Minimum period of rotation and gravity

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the minimum period of rotation for a planet with uniform mass density. The formula for the minimum period of rotation is T = (3 pi)^(1/2) * (G p)^(1/2), where p is the density of the planet. The conversation also mentions combining equations and finding the derivative of dr/dT.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a planet with uniform mass density p. If the planet rotates too fast, it will fly apart. Show that the minimum period of rotation is given by:

T = (3 pi)^(1/2)
...(G p)^(1/2)

What is the minimum T if p = 5.5 g/cm^3?

Homework Equations

T = 2 pi r

v = (G m)^(1/2)

The Attempt at a Solution

I combined the two equations to have:

T = 2 pi (r)^(3/2)
...(G m)^(1/2)

I found dr/dT to have:

3 pi (r)^(1/2)
(G m)^(1/2)

What am I doing incorrectly?
Physics news on
  • #2
How does dr/dT relate to this problem?

Read the question carefully, and try to use the "givens." In this case, you are required to find the minimum of period of rotation, which is given as a function of the velcocity.

Your substitution was right. Note that the planet's density is also provided. Remember that density = mass.volume
  • #3
Hmmm, so am I not supposed to find a derivative somewhere, or?

FAQ: Minimum period of rotation and gravity

1. What is the minimum period of rotation?

The minimum period of rotation is the shortest amount of time it takes for an object to complete one full rotation on its axis.

2. How is the minimum period of rotation calculated?

The minimum period of rotation is calculated using the formula T = 2π√(r^3/GM), where T is the period of rotation, r is the radius of the object, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the object.

3. What factors affect the minimum period of rotation?

The minimum period of rotation is affected by the radius and mass of the object, as well as the strength of its gravitational force. Objects with larger radii and masses will have longer periods of rotation.

4. How does the minimum period of rotation relate to gravity?

The minimum period of rotation and gravity are directly related. Objects with a stronger gravitational force will have shorter periods of rotation, while objects with a weaker gravitational force will have longer periods of rotation.

5. What is the significance of the minimum period of rotation?

The minimum period of rotation is important in understanding the dynamics of celestial bodies and their gravitational forces. It also helps scientists determine the size and mass of objects in space.
