How Do You Solve the Laplace Equation in a Semi-Infinite Strip?

  • Thread starter Benny
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In summary, the two-dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip has boundary conditions u(0,y) = 0, u(a,y) = 0 and u(x,0) = f(x) where f(x) is some prescribed function. With my limited experience in dealing with PDEs, I don't think there is enough information to even get to an expression for u(x,y) in terms of f(x), but I'll try this anyway. I get X''\left( x \right) + \lambda X\left( x \right) = 0 and X(0) = 0, X(a) = 0. The first BC implies that A
  • #1
Hi can someone please help me work through the following question. It is the two dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip.

\frac{{\partial ^2 u}}{{\partial x^2 }} + \frac{{\partial ^2 u}}{{\partial y^2 }} = 0,0 < x < a,0 < y < \infty

The boundary conditions along the edges are u(0,y) = 0, u(a,y) = 0 and u(x,0) = f(x) where f(x) is some prescribed function.

With my limited experience in dealing with PDEs at first glance I don't think there is enough information to even get to an expression for u(x,y) in terms of f(x) but I'll try this anyway.

Let [tex]u\left( {x,y} \right) = X\left( x \right)Y\left( y \right)[/tex] then

\frac{{X''\left( x \right)}}{{X\left( x \right)}} = - \frac{{Y''\left( y \right)}}{{Y\left( y \right)}} = - \lambda

I have set the separation constant to be negative lambda because the boundary conditions suggest that I'll first need to work with the ODE in X(x).

The ODE in X(x) I get is

[tex]X''\left( x \right) + \lambda X\left( x \right) = 0[/tex] with X(0) = 0, X(a) = 0.

Dirichlet BCs so lambda is positive which gives me

X\left( x \right) = A\cos \left( {\sqrt \lambda x} \right) + B\sin \left( {\sqrt \lambda x} \right)

The first BC implies A = 0 and avoiding trivial solutions the other BC yields the eigenvalues:

\lambda _n = \left( {\frac{{n\pi }}{a}} \right)^2
[/tex] where n is a natural number.

The corresponding eigenfunctions are [tex]X_n \left( x \right) = B\sin \left( {\frac{{n\pi x}}{a}} \right)[/tex]

The ODE in Y(y) is:

Y''\left( y \right) - \lambda _n Y\left( y \right) = 0

Since lambda is positive [tex]Y_n \left( y \right) = C\cosh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right) + D\sinh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right)[/tex].

u_n \left( {x,y} \right) = X_n \left( x \right)Y_n \left( y \right)

u_n \left( {x,y} \right) = \left[ {a_n \cosh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right) + b_n \sinh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right)} \right]\sin \left( {\frac{{n\pi x}}{a}} \right)

u\left( {x,y} \right) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\left[ {a_n \cosh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right) + b_n \sinh \left( {\sqrt {\lambda _n } y} \right)} \right]\sin \left( {\frac{{n\pi x}}{a}} \right)}

The only other bit of information I have left is u(x,0) = f(x) so I try that to see what happens. But that just tells me that

f\left( x \right) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {a_n \sin \left( {\frac{{n\pi x}}{a}} \right)}

a_n = \frac{2}{a}\int\limits_0^a {f\left( x \right)} \sin \left( {\frac{{n\pi x}}{a}} \right)dx

So that gives me a_n but what about b_n? I really don't know how to proceed. Can someone please help me out? Thanks.
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  • #2
You need to specify the B.C.'s as y->infinity. Probably they want the function to vanish, in which case you don't want to use sinh y and cosh y but instead e^y and e^-y, and only the e^-y terms will survive.
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  • #3
Yeah I think the BC for y going to infinity is missing but I think the condition is usually as you said, u tends to zero and y gets large. In that case I can rewrite the sinh and cosh in terms of exponentials and simply set the appropriate constants to be equal to zero. Thanks for the pointers.

FAQ: How Do You Solve the Laplace Equation in a Semi-Infinite Strip?

1. What is a PDE semi-infinite strip?

A PDE semi-infinite strip is a mathematical concept used in partial differential equations (PDEs) to describe a region in space that extends infinitely in one direction, but is bounded in the other direction. This strip is often used to model physical systems with infinite length, such as heat flow in a long rod or wave propagation in an infinite medium.

2. How is a PDE semi-infinite strip different from a regular PDE domain?

A PDE semi-infinite strip has an unbounded length in one direction, while a regular PDE domain is finite in all directions. This means that the boundary conditions and solutions for a PDE semi-infinite strip will be different from those of a regular PDE domain.

3. What are some applications of PDE semi-infinite strips?

PDE semi-infinite strips are commonly used in physics and engineering to model heat transfer, wave propagation, and diffusion in systems with infinite length. They can also be used in financial mathematics to model option pricing and risk management in markets with no boundaries.

4. How do you solve PDEs on a semi-infinite strip?

The solution to a PDE on a semi-infinite strip can be obtained using various techniques, such as separation of variables, finite difference methods, or integral transforms. The specific method used will depend on the type of PDE and the boundary conditions given.

5. What are some challenges in solving PDEs on a semi-infinite strip?

One of the main challenges in solving PDEs on a semi-infinite strip is the presence of an unbounded domain. This can make it difficult to find a unique solution and may require the use of special techniques, such as regularization or asymptotic analysis. Additionally, the choice of boundary conditions can greatly impact the difficulty of the problem and the suitability of different solution methods.

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