Can the Roots of Polynomials Be Proven?

In summary, the Factor Theorem states that if a polynomial P(x) of degree n has a root at x=a, then (x-a) is a factor of P(x). This can be proved by using the remainder theorem and setting the value of x to a, which shows that the remainder R is equal to 0, therefore proving that (x-a) is a factor of P(x).
  • #1
Homework Helper
It is basic knowledge that if a polynomial P(x) of nth degree has a root or zero at P(a), then (x-a) is a factor of the polynomial. However, can this be proved? or is this more of a definition of roots of polynomials?
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  • #2
there are polynomials Q(x),R(x) ,such that degR(x)<deg(x-a) and P(x)=(x-a)Q(x)+R(x),if
P(a)=0,we have R(a)=0,for degR(x)<deg(x-a),R(x) is constant
  • #3
If p(a) = 0, use the division algorithm to write p(x) = q(x)(x - a) + r(x), where either deg r(x) < deg (x - a) = 1, or r(x) = 0; in either case r(x) = b is a constant polynomial, so p(x) = q(x)(x - a) + b, so 0 = p(a) = q(a)(a - a) + b = b, which means p(x) = q(x)(x - a). Thus, x - a divides p(x).
  • #4
This can be proved. Let us say P(x) has a root at a if P(a)=0. Let us say (x-a) is a factor of the polynomial P(x) is there exist a polynomial Q(x) of degree one less such that P(x)=(x-a)Q(x).

Theorem Factor Theorem

Let P(x) be a polynomial of the nth degree and let P(a)=0, then (x-a) is a factor of P(x).
This proof will follow from the remainder theorem.

Theorem Remainder Theorem
Let P(x) be a polynomial of the nth degree , then P(x)=(x-a)Q(x)+R where Q(x) is a polynomial of degee one less and R is a constant.
let (x-a)^k be writtten in exppanded form for k=1,...,n
and so on
Since Q(x) polynommial we may write it in the form
we can select the coefficients as follows
Express P(x) in standard form choose the coefficient of x^n in P(x) for the x^(n-1) term of Q(x).
Express [P(x)-(coeffcicent chosen in previous step)x^n] in standard form choose the coefficient of x^(n-1) for the x^(n-2) term of Q(x).
Express [P(x)-(coeffcicent chosen two steps back)x^n-(coeffcicent chosen one step back)x^(n-2)] in standard form choose the coefficient of x^(n-2) for the x^(n-3) term of Q(x).
Continue in this patern to find all coefficients of Q(x).

Proof Theorem Factor Theorem (continued)
Write P(x) as in the remainder theorem


The factor theorem will be proved if we show R=0.
set x=a

Since a is a root of P(x),
P(a)=0 hence R=0.

  • #5
Ahh I see We simply need to express the polynomial in the form [tex]P(x)=A(x)Q(x)+R(x)[/tex] and it all falls into place :smile:

FAQ: Can the Roots of Polynomials Be Proven?

1. What is "Proof of roots of polynomials"?

"Proof of roots of polynomials" is a mathematical concept that involves proving the existence and properties of the roots of a polynomial equation. A polynomial equation is an equation that contains one or more terms with variables and coefficients, and its roots are the values of the variables that make the equation true.

2. Why is it important to prove the roots of polynomials?

Proving the roots of polynomials is important because it helps us understand the behavior of polynomial equations and their solutions. It also allows us to verify the accuracy of the solutions obtained through other methods and provides a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts of algebra and calculus.

3. What are some common methods used to prove the roots of polynomials?

There are several common methods used to prove the roots of polynomials, including the Rational Root Theorem, Descartes' Rule of Signs, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Other techniques such as synthetic division, factoring, and the quadratic formula can also be used to prove the roots of polynomials.

4. Can all polynomials be proven to have roots?

Yes, all polynomials with real coefficients can be proven to have at least one root. This is known as the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which states that every polynomial equation of degree n has n complex roots, including repeated roots.

5. How does proving the roots of polynomials relate to real-world applications?

The ability to prove the roots of polynomials has numerous real-world applications, such as in engineering, physics, and economics. For example, polynomial equations are commonly used to model real-world phenomena, and being able to prove their roots allows us to make accurate predictions and solve real-world problems.
