How Has Danger's Journey Touched Lives in Online Communities?

In summary, Danger appreciates all the support he has received from friends on the We love you Danger thread. He is grateful for the lessons learned on the PF forum, and is still investigating possible medical options.
  • #36

Damned border! I'd love to get Dan down here for a celebration of BBQ, craft beer, and music. And of course, daily trips to the sand pit for plinking and target-shooting. There is no way that I could get my guns or huge grill into Canada, even if the country was nice enough to let me in once again.
Physics news on
  • #37

turbo-1 said:
Damned border! I'd love to get Dan down here for a celebration of BBQ, craft beer, and music. And of course, daily trips to the sand pit for plinking and target-shooting. There is no way that I could get my guns or huge grill into Canada, even if the country was nice enough to let me in once again.

You get him that far, we will pick him up and bring him to the big city. We have plenty of room. He can sleep in a box long side the bed like our bird guest did for a couple nights. Danger, you will find it very comfortable. The bird really liked the hot water bottle. :wink:
  • #38

Averagesupernova said:
One of the first things I posted that was directed at Danger was: "That's Averagesupernova to you buster!" in response to his shortening my username. Of course I was joking and Danger took it as such. Just about all members of this forum could do well to be more like Danger.

I was just thinking about that. :smile:
I'm still going to call you Average, but in reality I believe that you are significantly above average.
  • #39


Here's lookin at you, kid. :cool: Placarded the Aircraft today after work.
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  • #40

Cyrus said:

Here's lookin at you, kid. :cool: Placarded the Aircraft today after work.

hahahahaha that is awesome cyrus!
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  • #41

Lacy33 said:
The bird really liked the hot water bottle. :wink:
I love hot water bottles, but as an Albertan I'm pretty sure that New York can't possibly produce any weather conditions which would necessitate it. It's 3° here right now, with 2cm of snow forecast for tonight. I hope to hell that summer shows up sometime soon, because it's almost time for winter.

Turbo... we are going to make that happen, one way or another. Maybe we'll have to meet up in Mexico.

edit: Holy sheepgarbage, Cyrus! That is just too cool!
That flap handle looks like you deployed it with a sledgehammer.
  • #42

Danger said:
Turbo... we are going to make that happen, one way or another. Maybe we'll have to meet up in Mexico.

Who is a tunnel engineer here!? :biggrin:
  • #43

Danger said:
I was just thinking about that. :smile:
I'm still going to call you Average, but in reality I believe that you are significantly above average.

YOU can call me Average any time, but, just for old time sake I'm going to say it again: "That's Averagesupernova to you buster!" :smile:
  • #44

Greg Bernhardt said:
Who is a tunnel engineer here!? :biggrin:
There are many, many unmanned border crossings in northern Maine.

Not that I am advocating anything illegal.
  • #45

Greg Bernhardt said:
Who is a tunnel engineer here!? :biggrin:

If that's a euphemism for "sex addict", I plead guilty. :rolleyes:
  • #46

Danger said:
edit: Holy sheepgarbage, Cyrus! That is just too cool!
That flap handle looks like you deployed it with a sledgehammer.

Cyrus, I hate to admit it but that is tops!

Danger! :smile: :smile: :smile: QUICK! the O2! And when you get the nasal cannula in place DEPLOY WITH SLEDGEHAMMER!
  • #47

Lacy33 said:
And when you get the nasal cannula in place DEPLOY WITH SLEDGEHAMMER!

Ouch! I can feel my sinuses curling up just from reading that.
  • #48

See why everyone went on such an exhaustive hunt when you went AWOL?

I'm assuming you've set up a contact person, here, now, yes? (Please say "yes". I'd hate to see Evo get that upset again.)
  • #49

Danger said:
Ouch! I can feel my sinuses curling up just from reading that.

I'm sorry. I just have the hardest time keeping those things in place no matter how tight I wrap it around my neck. I thought you had a good idea there.
Looks as if you may have gone to bed. Good thing here anyway. I am only allowed to suck on this asthma pump so much before it crosses the line of therapy.
  • #50

GeorginaS said:
I'm assuming you've set up a contact person, here, now, yes?

That prior incident quite took me by surprise. Yes... Evo, Astronuc, MIH, Moonbear, Arildno, Lacy... all know my real name, phone numbers, and address. Evo, Astro and Moonie also have my next-of-kin info.
  • #51

Lacy33 said:
Looks as if you may have gone to bed.

? What on Earth would give you that impression? "Castle" is on the TV.
I have about 2 dozen possible responses to your mention of the pump, any of which could get me banned.
  • #52

Danger said:
? What on Earth would give you that impression? "Castle" is on the TV.
I have about 2 dozen possible responses to your mention of the pump, any of which could get me banned.

and me divorced! :frown:
(just kidding, hubby thinks this is all wonderful.
Hi from J)
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  • #53

Danger said:
That prior incident quite took me by surprise. Yes... Evo, Astronuc, MIH, Moonbear, Arildno, Lacy... all know my real name, phone numbers, and address.

