Showing A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind Cut

  • Thread starter samkolb
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In summary: Then, for any [itex]\epsilon> 0[/itex], [itex]x- \epsilon< x[/itex]. From the above, [itex](x- \epsilon)^3= x^3- 3x^2\epsilon+ 3x\epsilon^2- \epsilon^3< x^3< 2[/itex] as long as [itex]3x^2 \epsilon- 3x\epsilon^2+ \epsilon^3< x^3/3[/itex]. Now, for any [itex]0< \epsilon< 1[/itex], [itex]3x^2
  • #1
How do I show that A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind cut.

Here is the definition I am working with.

A subset A of Q is a Dedekind cut if and only if A satisfies the
following 3 properties:

(i) A is a proper nonempty subset of Q.
(ii) If r is in A, s in Q, and s<r, then s is in A.
(iii) A contains no greatest rational.

I showed that A satisfies (i) and (ii). I noticed that 5/4 is in A
and I tried to find a rational greater than 5/4 whose cube is less
than 2. I looked at the sequence (5n+1)/4n, and I found that n=26
works. That is, (4/5)<(131/104) and (131/104)^3 < 2.

So I think that if a/b is any rational with b>0 and (a/b)^3 < 2, then
there should be some positive integer n such that [(an+1)/bn]^3 < 2. But I don't know
how to show that this n exists.

I tried contradiction:
Let a/b be in A with b>0 , and assume that [(an+1)/bn]^3 >= 2 for all
positive n. Then (a/b)^3 < 2 <= [(an+1)/bn]^3 for all positive n. I
think this may imply that 2^(1/3) is rational, which I know is not true.

Am I on the right track?
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  • #2
I would start with some specific numbers. Since the cube root of 2 is approximately 1.26 (from a calculator) note that 1.253= 1.953125< 2 so 1.25 is in the set. On the other hand 1.263= 2.000376> 2 so 1.26 is not in the set.

The point of that is that any r in the set that is less than 1.25 has 1.25 larger so if there were a largest member it would have to be between 1.25 and 1.26. Let [itex]\delta= 2- x^3[/itex]. Since 1.253= 1.953125, [itex]\delta< 2- 1.95325= 0.045875[/itex].

Now, try to find some number, n (a positive integer just for simplicity) so that [itex](x+ \delta/n)^3= x^3+ 3(\delta/n)x^2+ 3(\delta/n)^2 x+ (\delta/n)^3= x^3+ \delta(3x^2/n+ 3\delta x/n^2+ \delta^2/n^3)< 2[/itex]
Remembering the bounds on the sized for x and [itex]\delta[/itex] that should be easy.

Proof by contradiction: Suppose there were some number, x, which were the largest member of {x| x3< 2}. That, as above, [itex]1.25< x< 1.27

Related to Showing A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind Cut

1. What is a Dedekind Cut?

A Dedekind Cut is a mathematical concept introduced by German mathematician Richard Dedekind. It is a partition of a set of numbers into two non-empty subsets, such that all the numbers in the first subset are less than all the numbers in the second subset. This is used to construct the real number system from the rational numbers.

2. How do you show that A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind Cut?

To show that A is a Dedekind Cut, we need to prove two properties: 1) A is non-empty, and 2) A is a proper subset of Q. We can do this by first proving that √2 is an upper bound for A, and then showing that for any rational number x < √2, there exists a rational number y such that x < y < √2. This will prove that A is a proper subset of Q and therefore a Dedekind Cut.

3. What is the significance of showing that A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind Cut?

Showing that A is a Dedekind Cut is significant because it helps us to understand the real number system and its construction from the rational numbers. It also allows us to prove important properties of the real numbers, such as the completeness property.

4. Can you give an example of a number in A={r in Q: r^3<2}?

One example of a number in A is √2 - 1, since (√2 - 1)^3 = √2^3 - 3√2^2 + 3√2 - 1 = 2√2 - 3√2 + 3√2 - 1 = 2 - 3 + 3 - 1 = 1 < 2.

5. How does showing that A={r in Q: r^3<2} is a Dedekind Cut relate to the cube root of 2?

Showing that A is a Dedekind Cut is directly related to the cube root of 2 because A is defined as the set of rational numbers whose cubes are less than 2. This means that A contains all the rational numbers whose cube is less than the cube root of 2. Therefore, showing that A is a Dedekind Cut is equivalent to showing that the cube root of 2 is a well-defined number in the real number system.

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