How Irritating Is It to See Last Post by tribdog?

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about someone who is annoyed by seeing the same person's name as the last poster on every thread in the GD page. The person admits to being the last poster and suggests they should try reading what others write. They also mention that they are in a good mood today. The conversation then shifts to a scale of annoyance, with the person being compared to a pesky fly and a car alarm. The conversation ends with the person saying they love the other person and then joking about it. The summary also includes a mention of the use of <3 as a grammatical construct and the person being annoying when they try to be.
  • #1
How irritating is it to come to the GD page and see Last post by tribdog on every single thread? I know it has to irritate some of you. I'm not going to change my ways, but I'd still like to know.
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  • #2
you know what? I think I might have started this exact same thread, with maybe even the exact same title in the past. I'm too busy posting to go check though.
  • #3
right now I have the last 13 threads and I'm still getting irritated by the slow response time.
  • #4
maybe I should try reading what everyone else writes.
  • #5
It's not IRRITATING,it's ANNOYING... :-p

Learn the difference...

  • #6
tribdog said:
maybe I should try reading what everyone else writes.
Oh, details... :smile: :smile:
  • #7
tribdog said:
maybe I should try reading what everyone else writes.

Maybe we should do the same with YOUR posts... :-p

  • #8
okay, on a scale of one to ten how ANNOYING am I?
1 being as annoying as a slight breeze messing up your hair.
5 as annoying as a pesky fly who likes landing on your nose and keeps returning everytime you shoo him away
10 car alarm at 5 am after going to bed at 3am
  • #9
Okay,how about 13:You're in the mood and she's not... :-p

  • #10
dextercioby said:
Okay,how about 13:You're in the mood and she's not... :-p

I can't begin to fathom someone not being in the mood when I'm around. I'm sexy. lol, just kidding. I'm in one of those moods today.
  • #11
tribdog said:
I can't begin to fathom someone not being in the mood when I'm around. I'm sexy. lol, just kidding. I'm in one of those moods today.

You are in the mood or you're not?

At any rate, i can sympathize, every night/morning between about 2 am and 5 am I'm the most recent post on every thread. Drives me nuts too.
  • #12
yeah, I hate coming online and seeing your name in all the posts. if it was anyone else maybe I could handle it but you, ugh.
I just got goosebumps and burped up a bit of vomit thinking about it.
lol, I'm lying. I didn't get goosebumps.
  • #13
tribdog said:
yeah, I hate coming online and seeing your name in all the posts. if it was anyone else maybe I could handle it but you, ugh.
I just got goosebumps and burped up a bit of vomit thinking about it.
lol, I'm lying. I didn't get goosebumps.

I <3 you too tribdog.

I'm going to go vomit after typing that. Not because its you, but because i used <3 as a word in a grammatical constuct (really can't call THAT a sentence).
  • #14
dextercioby said:
Okay,how about 13:You're in the mood and she's not... :-p

Hmm...yeah, probably that annoying. :smile:

franznietzsche said:

Hmm, looks a bit like a mouse head, doesn't it? :biggrin:
  • #15
trib, you're only annoying when you really try to be. Like, - now. :smile:

FAQ: How Irritating Is It to See Last Post by tribdog?

1. How irritating is it to see "Last Post by tribdog" on a forum or social media?

The level of irritation may vary from person to person. Some may find it mildly annoying while others may find it extremely irritating.

2. Why is it irritating to see "Last Post by tribdog"?

There are a few reasons why this may be irritating. It could be because the person's posts are repetitive or irrelevant, or because they constantly dominate the conversation.

3. Is it considered rude to repeatedly make the last post on a forum or social media?

It depends on the context and the frequency of the posts. If the person is constantly dominating the conversation and not allowing others to participate, it can be seen as rude. However, if they are actively engaging in discussions and adding value to the conversation, it may not be considered rude.

4. How can one deal with the irritation of seeing "Last Post by tribdog"?

If the posts are truly bothersome, the best way to deal with it is to ignore or unfollow the person. If they are constantly dominating the conversation, it may also be helpful to bring it up with a moderator or administrator.

5. What is the best way to address someone who constantly makes the last post on a forum or social media?

If the posts are relevant and adding to the conversation, it may be best to simply engage with them and continue the discussion. However, if their posts are repetitive or dominating, it may be helpful to politely bring it up with the person or a moderator to find a resolution.

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