Can China control pigeons with micro electrodes in their brains?

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In summary, China has made headlines with their advancements in controlling pigeons through the use of micro electrodes implanted in their brains. Scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Centre at Shandong University of Science and Technology have successfully commanded the pigeons to fly in different directions using computer signals. This technology has raised questions about its potential use for espionage and surveillance. However, concerns have also been raised about the ethical implications and potential harm to the birds.
  • #1
Newbie says Hi
There were bat bombs in WWII, Acoustic Kitty thanks to that other government agency, dolphins de-mining harbors, robotic mice to help search and resue, and now China brings the world...

According to the article:
Scientists in eastern China say they have succeeded in controlling the flight of pigeons with micro electrodes planted in their brains, state media reported on Tuesday.

Scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Centre at Shandong University of Science and Technology said their electrodes could command them to fly right or left or up or down, Xinhua news agency said.

"The implants stimulate different areas of the pigeon's brain, according to signals sent by the scientists via computer and force the bird to comply with their commands," Xinhua said.


If China publically has this, makes you wonder what the CIA already had?

Everytime I see any bird pearching near a white house window, I'm going to wonder...
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  • #2
Now if it can perfect robo-humans we won't see a repeat of Tiananmen square:smile:
  • #3
We could use these pigeons to investigate the happenings of area 51.

Wonder how the security at the base would defend against such an intel nightmare.
  • #4
I guess it would be impractical, imagine a pigeon with a wireless camera on it.
Like writing on your forehead "I'm a spy"
  • #5
ziad1985 said:
I guess it would be impractical, imagine a pigeon with a wireless camera on it.
Like writing on your forehead "I'm a spy"

Remember how small cameras are these days, not only that but the Russians developed a tiny non electrical device that when radio waves were bounced off it, it could pick up sound. Those bugs remained undetected for years during the cold war.

How about a Cockroach ala The Fifth Element, or a fly?

Who cares about area 51, let's put fly spies in Iran and China and North Korea :smile:
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  • #6
The photograph in the Reuters report looked quite grim. Not sure what the end goal of this research is, I thought that neural implants had been pretty much dismissed due to everybodies brain being wired slightly differently.

How many Pidgeons found that pain receptors were triggered rather than flight muscles?

I'm all for injecting fluffy bunnies with drugs to cure diseases, but I'm not sure where this sort of research is taking us.
  • #7
It makes me wonder what the limits are for this technology.

As for the pigeons and where the research is taking us: Remote controlled poop dive-bombers.
  • #8
I don't know something tell me that it won't work.
But if it can be done, then I guess the Chinese already have all the info they would ever spy there way into..
  • #9
ziad1985 said:
I don't know something tell me that it won't work.
But if it can be done, then I guess the Chinese already have all the info they would ever spy there way into..

No it's not possible atm, but who knows, I was joking around.:smile:
  • #10
How can such a diabolical instrument of government imagination be protected against? How do the secret service agents know that the birds or other wildlife in the lawn are not foreign agents? They don't really even need a camera on the bird, just a microphone and a ditigal recorder to gather information. And I doubt they are going to stop at pigeons, vultures for example would carry a more massive payload.
  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
As for the pigeons and where the research is taking us: Remote controlled poop dive-bombers.

Have we discovered which area of their brain controls sphincter release?
  • #12
control pigeons ? it's nothing , some people control human being for fun.

take a look at this:
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FAQ: Can China control pigeons with micro electrodes in their brains?

1. What are robo-pigeons?

Robo-pigeons are robotic devices that are designed to resemble and mimic the behavior of real pigeons. They are equipped with advanced technology such as sensors, cameras, and microchips, and are controlled remotely by humans.

2. Why did China create robo-pigeons?

The main reason behind China's creation of robo-pigeons is for security and surveillance purposes. These robotic birds can be used to monitor and gather information in areas that are difficult for humans to access, such as high-rise buildings or remote locations.

3. How are robo-pigeons different from drones?

Unlike drones, robo-pigeons are designed to blend in with their surroundings and are less noticeable to humans. They also have the ability to fly and maneuver like real pigeons, making them more discreet and effective for surveillance purposes.

4. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding the use of robo-pigeons?

Yes, there are ethical concerns surrounding the use of robo-pigeons. Some people argue that the use of these robotic birds for surveillance goes against privacy rights and can potentially be abused for government control. There are also concerns about the potential harm to real birds or the environment if these devices malfunction or are left unattended.

5. What other potential applications do robo-pigeons have?

Apart from security and surveillance, robo-pigeons can also be used for tasks such as search and rescue operations, delivery of small items, and environmental monitoring. The advanced technology and maneuverability of these devices make them versatile for various purposes.
