Torque on a Turbine, Air Breathing Rocket Engine

In summary, the conversation discusses a research project on air breathing rocket engines, specifically focusing on the expanding fluid in the turbine and how to calculate torque in this situation. The concept of work done by expanding gases is mentioned as a potential solution to this problem.
  • #1
Hi All,

I'm a junior in HS. I have a research project due this semester for Physics B (first year introductory college physics).
Last semester I did some research on boundary layers, friction loss in pipes.
This semester I've decided to do some investigation on air breathing rocket engines.

The particular one I'm looking at (sorry, no idea what its called) uses a cryogenic fuel to absorb heat from the airframe of the craft moving at high speed. The fuel (e.g. Methane, H2) vaporizes and expands, driving a turbine, which is connected to a driveshaft which turns a compressor. This compressor compresses air with the fuel and ignites the mixture in a combustion chamber / rocket engine.

My primary concern is the expanding fluid in the turbine.

The rotor is a centrifugal turbine, I'm not sure what its called exactly, (but it's not an axial flow turbine). The methane enters one stage near the center at radius r1, and exits at the edge at r2.

From the equation of continuity: a1*v1 = a2*v2
a=cross sectional area between blades
v=velocity at r1 or r2

And torque on the turbine, T = w/g (r1V1*cos(α1)-r2V2*cos(α2))

Many equations I've looked at, including a1v1 =a2v2, don't mention situations where the fluid expands.

My problem is figuring out the torque on the turbine imparted by the expanding methane fuel. How do I calculate torque if the fluid is expanding?

Thanks for the help!

(And sorry if the answer is all too obvious)
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  • #2
I think the equation that you show,
T = w/g (r1V1*cos(α1)-r2V2*cos(α2))
is still valid regardless of expansion,
It is called the Euler turbine equation I know it better as;

T = Qm * (Vt2*R2-Vt1*R1)
T = Torque
Qm = (Rho * A * V) = mass flow at either inlet or outlet
Vt = Tangential velocity
Note that 'slip' is not taken into account here.

when the fluid in compressible then the continuity equation simply becomes.
Rho * A * V = constant
I believe Fred Garvin might know this one best.

Good luck, Jaap
  • #3

Hi there,

It's great to see you taking on a challenging research project for your Physics class! Investigating air breathing rocket engines sounds like a really interesting topic.

As for your question about calculating torque when the fluid is expanding, you may want to consider looking into the principles of thermodynamics and specifically the concept of work done by expanding gases. When a gas expands, it does work on its surroundings and this work can be calculated using the equation W = PΔV, where P is the pressure of the gas and ΔV is the change in volume of the gas.

In the case of your turbine, the expanding methane fuel is doing work on the blades of the turbine, which in turn causes them to rotate and generate torque. So, to calculate the torque, you would need to know the pressure of the expanding gas and the change in volume of the gas as it passes through the turbine.

I hope this helps and good luck with your project! Don't hesitate to ask for more clarification if needed.

FAQ: Torque on a Turbine, Air Breathing Rocket Engine

1. What is torque and why is it important for a turbine?

Torque is a measure of the rotational force applied to an object. In the case of a turbine, torque is important because it is what drives the rotation of the blades and ultimately generates power.

2. How does torque affect the performance of an air breathing rocket engine?

Torque plays a crucial role in the performance of an air breathing rocket engine. It determines the rate at which the engine can produce thrust, which directly impacts its acceleration and overall efficiency.

3. What factors influence the amount of torque produced by a turbine?

The amount of torque produced by a turbine is influenced by several factors, including the size and shape of the blades, the speed at which the blades are rotating, and the density and temperature of the fluid (air or gas) passing through the turbine.

4. How is torque measured and calculated in a turbine?

Torque is typically measured using a device called a torque sensor, which is attached to the rotating shaft of the turbine. The torque can then be calculated by multiplying the force applied to the sensor by the distance from the center of rotation to the point where the force is applied.

5. What are some common applications of torque on a turbine in air breathing rocket engines?

Torque is crucial in many aspects of air breathing rocket engine design and operation. It is used to determine the necessary size and shape of turbine blades, to optimize the flow of air or gas through the engine, and to ensure the engine can withstand the stress and forces produced during operation.
