How Can the Pigeon Hole Principle Be Applied to This Problem?

In summary, the conversation discusses using the pigeonhole principle to prove that for any relative prime integers m and n and any integers a and b, there exists an integer x such that x = a mod m and x = b mod n. The participants also discuss using the fact that gcd(m,n) = 1 to show that there exist integers p and q such that pn - qm can equal any value, including a-b. The application of the pigeonhole principle to this problem is not fully explored.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Using pigeon hole principle, prove that if m and n are relative prime integers and a and b are any integers, there exists an integer x such that x = a mod m, and x = b mod n.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

data: m|(x -a) and n|(x-b)
hence we can write, for some integers p and q
x = pn + a and x = qm + b

also, since (m,n) = 1, there are integers i and j such that
im + jn = 1

how do we apply the pigeon hole principle to this problem?
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  • #2
I think I have a solution, but I am not sure, especially because I haven't used the pigeonhole principle:(By the way: Some things you list under data (x=pm+a etc), you have to show that, that isn't given.)

We can always say that there is a x such that x=pn+a (for some p). ( Notice your typo.) Oh, by the way: We haven't yet fixed the value of this p.
We have to show that (pn+a)-b=qm, for some q. Or in other words: a-b=pn-qm . Well, as gcd(n,m)=1, we can ALWAYS find p and q such that pn-qm equals any value, in particular a-b.
  • #3
Hey mathmadx,
I am not aware of this result you have used,

"Well, as gcd(n,m)=1, we can ALWAYS find p and q such that pn-qm equals any value, in particular a-b. "

What I do know is,
"If a and b are integers, not both 0, then gcd(a,b) exists; and we can find integers m and n such that gcd(a,b) = ma + nb."

In this case, as I have stated, there exists integers i and j such that
im + jn = 1

Are you sure that your statement is true?

PS: I have edit my first post to fix the typo.
  • #4
I figured it out, yeah I guess we can always find p and q such that pn - qm equals any value.

Since we can find i and j such that
im + jn = 1

(a-b)im + (a-b)jn = (a-b)

hence our p and q would be (a-b)j and -(a-b)m.

Still don't know how Pigeon hole principle is used here though.

FAQ: How Can the Pigeon Hole Principle Be Applied to This Problem?

1. What is the Pigeon Hole Principle problem?

The Pigeon Hole Principle is a mathematical concept that states if there are more pigeons than pigeon holes, at least one pigeon hole must contain more than one pigeon. In other words, if there are n+1 objects placed into n containers, there must be at least one container with more than one object.

2. How can the Pigeon Hole Principle be applied in real life situations?

The Pigeon Hole Principle can be applied in a variety of real life situations, such as assigning seats in a classroom or placing items in a limited number of storage boxes. It can also be used in computing and cryptography to prove the existence of collisions in hash functions.

3. Can the Pigeon Hole Principle be used to solve complex mathematical problems?

Yes, the Pigeon Hole Principle can be used to solve complex mathematical problems. It is a powerful tool in combinatorics, which is the study of counting and arranging objects. It can also be applied in probability theory and graph theory.

4. Is the Pigeon Hole Principle a theorem or a postulate?

The Pigeon Hole Principle is a theorem, which means it has been proven to be true using mathematical reasoning and logical deductions. It is often used as a proof technique in other mathematical theorems and problems.

5. Are there any limitations to the Pigeon Hole Principle?

While the Pigeon Hole Principle is a useful tool in many mathematical problems, it does have its limitations. It cannot be used to prove the existence of a specific object or arrangement, only the potential for it to exist. It also does not provide a method for finding the exact number of objects in each container.
