FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All

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In summary, the FBI are very eager to shut her up, and she has said she might tell everything she knows and face the consequences. She has been to the Supreme Court, and was shut down, she went to Congress, and that's now been shut down. She says she has no other choice than hoping free speech laws can do their proper job.
  • #1
The FBI are very eager to shut her up, i wonder what she knows? she has said she might tell everything she knows and face the consequences. http://www.bradblog.com/?p=5197 . She has been to the Supreme Court, and was shut down, she went to Congress, and that's now been shut down. She says she has no other choice than hoping free speech laws can do their proper job.

"She's Prepared to Name Names, Including Those of Two 'Well-Known' Congress Members Involved in Criminal Corruption
The 'Most Gagged Person in U.S. History' Tells The BRAD BLOG She's Now Exhausted All Other Channels..."

I think it may be something to do with the profits from the drug trade, or something to do with the intelligence on 9/11. Any ideas?
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  • #2
theres no way she could get on a major network in the usa. i think they could send network executives to jail for publicly airing classified information. i wouldn't be surprised if they preemptively throw her in jail for being about to expose classified information from FBI files.

i think her best bet would be to say her piece on a privately owned network outside of the usa, in cuba or something, then convince the american networks to cover the story of a cuban station talking about what a former FBI employee has to say about federal corruption. the FBI would be able to claim she is making a total fabrication and that it is all a propaganda stunt by cuba, or they could validate everything she has to say by trying to send her to trial for exposing national secrets.
  • #3
This is what she's been told not to talk about, her accusations below.

Edmonds alleges that in the course of her work for the government, she found evidence that the FBI, State Department, and Pentagon had been infiltrated by a Turkish intelligence organization suspected of ties to terrorism
  • #4
That's not all - she is prepared to claim that the FBI knew of Islamic plots to use airliners as bombs to attack US targets well in advance of the 9-11 attacks, and that prominent Republicans were on the take to advance the PR aims of Turkish interests.
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
That's not all - she is prepared to claim that the FBI knew of Islamic plots to use airliners as bombs to attack US targets well in advance of the 9-11 attacks,
I thought that was common knowledge by now.

and that prominent Republicans were on the take to advance the PR aims of Turkish interests.
Wouldn't surprise me, and I'm sure that it would be more than just Turks. There are lobbysists for everything under the sun and the dinners, vacations, gifts of all sorts, loans, this is all part of it, some politicians just accept more than others. Hard to find a politician with a squeaky clean nose, unfortunately.
  • #6
In fact, the interview that CBS's 60 Minutes aired with her in 2004, was later retroactively classified by the Department of Justice under the same "privilege"!

That is so weird.

This might confirm what I've suspected for some time now, that the US government can and has edited aired events in the past. They do it with Bush's speaches as posted on the Whitehouse website so that they seem more coherent and readable. I know what he has said, and in what order only to find out that the transcripts and videos on-line and broadcast on the news are all different than live. I know I'm getting old, but I'm not that old yet.

On 9/11/2001 I saw on TV, a security video of the plane which hit the Pentagon. The video looked so fake.....later the same video which you can watch on-line now is edited drastically from what I recall seeing.

I wish I video taped it now, a blink of an eye and it was gone forever.
  • #9
edward said:
One thing I have akways wondered about is why Dick Cheney took control Of NORAD in June of 2001. This video totally debunks the Bush statement that no one in government suspected attacks using airplanes to fly into buildings.


The pieces all seem to fit.

I've posted that and similar videos off the internet in other forums before. What it comes down to is this administration is so "POWER HUNGRY" that they do everything and anything possible to grab more power, and in any form they can get it right down to Daylight Savings Time.

Sad really that they can't do anything useful with it and though arrogant incompetence screw up everything they touch.

Yet somehow all of their business and political associates (all the same thing these days) seem to be making record profits.

No connection what so ever.
  • #10
Just deleted a blatant conspiracy theory post, sorry, this thread has deteriorated into another 9/11 conspiracy thread which is not allowed.

FAQ: FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All

1. Who is Sibel Edmonds?

Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator who became a whistleblower in 2002, alleging corruption and espionage within the FBI.

2. What did Sibel Edmonds reveal as a whistleblower?

Edmonds revealed that she had witnessed several acts of misconduct and cover-ups within the FBI, including the intentional mistranslation of documents and the blocking of investigations into criminal activities involving high-level officials and foreign governments.

3. What evidence does Sibel Edmonds have to support her claims?

Edmonds has provided sworn testimony and documents to support her claims, including audio recordings and transcripts of her conversations with FBI officials.

4. Why did Sibel Edmonds decide to speak out about her experiences?

After witnessing what she believed to be corruption and compromised national security within the FBI, Edmonds felt it was her duty to speak out and expose the truth.

5. Has Sibel Edmonds faced any consequences for her whistleblowing?

Yes, Edmonds faced retaliation and was eventually fired from her position at the FBI. She also faced legal battles and was placed under a gag order for several years, preventing her from speaking publicly about her experiences.

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