What's your JFQ (Junk Food Quotient)?

In summary, In response to the question, "How many of these have you eaten?" the person has eaten most of the items on the list, with the exception of the fried pork rinds and moon pies. They have also eaten a pizza with pepperoni as an ingredient.

Which of these have you eaten?

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  • #1
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How many of these have you eaten?

http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2104472_2104473_2104484,00.html?hpt=hp_t3 (time.com)

I've eaten most of these more times than I can count. I've eaten Snickers and Moon Pies a few times. I've never eaten fried pork rinds, even though they're a staple down here in the South. (I'm not from the South originally, which probably explains that. I never eat okra, either. )

So that makes my JFQ = 9.
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  • #2
Oh I just failed completely, I read for some reason which have you not eaten...
  • #3
You mean, ever, in my life, or within the last year?

I have had a bite of twinkie, but could never eat an entire one, ever. So, is that a no?

Ok, to be more difficult, I've never eaten a pizza with just pepperoni (and cheese), but I've had pizzas where pepperoni was an ingredient. I usually pull the pepperoni off along with italian sausage, and I mop the pizza with napkins. Greasy pizzas throw me into a gall bladder attack.

Should I just not respond? :redface:
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  • #4
Evo said:
You mean, ever, in my life, or within the last year?
I think it's all at once. I get a 9 because strictly speaking, I never had a chipwich. But I have had similar snacks.
  • #5
Jimmy Snyder said:
I think it's all at once. I get a 9 because strictly speaking, I never had a chipwich. But I have had similar snacks.
I don't even know what a chipwich is.

Wow, I sound horrible.

Someone just shoot me.
  • #6
Ok, I've answered based on "ever in my life".
  • #7
Evo said:
I don't even know what a chipwich is.
It' a round ice cream sandwich with chocolate chips around the outside edge. There's a picture of it in the OP's link.
  • #8
Jimmy Snyder said:
It' a round ice cream sandwich with chocolate chips around the outside edge. There's a picture of it in the OP's link.
Ah, never eaten one. Thanks.

I was thinking of a bologna sandwich with potato chips inside, now THAT, I've eaten.
  • #9
I interpreted the poll to mean "have eaten and liked." I tried a couple cheese puffs long ago, and did not like them, so I did not vote for them.
  • #10
I feel deprived. I have never seen Chipwiches or Moon Pies. Within the last four days, I have had Doritos and McDonalds' fries.
  • #11
9. Never heard of a Chipwich either and had an initial thought similar to Evo. It's on my bucket list now. :biggrin:
  • #12
George Jones said:
I feel deprived. I have never seen Chipwiches or Moon Pies.
LOL... those are the only two things on the list that I've never eaten (nor seen) also. I've jammed down everything else.
  • #13
5, I've never eaten Twinkies, Cheese Puffs, Moon Pie, Chipwich or Fried Pork Rinds. But I am Canadian so perhaps these things aren't as popular up here.
  • #14
jtbell said:
How many of these have you eaten?

http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2104472_2104473_2104484,00.html?hpt=hp_t3 (time.com)

I've eaten most of these more times than I can count. I've eaten Snickers and Moon Pies a few times. I've never eaten fried pork rinds, even though they're a staple down here in the South. (I'm not from the South originally, which probably explains that. I never eat okra, either. )

So that makes my JFQ = 9.

I object. There is no expriation date! I've eaten most of these but nothing in two years. So my JFQ is 0.

There was no option for none of the above either. :biggrin:
  • #15
okay wait, I have had pepperoni pizza but with a cauliflower crust, which according to my diet plan isn't junk food.

Too much salt though! Bleh. I use so little salt now that pizza is almost too much to handle. That may be why I haven't made any in a year or so now.
  • #16
jtbell said:
How many of these have you eaten?

http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2104472_2104473_2104484,00.html?hpt=hp_t3 (time.com)

I've eaten most of these more times than I can count. I've eaten Snickers and Moon Pies a few times. I've never eaten fried pork rinds, even though they're a staple down here in the South. (I'm not from the South originally, which probably explains that. I never eat okra, either. )

So that makes my JFQ = 9.

Same here. I may have eaten a pork rind, but I really cannot be sure. I would only have eaten one if heavily inebriated.

