How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for a Rectangular Sheet of Steel?

In summary, the given rectangular sheet of steel has dimensions of .3m by .4m and a mass of 24kg. To find the moment of inertia about an axis (a) through the center, parallel to the long sides, we use the integral expression I=2*k*L*[X^3/3]0,w/2, where k is the mass per unit area and w is the width of the sheet. This results in a moment of inertia of .18 kg.m^2. For an axis (b) through the center, parallel to the short sides, the same integral expression is used, resulting in a moment of inertia of .32 kg.m^2. To find the moment of inertia about an
  • #1
John O' Meara
A thin rectangular sheet of steel is .3m by .4m and has mass 24kg. Find the moment of inertia about an axis (a) through the center, parallel to the long sides; (b) through the center parallel to the short sides. (c) through the center, perpendicular to the plane.
(a) We divide the sheet into N very narrow strips parallel to the axis and of width deltaXi and length L=.4m. The mass of each strip is deltaMi and which is a distance Xi from the axis. Now
deltaMi = k*L*deltaXi,
where k is the mass per unit area. Substituting this value into the expression for I (rotational inertia)
I= Sum k*L*Xi^2*deltaXi = k*L*Sum Xi^2*deltaXi
If we now pass to the limit deltaX -> 0 and N -> infinity. So the above sum can be replaced by an integral =>
I=2*k*L*[X^3/3]0,w/2 the limits of integration => I= 2*w^2, where w=.3m : I=.18 kg.m^2
(b) is similar to (a); I= .32 kg.m^2
(c) for this section I need a drawing please, on how to integrate for I. Do I divide the sheet up into N thin strips con-centric with the axis of rotation
like I would for a solid disk or cylinder? Many Thanks.
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  • #2
a) and b) are correct, but your post is difficult to read. Check here:

For c), the easiest way is to use the perpendicular axis theorem. Which makes it trivial. If you don't know that, a simple double integral will do. The distance of a mass element to the axis is x^2+y^2, so :

[tex]I_z=\sigma\int \limits_{-a/2}^{a/2}\int \limits_{-b/2}^{b/2}(x^2+y^2)dxdy[/tex]

If you haven't had double integrals, you could also try adding the moments of inertia from each strip, like in parts a) and b), and use the parallel axis theorem to find these moments of inertia. If you don't know that theorem, brute force integration will give the same result.
Moral: Learn some 'tools of the trade' to make your life easy.
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  • #3

Yes, for part (c) you would divide the sheet into N thin strips concentric with the axis of rotation. Each strip would have a mass deltaMi and a distance Ri from the axis. The moment of inertia for each strip would be deltaIi = deltaMi*Ri^2. Then, by integrating over all the strips, the total moment of inertia would be given by the expression:
I= Sum deltaIi = Sum deltaMi*Ri^2 = k*Sum Ri^2*deltaRi, where k is the mass per unit area and deltaRi is the thickness of each strip. As before, passing to the limit of deltaRi -> 0 and N -> infinity, we can replace the sum with an integral:
I= k*Integral (0,R)[R^3]dR = k*[R^4/4]0,R = k*R^4/4, where R is the distance from the axis to the edge of the sheet. Substituting in the values for k and R, we get:
I= (24kg/(.3m*.4m))*(.4m)^4/4 = 6.4 kg.m^2
So the moment of inertia for the sheet about an axis perpendicular to the plane through its center would be 6.4 kg.m^2.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for a Rectangular Sheet of Steel?

1. What is rotational inertia?

Rotational inertia, also known as moment of inertia, is the resistance of an object to change its rotational motion. It is a measure of how difficult it is to change the rotational velocity of an object.

2. How is rotational inertia different from mass?

While mass is a measure of an object's resistance to linear motion, rotational inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It takes into account not only an object's mass, but also its distribution of mass relative to its axis of rotation.

3. What factors affect the rotational inertia of an object?

The rotational inertia of an object depends on its mass, the distribution of its mass, and the distance of the mass from the axis of rotation. Objects with larger mass, more spread out mass, or mass farther from the axis of rotation will have a higher rotational inertia.

4. How is rotational inertia calculated?

The rotational inertia of an object is calculated using the formula I = mr², where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass of the object, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation to the mass. This formula can be more complex for objects with non-uniform mass distributions.

5. Why is rotational inertia important?

Understanding rotational inertia is important in many fields of science and engineering, including mechanics, physics, and robotics. It helps us predict how objects will behave when rotating and how much force is needed to change their rotational motion. It also plays a crucial role in designing and building machines and systems that involve rotational motion.

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