Infinite wires with current, magnetic field vector

In summary, the problem involves finding the magnetic field vector at point A, which is located at the center of a triangle formed by three infinitely long straight wires carrying current I. Using the Biot-Savart law and the symmetry of the wires, we can derive the expression for the magnetic field at a point perpendicular to a wire segment of length L. We then use this result for each of the three wires, taking into account their directions and distances from point A. By doing so, we can determine the net magnetic field at point A.
  • #1

Homework Statement

three infinitely long straight wires are arranged in a plane as shown at the left. what is the magnetic field vector at point A(see attach.)? all wires carry current I

Homework Equations

F = IL X B where x indicates cross product, I is current, L is length, B is magnetic field

magnetic field, biot-savart law, B = mu_0/4pi[integral(IdL/r^2)] where mu_0 is constant = 4pi*10^-7, dL is change in length, r is radius/distance, I is current

The Attempt at a Solution

not too sure about how to start, this is what i am thinking of:

first, determine the net magnetic field at the center of the triangle formed by the three wires, and then use the distance from the center of that triangle to point a, as value r in the biot-savart equation.

i have a feeling that since the problem asks for a vector, i need to analyze each wire individually based on their direction, is this a correct assumption?

help appreciated


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  • #2
The wires actually follow the sides and diagonal of a square, which means we can take advantage of some symmetry for this (though not in an obvious way).

What you'll need to derive is the expression for the magnetic field at a point at a perpendicular distance r from the midpoint of a current-carrying wire segment of length L. You use Biot-Savart and the integration is symmetrical around the midpoint of the wire.

You would then use your result for three fields:

1) for the wire on the "vertical" side of the square, you use half your result for a point at a distance a from a segment of length a ;

2) for the "horizontal" side of the square, you use the same value as in (1) above ; and

3) for the diagonal, use the full field value for a point
a/sqrt(2) away from a wire of length a·sqrt(2), but with the field direction pointing the other way. (Use the right-hand rule for the three segments to see why the parts add this way.)

If the magnetic field for a wire segment is already derived in your book, you can just use it; otherwise, the integration isn't too bad...
  • #3

Your approach is a good starting point. Yes, you will need to analyze each wire individually to determine the direction of the magnetic field vector at point A.

To do this, you can use the right-hand rule. For each wire, point your right thumb in the direction of the current and your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field. This will give you the direction of the magnetic field vector at point A for each wire.

Next, you can use the Biot-Savart law to calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field at point A for each wire. Remember to take into account the distance between each wire and point A.

Finally, you can use vector addition to find the net magnetic field at point A by adding the individual magnetic field vectors from each wire. This will give you the final answer for the magnetic field vector at point A.

It's important to note that the magnetic field at point A will be a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. So make sure to include both in your final answer.

FAQ: Infinite wires with current, magnetic field vector

1. What is an infinite wire with current?

An infinite wire with current is a hypothetical situation where a wire is infinitely long and carries a steady flow of electric current. This is often used in theoretical calculations in electromagnetism.

2. What is the magnetic field vector of an infinite wire with current?

The magnetic field vector of an infinite wire with current is a vector quantity that represents the strength and direction of the magnetic field produced by the wire. It is perpendicular to the direction of the current flow and follows the right-hand rule.

3. How does the magnetic field vector change with distance from the infinite wire?

The magnetic field vector follows an inverse relationship with distance from the infinite wire. As the distance increases, the strength of the magnetic field decreases. However, the direction of the magnetic field remains the same.

4. Can an infinite wire with current produce a uniform magnetic field?

No, an infinite wire with current cannot produce a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic field strength decreases with distance, so it is not constant throughout space. However, the magnetic field may appear uniform over a small region close to the wire.

5. How is the magnetic field vector affected by changing the current in the infinite wire?

The magnetic field vector is directly proportional to the current in the infinite wire. As the current increases, the strength of the magnetic field also increases. Similarly, decreasing the current will result in a weaker magnetic field.