Chipwiches are awesome! (Though they go by some other name around here.)
  • #17
KrisOhn said:
5, I've never eaten Twinkies, Cheese Puffs, Moon Pie, Chipwich or Fried Pork Rinds. But I am Canadian so perhaps these things aren't as popular up here.
Exactly the same but I'm British and only have a vague idea of what these things are.
  • #18
I may have had a Chipwich, but I don't remember. I have had an ice cream sandwich though.

Otherwise, in my lifetime, I've eaten 9 of the junkfoods.

I've had pepperoni pizza if that's all there is, but usually my minimum is pepperoni, black olives and mushrooms, and I'll add jalapenos if available.

University, Friday night dinner was beer and pizza or beer and hamburger.
  • #19
Chipwiches are amazingly good. I didn't know that's what they were called. I guess I don't read labels anymore, I just buy what I want from just looking at the picture.

Only thing on that list I haven't had is pork rinds. And now that I'm a vegetarian, I probably never will. I don't need to eat fried pork fat anyway.

Nowadays junk food to me is a bowl of Raisin Bran cereal.
  • #20
Woot! I aced this test. 100%. I must be a genius!
  • #21
If you think fried pork rinds are disgusting, try pickled pig lips. :eek:


For a long time, we had a store just outside of town that claimed to be their "home", but it closed and was torn down a few years ago. (Not the store shown in the video, BTW.)
  • #22
Ryan_m_b said:
Exactly the same but I'm British and only have a vague idea of what these things are.

  • #23
They can't be worse than chicken lips.
  • #24
In the last 10 years or so, I have had some Doritos, though not recently. That's about it. My intake of junk food is almost non-existent.
  • #25
xxChrisxx said:

I'm also a Brit, and I've never come across Twinkies, Moon Pie, or Chipwich. There are still a few bits of American "culture" that you haven't managed to export to the rest of the world!
  • #26
xxChrisxx said:
Why on Earth would you think that's a lie :confused: you can't get any of these things regularly in the UK and even if you did find some in a rare American shop few British people would know what they were.
  • #27
A rose by any other name.

Have you never eaten a wagon wheel? They're kinda big and kinda round.

Also, just incase you didn't get it. It was in jest.
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  • #28
greasy pizzas are the best pizzas

deliciousness ∝ greasiness
  • #29
Duke is wiped out. I took him to visit his friend Max this morning, and they ran really hard. If I had a few more dogs like Duke, I'd have to consider getting a sled and becoming a musher.
  • #30
turbo said:
Duke is wiped out. I took him to visit his friend Max this morning, and they ran really hard. If I had a few more dogs like Duke, I'd have to consider getting a sled and becoming a musher.

A bit out of place, but what's life without a little disorder!

I'm ashamed to say I've had six of these many times, though only a couple recently.
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  • #31
Hmmm, I know I haven't had Moon Pie, Chipwich, or fried pork rinds. Never heard of a chipwich. Most iconic huh?

Edit: OOOOOOHHHHHHH a chipwich! Sure those are great!
  • #32
Where my kids grew up, one of the great unhealthy foods was on the table most mornings: green chile bacon.

Fry one pound (yep one pound) in a large skillet. When the bacon is crispy done you pour off lots of grease, and throw in a cup of roasted green chile. Cook long enough to get the chile hot.

If you do it right the bacon is still crunchy with a great green chile flavor , and the green chile itself is wonderful on eggs. I don't want to think about the consequences on my blood lipids...

Green chile is no way realted to the reddish brown stuff people everywhere associate with chile.

If this sounds odd, this is New Mexico. That alone makes it odd. Chile is Capsicum spp. pods harvested green, not beans, tomato sauce, hamburger, and hot sauce. That is chile mac or Texas chile.
  • #33
turbo said:
Duke is wiped out. I took him to visit his friend Max this morning, and they ran really hard. If I had a few more dogs like Duke, I'd have to consider getting a sled and becoming a musher.
Oops! wrong thread. My apologies.
  • #34
I have tried all but the chipwich. I will not eat Twinkies, or Moonpies again, once was enough. The dissolution of Hostess is not a big deal for me. Doritos I can take or leave, generally leave.

I love Snickers and doughnuts. (not at the same time!)
  • #35
I thought it was a choose your favorite, opps didn't read first; just voted.

Semantics aside, I've had everything on the list. Even pork rinds, which I thought must have gone bad. After being sampled by an experienced pork rind snacker was assured that is how they are supposed to taste.

Was then horrified to see pork rinds are actually made with pork.

Chipwich = ice cream cookie probably the best!

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