Solution to Legendre equation in trig form

In summary, the general solution for the given question can be expressed as y(cos(theta)) = C P_2 (cos(theta)) + D Q_2 (cos(theta)), where n = 2 and 0<= theta < 2Pi. However, for theta = 0, Q_2 is undefined so D = 0, leading to the solution y(cos(theta)) = (C/2) (cos^2(theta) - 1). The 2pi periodic solution can then be expressed as y(cos(theta)) = (C/2) (cos^2(theta) - 1).
  • #1
hey guys,

I've been trying to solve this question,

so the general solution would be

y(cos(theta)) = C Pn(cos(theta)) + D Qn(cos(theta)) right?

and since n = 2 in this case

y(cos(theta)) = C P_2 (cos(theta)) + D Q_2 (cos(theta))

and 0<= theta < 2Pi

But when theta = 0, cos(theta) = 1 and Q_2 is undefined, so D = 0,

so y(cos(theta)) = C P_2 (cos(theta)) = (C/2) (cos^2(theta) - 1)


y(cos(0))=y(1) = C P_2(1) = C = ?

So would the 2pi periodic solution be

y(cos(theta)) = (C/2) (cos^2(theta) - 1) ?

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  • #2
You should have ##P_2(x) = \frac{1}{2}(3x^2 - 1)##, but otherwise your work looks fine.

FAQ: Solution to Legendre equation in trig form

What is the Legendre equation in trigonometric form?

The Legendre equation in trigonometric form is a second-order differential equation that is used to solve for the Legendre polynomials. These polynomials are commonly used in many areas of mathematics, including physics and engineering.

How do you solve the Legendre equation in trigonometric form?

To solve the Legendre equation in trigonometric form, you can use various techniques such as power series, Frobenius method, or the trigonometric expansion method. The specific method used will depend on the initial conditions and the form of the equation.

What are the applications of the Legendre equation in trigonometric form?

The Legendre equation in trigonometric form is used in many fields of mathematics and science, including physics, engineering, and statistics. It is especially useful in solving boundary value problems and describing physical phenomena such as electromagnetic fields and quantum mechanics.

What are the properties of the solutions to the Legendre equation in trigonometric form?

The solutions to the Legendre equation in trigonometric form, also known as Legendre functions, have many important properties. These include orthogonality, completeness, and recurrence relations. These properties make the Legendre functions valuable in solving various mathematical problems.

Are there any real-life examples of the Legendre equation in trigonometric form?

Yes, the Legendre equation in trigonometric form has many real-life applications. One example is in the study of heat transfer, where it is used to describe the temperature distribution in a circular disk. It is also used in geophysics to model the Earth's gravitational field and in signal processing to analyze data in spherical coordinates.
