Is Israeli Action in the Conflict Creating More Terrorists?

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  • Thread starter Hurkyl
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of violence by both Israel and terrorist organizations, and the lack of action taken against these groups by other countries. The conversation also brings up the issue of proportionality of Israel's actions and how it may contribute to the cycle of violence. The speaker believes that there can never be peace while Israel continues to occupy the West Bank and Gaza.
  • #1
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They even managed to hurt more of their "own people" than their enemy, and they even did it as the Israelis were leaving.

Why is there even any doubt that these organizations need to be dealt with? Not just for the good of the Israelis, but for the good of the Palestinians too.
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  • #2
I wonder, where did you get the idea that anyone doesn't want such organisations dealt with?
  • #3
Your one sided attacks against Israel without ne'er a mention of those organizations or the countries who sponsor them. That's where.
  • #4
kat said:
Your one sided attacks against Israel without ne'er a mention of those organizations or the countries who sponsor them. That's where.

I believe I have mentioned my opinion of terrorist groups in the past. If other readers are ill-informed, and too lazy to read all relevant information, it's hardly my fault. Grow up.
  • #5
Lol, riiiiight.
  • #6
Adam said:
I wonder, where did you get the idea that anyone doesn't want such organisations dealt with?

Because when we proposed that the last resolution condemning Israel should condemn hamas for their suicide bombings, EVERY OTHER member of the security council vetoed or abstained.
  • #7
phatmonky said:
Because when we proposed that the last resolution condemning Israel should condemn hamas for their suicide bombings, EVERY OTHER member of the security council vetoed or abstained.

Which one was that then? ANyway it is very rare, esp for the security council to condemn groups that aren't represnetives of a government as they are not bound by the UN charter. Israel has alos used this is in the past as a mealy-mouthed way of avoiding their UNSC mandated obligations by citing the failure of other groups to live up to the same resolutions meaning that most countries are reluctant to have UNSC reslutions that ask for action of Israel and Palestinain groups in the same resoltuions.
  • #8
Also note in the lastest attack they were atatcking a legitmate miltary target as indeed they did when they ambushed the soldiers. This can only be seen as a turen for a bettre as few would deny an occupied country the right to use deadly forvce against soldiers and settlers.
  • #9
jcsd said:
Which one was that then? ANyway it is very rare, esp for the security council to condemn groups that aren't represnetives of a government as they are not bound by the UN charter. Israel has alos used this is in the past as a mealy-mouthed way of avoiding their UNSC mandated obligations by citing the failure of other groups to live up to the same resolutions meaning that most countries are reluctant to have UNSC reslutions that ask for action of Israel and Palestinain groups in the same resoltuions.

I don't remember the number.It was very recent. We responded with a veto to the condemnation of Israel only.
At this point, I'm fairly apathetic to any reasoning on WHY no one wants to condemen the terrorist groups and Israel at once. They both need it, and if this whole situation is only going to be politics then I care even less.

Either way, the question to me was "where did you get the idea that anyone doesn't want such organisations dealt with". The inaction on everyone's part but Israel says that is the case to me.
  • #10
The problem is that Israel's action is disproportionate, 13 of their soldiers die so they kill 41 people including at at a peaceful protest and 3 children shot in cold blood by snipers and demolish dozens of houses, a lot of them just to widen the streets to allow their tanks to go down them.

It's actions like these that only serve to create more terrorists you'd be a liar if you were a Palestinain after everything the Israelis have done to them over the years, you would not feel sympathetic to the suicide bombers.

There can never be peace will Israel is occupying the Wset Bank and Gaza because it is natural for people to fight occupation with any means they have. The terrorism situation was never anything approaching as bad as it is was in the 30 years of occupation before the current intifada and in those in those 30 years the occupation the Israelis never tried to justify the occupation by citing terrorism until now. Israel had many long years to leave the Gaza and the West Bank of it's own accord.

FAQ: Is Israeli Action in the Conflict Creating More Terrorists?

1. What is a suicide bombing?

A suicide bombing is a form of terrorist attack in which the perpetrator detonates an explosive device, typically strapped to their body, in a public place with the intent to cause harm and inflict fear.

2. How common are suicide bombings?

Unfortunately, suicide bombings have become more prevalent in recent years, particularly in regions of political or religious conflict. According to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, there were over 2,000 suicide attacks worldwide between 2000 and 2017.

3. How do suicide bombings cause injury?

The explosive device used in a suicide bombing can cause physical harm through direct impact, shrapnel from the device, and blast pressure. Injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe burns, fractures, and internal injuries.

4. What are the long-term effects of a suicide bombing injury?

The long-term effects of a suicide bombing injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Physical injuries may require ongoing medical treatment and could lead to disabilities. There may also be long-lasting psychological effects, such as PTSD, for both the victims and witnesses of the attack.

5. How can we prevent suicide bombings?

Preventing suicide bombings involves a multifaceted approach, including increased security measures and addressing the underlying causes of terrorism. This may include addressing political and social grievances, promoting tolerance and understanding, and improving access to mental health resources for potential perpetrators.

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