Help with writing a research paper.

In summary: Overall, your focus should be on using homology theory to solve the problem in computer science/engineering, rather than introducing new math. In summary, when writing your paper for a primarily computer science audience, it would be helpful to provide some background on homology and algebraic topology, but including theorems and proofs is not necessary. Your main focus should be on using homology theory to solve the problem at hand.
  • #1
I'm doing some research in which I'm using homology theory to solve a problem in computer science / engineering. Most of the work is on the CS part, but I know enough homology to get me around. I'm not really coming up with any new math per se. I'm not doing any hardcore proofs or anything. My question is, when I'm writing a paper, how much background should I put on homology and algebraic topology? Should I include theorems in my paper (even though I did not come up with them?). Should I prove theorems or just point them to a reference? I guess my main audience would be computer scientists (I would probably get eaten alive if I were to present to pure mathematicians; though there'll probably be a few in the audience)
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  • #2
Your primary audience should be computer scientists, so you don't need to include theorems or proofs in your paper. However, it would be helpful to provide some background on homology and algebraic topology so that those readers who are unfamiliar with the subject can understand the concepts you are discussing. You could include references to some relevant theorems and proofs for readers who want to learn more, but it's not necessary to include them in the paper itself.
  • #3

First of all, congratulations on your research project! It sounds like a fascinating intersection between computer science and algebraic topology.

In terms of writing your paper, it is important to consider your audience and their level of understanding of homology and algebraic topology. If your main audience is computer scientists, it may be helpful to provide some background information on homology and how it relates to your research problem. This could include a brief overview of the concept and its applications, as well as any relevant theorems that are necessary for understanding your work.

As for including theorems in your paper, it is generally expected that you cite and reference any theorems or results that are not original to your research. This could include pointing to a reference or providing a brief overview of the theorem. However, if you are using a particular theorem in a novel way or applying it to a new problem, it may be beneficial to provide a proof or at least an outline of the proof for your readers.

Ultimately, the level of detail and background information you provide in your paper should be tailored to your audience and the specific research problem you are addressing. It may also be helpful to discuss your writing and formatting decisions with your advisor or colleagues who are familiar with both computer science and algebraic topology. Best of luck with your paper!

FAQ: Help with writing a research paper.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a document that presents the findings and analysis of a particular topic or question, based on extensive research and evidence. It is a formal piece of writing that follows a specific structure and format, and is often used as a means of communicating new knowledge and ideas in the academic and scientific communities.

What are the key components of a research paper?

A research paper typically includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. It also includes a list of references or works cited, and may also have appendices containing additional information or data.

How do I choose a research topic?

The best way to choose a research topic is to identify your interests and areas of expertise, and then conduct a thorough literature review to determine what gaps in knowledge exist in your chosen field. You can also seek guidance from your professors or colleagues for potential research topics.

What is the importance of citing sources in a research paper?

Citing sources is crucial in a research paper as it gives credit to the original authors and sources of information, and helps to support and strengthen your own arguments and ideas. It also allows readers to verify the accuracy and validity of your research, and avoids plagiarism.

How can I improve the writing of my research paper?

To improve the writing of your research paper, it is important to carefully plan and organize your thoughts, and use clear and concise language. Additionally, regularly revising and editing your paper can help to improve its overall structure and clarity. Seeking feedback from peers or a writing center can also be helpful in improving your writing skills.

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