
If the air cools down when it rises to a higher altitude, the energy lost must go somewhere but where?
Boyle's Law, [tex] P_1V_1 = P_2V_2 [/tex] assumes that temperature is held constant. You can't use that here.

Think of it this way, as altitude increases, pressure decreases. If pressure decreases, the interaction between molecules, i.e. collisions will be less. An expanding gas cools. If you don't believe this, look at a standard altitude chart here and notice the temperature distribution with altitude.


Here is a nice reference on the computations:
  • #5
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ballonsolaire/en-theorie2.htm" site goes into more detail and points out that it is an adiabatic process (no heat exchange with the environment), so it must cool as it expands.
FredGarvin said:
Boyle's Law, assumes that temperature is held constant.
...and thus requires heat transfer.
touqra said:
Further, when the warm air rises and cools, shouldn't it "drop down" to a lower altitude?
Yes, it does sometimes set up a convection, but regardless, it will still be warmer lower and cooler higher except in rare cases of a temperature inversion. Ie, you can't have convection unless it is warmer lower and cooler higher.
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  • #6
An added point of interest ...

There can be enormous temperature differences generated by adiabatic effects. For example, a strong wind called a foehn wind (such as we get in the town I live in) will cool wet air on the upward side of the mountains and heat it up on the dry side. But because dry air heats at about 10degC per 1000m as opposed to 6degC for wet air the temperature on the lee side can be much hotter. Sometimes there is a temperature difference of 15deg here, at sea level, between one side of the mountains and the other.

  • #7
FredGarvin said:
Boyle's Law, [tex] P_1V_1 = P_2V_2 [/tex] assumes that temperature is held constant. You can't use that here.
Think of it this way, as altitude increases, pressure decreases. If pressure decreases, the interaction between molecules, i.e. collisions will be less. An expanding gas cools. If you don't believe this, look at a standard altitude chart here and notice the temperature distribution with altitude.
Here is a nice reference on the computations:

An expanding gas cools because it did work. I can't imagine what the air is doing work unto. Isn't need free expansion, and so, there is no work done, and hence temperature stays the same?
If the expanding gas does cools, where has the heat energy transferred to?
I don't understand.
  • #8
touqra said:
If the expanding gas does cools, where has the heat energy transferred to?

There is basically no heat transfer externally. This


is a reasonable, and simple, explanation.
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  • #9
While average environment temperature decreases with altitude by about -6°C/1000m, the intense midday radiation is felt on our skin as higher temperature. At night this heat is emitted as infrared more easily in the thin air, so we feel colder. Note that this interaction with the mountain surface is what makes the slope temperature gradient so much less than the adiabatic gradient of 10°C/1000m.
  • #10
touqra said:
An expanding gas cools because it did work. I can't imagine what the air is doing work unto.

1. Sunlight strikes the ground and warms it.
2. Decay of radioactive elements underground also warms the surface of the earth.
3. The heat from the ground is transferred to the air.
4. Warm, low altitude air does work by expanding against atmospheric pressure.
5. Expansion results in lower air density.
6. Cooler, denser air falls down and displaces it, forcing it up.
7. At higher altitude the air radiates heat as infrared radiation.
8. The air cools until it is dense enough to fall back down.
9. When the air falls it comes closer to the ground.
10. Go to Step 1
  • #11
This thread is 5 years old.
  • #12
5 years old, he's probably not even on the mountain any more !. :)

a volume of air has a specific amount of heat in it, if you decrease that volume with the same amount of heat in it, it will get hotter.

If you increase the volume, it will get cooler.

Try it yourself, and get a pushbike pump, put your finger over the hole and feel how it gets hot when you compress the air. you are not generating heat, you are concentrating the heat in the air that you are also concentrating, the same heat in less size is hotter.

Therefore, the same heat in less air (on a mountain) is colder, as there is less air it is less dense, it does not fall. Or if it does fall as it fall the pressure increases and it gets warmer.

FAQ: Why Does Temperature Change on Mountains as You Get Closer to the Sun?

1. What is the average temperature on a mountain?

The average temperature on a mountain can vary greatly depending on the elevation, time of day, and season. However, on average, the temperature decreases by approximately 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain.

2. Why does the temperature on a mountain get colder as you go higher?

The temperature on a mountain decreases as you go higher due to a decrease in air pressure. As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense and is therefore unable to hold as much heat, resulting in lower temperatures.

3. Is the temperature on a mountain different from the temperature at sea level?

Yes, the temperature on a mountain is typically lower than the temperature at sea level. This is because as elevation increases, the air becomes thinner and is unable to trap heat as efficiently, resulting in lower temperatures.

4. How does the temperature on a mountain affect plant and animal life?

The temperature on a mountain can greatly impact the plant and animal life that inhabit it. As temperatures decrease with elevation, different species are able to thrive in different temperature ranges. This can result in unique and diverse ecosystems on different parts of the mountain.

5. Can the temperature on a mountain change quickly?

Yes, the temperature on a mountain can change quickly and drastically. This is due to various factors such as changes in elevation, weather patterns, and time of day. It is important for those planning to climb a mountain to be prepared for sudden changes in temperature by bringing appropriate clothing and gear.