That made the stalking so much easier. Thanks again!
  • #54

Math Is Hard said:
That made the stalking so much easier. Thanks again!
See? Being stalked by MIH? Life is good!
  • #55

i would certainly have a beer with Danger. i like living on the edge sometimes.
  • #56

turbo-1 said:
See? Being stalked by MIH? Life is good!

I can think of worse fates...
  • #58

Greg Bernhardt said:
Once I was stalked by Cyrus

o:) Mmmm m mmm mmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmm mmmmm! :smile:
  • #59

Greg Bernhardt said:
Once I was stalked by Cyrus

*Sops iced tea off of her keyboard and monitor*. :-p
  • #60

and from all the other 200,000+ members that I speak for, that are not worthy of sharing your electrons, we bow in awe, and whisper in gratitude; Thank you, for having allowed us to be in your presence.

ps. There is supposedly a mouth of a river near here that is supposedly quite impressive in any manner of boat to go over. I've always wanted to try it.

What do you say? 70 foot waves in a 12 foot dingy?

Come on... I'll pay the airfare...

  • #61

OmCheeto said:
There is supposedly a mouth of a river near here that is supposedly quite impressive in any manner of boat to go over. I've always wanted to try it.

What do you say? 70 foot waves in a 12 foot dingy?

Come on... I'll pay the airfare...

My boating experience is pretty much limited to slowly cruising 4th Avenue trolling for trollops, but I'll try almost anything once...
  • #62

Danger said:
My boating experience is pretty much limited to slowly cruising 4th Avenue trolling for trollops, but I'll try almost anything once...

We don't have Trollops around here, that I know of. Though it might be a language barrier type thing. That's not a crack-hoe is it? If that's the case, then yes, we've plenty of them. My old friend was just saying this morning that he'd rather give one $5 to go away than sit next to her describing what she'd do for said $5.

I quite agreed with him. I've had a few of them trollops, and it took months to get rid of the scratchy little buggers they left behind.
  • #63

OmCheeto said:
We don't have Trollops around here, that I know of. Though it might be a language barrier type thing. That's not a crack-hoe is it?
Well, in my day it was horse; crack came along a lot later. But yeah, that's pretty much it.

By the bye, I'll need a wetsuit for our adventure. I have a profound, and very irritating, propensity for entering hypothermia when evaporative cooling takes place. It's weird; I can stroll around outside in a T-shirt when it's -40° and be perfectly comfortable, but if I get wet it's game over no matter how warm a day it is.
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  • #64

Danger said:
Well, in my day it was horse; crack came along a lot later. But yeah, that's pretty much it.

Well, in any event, you don't need any experience to go boating with me.

After all, I've none.

Good night.

the boss want's me in at 6am tomorrow and it's only 7 hours away and it takes me 3 hours just to think about going to work after I wake up in the morning, which is only, if you do the math, 4 hours away..., so, as I said, good night!

  • #65

Good night, then, old bean. If this might help you any, I discovered decades ago that bagging 2 hours of sleep, napwise, on the couch is more restful than 9 hours in my bed. I suspect that it's because REM state comes on almost immediately in that situation.
  • #66

Danger said:
Good night, then, old bean. If this might help you any, I discovered decades ago that bagging 2 hours of sleep, napwise, on the couch is more restful than 9 hours in my bed. I suspect that it's because REM state comes on almost immediately in that situation.

Couch>Bed when it comes to short naps for sure.

I don't know any of the back story or anyone here personally, but from what I gathered of you from this thread , you remind me of Randy Pausch.
  • #67

encorp said:
I don't know any of the back story or anyone here personally, but from what I gathered of you from this thread , you remind me of Randy Pausch.
I've never heard of that dude before, but I quite enjoyed the first 5 minutes. Then I noticed the countdown clock and realized that there was more than an hour left to go. Right now, I don't want to spend the time... but I'll try to watch the whole thing later on. I don't, as a general rule, like motivational speakers, but this guy is amusing. He seems to be a combination of Wayne Dyer and George Carlin.
  • #68

Danger said:
I've never heard of that dude before, but I quite enjoyed the first 5 minutes. Then I noticed the countdown clock and realized that there was more than an hour left to go. Right now, I don't want to spend the time... but I'll try to watch the whole thing later on. I don't, as a general rule, like motivational speakers, but this guy is amusing. He seems to be a combination of Wayne Dyer and George Carlin.

I don't like motivational speakers either - but his story is in fact very human. It's worth a watch for sure. If only for the anthropological aspects of it all.
  • #69

Live well, Danger, and everyone.

Greg Bernhardt said:
Funny, I pretty much have lived my entire life that way :biggrin:

Borek said:
Sounds like we may need "Well Camouflaged Jerk" badge. I'll be honored to wear it with both of you :devil:

I don't worry too much about the camouflage. :smile:
  • #70

I'm sensitive to hugs :biggrin: But I'll pray for you Danger :)

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