Escape of Electrons from Nucleus: Frequency and Occurrence in Atoms

  • Thread starter I2004
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In summary, the likelihood of an electron escaping the nucleus of an atom is very low and almost non-existent in stable atoms like carbon. In organic molecules, the valence electrons tend to shift around and are not bound to a specific atom. The probability of an electron leaving a carbon atom is extremely low due to thermal fluctuations. In plasmas, ionization rates depend on the density of particles and energy distribution, with electron-ion collisions being the dominant factor. Molecules can also be ionized by UV or x-rays, but accurate data on the rates is limited. Overall, the chances of an electron being annihilated by anti-electrons in a compound are extremely low.
  • #1
escaping electrons...

how easy is it for an electron to escape the nucleus of an atom and how often does it happen?

say we have an atom of carbon, how often will it shed/share or swap an electron, or how often will an electron escape in an average time frame?
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  • #2

You mean the electrons in atomic orbitals? "Electron to escape nucleus," makes it sound like you want it to actually originate from nucleus, which will only happen in beta-minus decay. Carbon is stable, so no electrons leaving the nucleus. The shell is another matter, however.

In organic molecules, the valence electrons tend to shift around. They aren't really bound to a specific carbon.

If you are interested in a free carbon atom, then you need to look at first ionization energy. For Carbon, it's 11.26 eV. Thermal fluctuations at room temperatures are on the order of 0.025 eV. That results in probability of electron leaving a carbon atom being so low that it might as well be zero.
  • #3

In organic molecules, the valence electrons tend to shift around. They aren't really bound to a specific carbon.

but you would say they don't leave the compound? how often/how likely would these electrons in the compound likely get annihilated by anti-electrons?
  • #4

I2004 said:
but you would say they don't leave the compound? how often/how likely would these electrons in the compound likely get annihilated by anti-electrons?

Practically never. Positrons (Anti-electrons) aren't common. They are actually created all the time by cosmic rays colliding with matter here on Earth, but in such low amounts compared to the amount of normal matter than any individual electron would effectively never meet one in any realistic time frame.
  • #5

In metals, the outer electrons are completely unattached to particular atoms but constantly zap around at very high average speeds.
  • #6

I2004 said:
how often/how likely would these electrons in the compound likely get annihilated by anti-electrons?
Are you talking about electrons as quasi-particles, which is the particle in a more classical sense? Or are you continuing the line of questions you had about creation-annihilation in field theory?
  • #7

You need some kind of collision or absorption to take place for an atom or molecule to lose an electron and become ionized. So, it depends on what kind of collisions take place. In a plasma, the ionization rate depends on the number density of each particle species and energy distribution of each species and any incoming radiation. The higher the density, the more ionizing collisions. In plasmas where the ion temperature is not much greater than the electron temperature, the electrons move much faster than nuclei, so electron-ion collisions may be the dominant ionizing contribution.
Molecules could also be ionized by UV or x-rays.

To calculate the rates, you need the cross sections, which are tabulated for some elements, but the data are not very accurate or complete, especially for heavier elements.
  • #8

Khashishi said:
You need some kind of collision or absorption to take place for an atom or molecule to lose an electron and become ionized. So, it depends on what kind of collisions take place. In a plasma, the ionization rate depends on the number density of each particle species and energy distribution of each species and any incoming radiation. The higher the density, the more ionizing collisions. In plasmas where the ion temperature is not much greater than the electron temperature, the electrons move much faster than nuclei, so electron-ion collisions may be the dominant ionizing contribution.
Molecules could also be ionized by UV or x-rays.

To calculate the rates, you need the cross sections, which are tabulated for some elements, but the data are not very accurate or complete, especially for heavier elements.


FAQ: Escape of Electrons from Nucleus: Frequency and Occurrence in Atoms

1. What is the escape of electrons from the nucleus and why does it occur?

The escape of electrons from the nucleus, also known as ionization, is the process in which an electron is removed from an atom, leaving the atom with a positive charge. This occurs because the electron is attracted to the positively charged nucleus and can gain enough energy to break free from the atom's outermost energy level.

2. How does the frequency of electron escape vary among different atoms?

The frequency of electron escape, or ionization, varies among different atoms depending on factors such as the number of protons in the nucleus, the electron configuration, and the strength of the attractive force between the nucleus and electrons. Generally, atoms with a larger number of protons and a more compact electron configuration will have a higher frequency of electron escape.

3. Is the escape of electrons from the nucleus a common occurrence in atoms?

Yes, the escape of electrons from the nucleus is a common occurrence in atoms. It happens constantly due to various external factors such as heat, light, and collisions with other particles. However, the frequency of electron escape may vary among different atoms and can also be controlled through external factors.

4. How does the escape of electrons from the nucleus impact the stability of an atom?

The escape of electrons from the nucleus can impact the stability of an atom by changing its charge and potentially creating an unstable, positively charged ion. Additionally, the loss of electrons can also affect the atom's chemical and physical properties, making it more reactive or less stable.

5. Can the escape of electrons from the nucleus be controlled or manipulated?

Yes, the escape of electrons from the nucleus can be controlled and manipulated through the use of external factors such as electric fields, high temperatures, and intense light. This process is often used in technologies such as particle accelerators and laser spectroscopy to study the properties of atoms and subatomic particles.
