Representations of the lorentz group

In summary, the Lorentz group doesn't have an addition operation, so under multiplication of two elements of the Lorentz group, the result is not an element of the group.
  • #1
I'm very very very confused and extremely thick.

If [itex] \Lambda_i [/itex] is some element of the Lorentz group and [itex] \Lambda_j [/itex] is another, different element of the group then under multiplication...

[itex] \Lambda_i \Lambda_j [/itex] is also an element of the Lorentz group, say

[itex] \Lambda_i \Lambda_j =c_{ij}^k\Lambda_k[/itex]

where [itex] c_{ij}^k [/itex] has value 1 for one unique combination of i,j and k and 0 for the others and with a sum over k.

Now I appreciate the i,j and k should be continuous but for the moment assume they are discrete because it's easier. i,j and k run over all the integers because there are infinitely many elements of the group.

How the hell do I find the [itex] c_{ij}^k [/itex]? I have absolutely no idea. My knowledge of rep theory is **** poor.
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  • #2
bartadam said:
I'm very very very confused and extremely thick.
You seem to have omitted something crucially important. In particular

where [itex] c_{ij}^k [/itex] has value 1 for one unique combination of i,j and k and 0 for the others and with a sum over k.
the Lorentz group doesn't have an addition operation. So, on the surface at least, this makes no sense...
  • #3
No no, that's ok because the [itex]C_{ij}^k [/itex] is one for only one combination of i,j and k, and 0 for all others

So infact there is no summation.

The reason I have done this that way is because of what I intend to do with the C's afterwards.

This was my supervisor's idea and he made that explicitly clear, that it's very tempting to think of this as summation over the group, when infact it isn't

Hope that's clear. Thanks in advance for any help.
  • #4
Okay, so c is really nothing more than the multiplication table? Or more precisely, if you view the graph of the multiplication operator as a subset of [itex]G^2 \times G[/itex], c is its characteristic function.

If so, I don't understand what you're asking.
  • #5
Yes, I guess so.

I should say I have tried to think about this in simpler terms for SU(2) where


sigma are the pauli matrices but I am confused there too.
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  • #6
Based on your notation, it looks like you want to talk about not the Lorentz group itself, but the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. This is the space of infinitesimal transformations, ie, transformations [itex]\Lambda^\mu_\nu[/itex] of the form:

[tex] \Lambda^\mu_\nu = \delta^\mu_\nu + \epsilon \omega^\mu_\nu [/tex]

where [itex]\epsilon[/itex] is thought of as a fixed, very small number. Studying these infinitesimal transformations tells you a lot about the group, and is often easier than studying the group itself. The [itex]\omega^\mu_\nu[/itex] can be added and multiplied by scalars, so form a vector space, and if we pick a basis [itex]\omega_i[/itex], we can write (this is the standard notation):

[tex] [\omega_i, \omega_j ] = f_{ij}^k \omega_k [/tex]

where the LHS is what is called the commutator: it is roughly the difference between the element you get by applying [itex]\omega_i[/itex] then [itex]\omega_j[/itex] and the element you get by applying them in the reverse order. These dozen or so constants [itex]f_{ij}^k[/itex] actually tell you everything there is to know about the group (up to some large scale topological things).

Anyway, I don't know if this is actually what you're talking about, but since the notation is so similar, maybe this is what your supervisor meant. Because it makes very little sense for you to write things that way if the [itex]\Lambda_i[/itex] really are (non-infinitesimal) Lorentz transformations. For one thing, there are uncountably many of those, so you can't index them by the integers.
  • #7
Ok thanks status x, don't worry about it, that's not what I meant at all.

FAQ: Representations of the lorentz group

1. What is the Lorentz group?

The Lorentz group is a mathematical concept that describes the symmetries of space and time in special relativity. It includes rotations in three-dimensional space and boosts, which represent the effects of relative motion between observers.

2. How are representations of the Lorentz group used in physics?

Representations of the Lorentz group are used in physics to describe the behavior of particles and fields in special relativity. They are also used in the study of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, where they play a crucial role in understanding the properties of particles and their interactions.

3. What is the difference between the defining representations and the spinor representations of the Lorentz group?

The defining representations of the Lorentz group are the most basic and fundamental representations, and they are used to describe physical quantities such as position and momentum. The spinor representations, on the other hand, are used to describe the intrinsic spin of particles and the behavior of fermions. They are related to the defining representations through a mathematical transformation.

4. How are representations of the Lorentz group related to symmetry breaking?

In physics, symmetry breaking refers to situations where a system has a higher symmetry at the fundamental level, but the observed behavior does not exhibit this symmetry. This is often seen in the context of particle physics, where the underlying symmetries of the laws of nature are broken at the level of observed particles and their interactions. Representations of the Lorentz group play a key role in understanding this phenomenon and its implications.

5. What are some applications of representations of the Lorentz group outside of physics?

Representations of the Lorentz group have applications in various fields outside of physics, including mathematics, engineering, and computer science. They are used in the study of geometric transformations, such as rotations and reflections, and in the development of algorithms for image processing and pattern recognition. They also have applications in crystallography and the study of fluid dynamics.

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