Left invariant vector fields of a lie group

In summary, to find a basis of left-invariant vector fields for a Lie group, we can use the basis of the vector fields at the identity (the Lie algebra) and apply the procedure of writing v_i = A^{ij}g^{-1}\frac{\partial g}{\partial x_j} to obtain the left-invariant vector fields w_i. This procedure involves identifying the tangent space of the group at the identity with the Lie algebra and using left translation to give canonical isomorphisms between all tangent spaces. Additionally, for a matrix Lie group embedded in Rmxm, the tangent space at any point g can be found by multiplying the identity matrix by g and adding an element from the corresponding Lie algebra.
  • #1
Comment: My question is more of a conceptual 'why do we do this' rather than a technical 'how do we do this.'

Homework Statement

Given a lie group [tex]G[/tex] parameterized by [tex]x_1, ... x_n[/tex], give a basis of left-invariant vector fields.

Homework Equations

We have a basis for the vector fields at the identity, namely the Lie algebra: [tex]v_1, ..., v_n[/tex]. For a general group element [tex]g[/tex], we can write [tex]g^{-1}
\frac{\partial g}{\partial x_i}[/tex].

The Attempt at a Solution

Apparently the procedure is to write [tex]v_i = A^{ij}g^{-1}
\frac{\partial g}{\partial x_j}[/tex], where the [tex]A^{ij}[/tex] are just coefficients. Then we can somewhat magically read off the left invariant vector fields [tex]w_i[/tex] via:

[tex]w_i = A^{ij}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}[/tex]

Where I have assumed a sum over repeated indices (though haven't been careful with upper or lower indices).

Why is this the correct procedure? I'm especially concerned about this thing [tex]\frac{\partial g}{\partial x_j}[/tex]... is it an element of the tangent space or is it dual to the tangent space?

Thanks for any thoughts,
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  • #2
Or perhaps a more basic question. For a matrix lie group, the elements of the lie algebra are also matrices. Like any manifold, the tangent space is spanned by the basis vectors [tex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{ij}}|_{e}[/tex]. What matrices do each of these basis vectors correspond to?

For a general element of the lie group [tex]g[/tex], how does [tex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{ij}}|_{e}[/tex] differ from [tex]\frac{\partial g}{\partial x^{ij}}|_{e}[/tex]?
  • #3

[tex]\frac{\partial g}{\partial x^i}[/tex]

is supposed to be the partial derivative (in the i-th direction) of the multiplication-by-g automorphism of G. This notation is poor, though, since it doesn't indicate whether that's right-multiplication-by-g or left-multiplication-by-g.

Whatever's being done, it's just working through the definition of left-invariant. If Lg is left-multiplication-by-g, then it has a derivative [itex]L_{g*}[/itex], and a vector field v is invariant under all such diffeomorphisms iff

v(gh) = L_{g*}(h)(v(h))

(recall that [itex]L_{g*}[/itex] is a linear map from the tangent space at h to the tangent space at gh) If we set h = e we get

[tex]v(g) = L_{g*}(e)(v(e)),[/tex]

which gives us the value of v at every point g of G.

One thing that makes the lie group interesting is that we can use right translation to give us canonical isomorphisms between all of the tangent spaces, and can thus identify each of them with the corresponding lie algebra. (We can get a different correspondence by using left translation) That seems to be rolled into this derivation too.


For the matrix Lie group embedded in Rmxm, the tangent space at the identity is the set of all matrices I+v, where v is an element of the corresponding matrix Lie algebra. (I is the identity matrix) Of course, to turn this affine space into a vector space, we take I to be the origin.

The tangent space at any particular point g is the set of all matrices of the form g(I+v). (Which is the same as the set of all matrices of the form (I+v)g)
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FAQ: Left invariant vector fields of a lie group

What is a left invariant vector field?

A left invariant vector field on a Lie group is a vector field that is invariant under the left translation action of the group. This means that for any group element g, the vector field at the point g is the same as the vector field at the identity element.

How do left invariant vector fields relate to Lie groups?

Left invariant vector fields are a fundamental concept in the study of Lie groups. They allow us to understand the structure of a Lie group and its underlying geometry. In fact, the tangent space at the identity of a Lie group is spanned by the left invariant vector fields.

What are some applications of left invariant vector fields?

Left invariant vector fields have many applications in mathematics and physics. In differential geometry, they are used to study the curvature and symmetries of manifolds. In physics, they are used in the study of gauge theories and the Navier-Stokes equations.

How do you calculate left invariant vector fields?

Calculating left invariant vector fields can be done using the structure constants of the Lie group. These constants describe how the group elements combine and can be used to construct the vector fields. Alternatively, one can use the Lie algebra of the group to calculate the vector fields.

What is the significance of left invariant vector fields?

Left invariant vector fields play a crucial role in the theory of Lie groups and their applications. They allow us to understand the symmetries and geometric structure of a Lie group, which has far-reaching implications in mathematics and physics. They also provide a powerful tool for solving differential equations on Lie groups.

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