Continuity with piecewise functions.

In summary: PIn summary, the conversation discusses the continuity of two functions. The first function has a discontinuity at x=0 due to a jump in the graph, while the second function has a hole at x=0. The first function has an infinite discontinuity as there is an infinite number of points between -1 and 1 that are undefined, while the second function has a finite discontinuity as there is only one point that is discontinuous. The conversation also mentions three types of discontinuity: hole, jump, and infinite.
  • #1
I have two problems.. I'll put them both here, and show my work on both of them.

1. Is this function continuous on [-1, 1]?
f(x) =
x / |x| , x does not equal 0
0 , x = 0

After graphing this function, the first statement gives y = -1 for all x < 0, and y = 1 for all x > 0. The second statement makes y = 0 when x = 0. Putting everything together, y values are defined at -1, 0, 1, but nothing in-between. Does this make the function not continuous because of the jumping at x = 0?
Discuss the continuity of the function g:
g(x) =
sin x / x , for x does not equal 0
1/2 , for x = 0

There is a hole in the graph at x = 0 (for the first statement), but the second statement defines x = 0 to be 1/2, it's just lower than the curve in the first statement. Would this be a continuous function or not?
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  • #2
There are two types of discontinuities but I'll get to that later. A function is discontinuous if you can't draw the entire graph without picking your pencil off the paper. In question 2, you say there's a point just below the rest of the graph. Clearly you can't draw the entire graph unless you pick up your pencil off the paper so it's discontinuous. The same goes for question 1.

The two questions have different types of discontinuities. In question 2, only 1 point is off of the rest of the graph. The point at x=0. In question one, you have an infinite number of points that are off the rest of the graph (in this case they just don't exist). There is an infinite number of points between -1 and 0 and between 0 and 1 (for example .01, .001, .009, etc are all undefined). Question 2 has a finite discontinuity because you can count how many points are off the rest of the graph. Question 1 has inifinite discontinuity.

The "picking up the pencil" explanation is just a simple way to think about it. You should really get used to thinking about it in terms of left and right sided limits but I assume you already learned that stuff.

EDIT: Hey sorry I misread something in question 1. There is only 1 point that is discontinuous so it has a finite discontinuity, not infinite as I first said.
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  • #3
steve23063 said:
There are two types of discontinuities but I'll get to that later. A function is discontinuous if you can't draw the entire graph without picking your pencil off the paper. In question 2, you say there's a point just below the rest of the graph. Clearly you can't draw the entire graph unless you pick up your pencil off the paper so it's discontinuous. The same goes for question 1.

The two questions have different types of discontinuities. In question 2, only 1 point is off of the rest of the graph. The point at x=0. In question one, you have an infinite number of points that are off the rest of the graph (in this case they just don't exist). There is an infinite number of points between -1 and 0 and between 0 and 1 (for example .01, .001, .009, etc are all undefined). Question 2 has a finite discontinuity because you can count how many points are off the rest of the graph. Question 1 has inifinite discontinuity.

I think most people would consider at least 3 types of discontinuity, the first being a hole where a single point is missing from teh curve, nex being a jump discontinuity where the function seems to jump to a different function at some point (this is not the best way to explain this) and the third being an infinite discontinuity where the function is undefined at a point, typ[ically because of division by zero. Your analysis of question one seems correct, but at question 2 there are not an infinite number of discontinuities but only one at x equals 0, the function is continuous on either side of 0, but has a jump discontinuity at x=0. And the points corresponding to x= .01, .001, .009 all do exist so I'm not sure what you meant by that.
  • #4
d_leet said:
I think most people would consider at least 3 types of discontinuity, the first being a hole where a single point is missing from teh curve, nex being a jump discontinuity where the function seems to jump to a different function at some point (this is not the best way to explain this) and the third being an infinite discontinuity where the function is undefined at a point, typ[ically because of division by zero. Your analysis of question one seems correct, but at question 2 there are not an infinite number of discontinuities but only one at x equals 0, the function is continuous on either side of 0, but has a jump discontinuity at x=0. And the points corresponding to x= .01, .001, .009 all do exist so I'm not sure what you meant by that.

I think you misread what I typed :) . I wrote:
Question 2 has a finite discontinuity because you can count how many points are off the rest of the graph. Question 1 has inifinite discontinuity. Also the x=.01 and stuff was still referring to question 1. Sorry for the messiness. I should use more paragraphs :-p
  • #5
steve23063 said:
I think you misread what I typed :) . I wrote:
Question 2 has a finite discontinuity because you can count how many points are off the rest of the graph. Question 1 has inifinite discontinuity. Also the x=.01 and stuff was still referring to question 1. Sorry for the messiness. I should use more paragraphs :-p

What I said still stands but I said question one when I meant two and vice versa.

The function defined in question one IS defined for all values of x on [-1,1], but there is a jump discontinuity at x=0, it is not an infinite discontinuity.
  • #6
d_leet said:
What I said still stands but I said question one when I meant two and vice versa.

The function defined in question one IS defined for all values of x on [-1,1], but there is a jump discontinuity at x=0, it is not an infinite discontinuity.

Oh, really sorry. The original poster wrote: "y values are defined at -1, 0, 1, but nothing in-between." I wasn't paying attention and just noticed the words "nothing in-between" and ignored the [-1,1] domain info. Yes you're right and I'll edit my first post. It is a finite discontinuity

It's also 2AM. good night
  • #7
The definition of "continuous at x= a" is
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)= f(a)[/tex]

What are the limits of the functions in 1 and 2 as x goes to 0?
  • #8
thanks everyone... I was trying to do it without using limits because we haven't gotten there yet... (we're still in the introductory review chapter of the calculus book..).. I've done it with limits before in my high school calculus class, but we haven't gotten to it yet in this college calculus... But, I understand all of the explanations, thanks.
  • #9
Then what definition of "continuous" were you using?

FAQ: Continuity with piecewise functions.

1. What is a piecewise function?

A piecewise function is a mathematical function that is defined by different equations for different intervals or "pieces" of the domain. This means that the function's formula changes depending on which part of the domain the input falls into.

2. How do you determine continuity with piecewise functions?

In order for a piecewise function to be continuous, the function's value at the point where the two pieces meet must be equal to the limit of the function as it approaches that point from both directions. This means that the function's value and its limit must match for the function to be continuous.

3. What happens if a piecewise function is not continuous?

If a piecewise function is not continuous, it means that there is a "break" or "jump" in the graph at the point where the two pieces meet. This indicates that the function is not defined or does not have a value at that particular point.

4. Can a piecewise function be continuous at a point but not on its entire domain?

Yes, it is possible for a piecewise function to be continuous at a single point but not on its entire domain. This can occur if the function has a "break" or "jump" at a specific point, but is still continuous everywhere else.

5. How can piecewise functions be used in real-world applications?

Piecewise functions can be used to model real-world situations where the relationship between variables changes at certain points. For example, a piecewise function could be used to model the cost of a taxi ride, where the cost per mile changes after a certain distance is reached. They can also be used in engineering and economics to model complex systems with different rules or relationships for different scenarios.

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