Anti-LHC Guy Walter L Wagner: Credentials & Misinformation

  • Thread starter diewlasing
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a man named Walter L. Wagner who has filed a lawsuit against CERN for misinformation about the Large Hadron Collider. However, it is revealed that Wagner is not a theoretical physicist as he claims, but rather has a degree in biology and a minor in physics. The speaker also expresses concern about the misinformation being spread by Wagner and shares a thread discussing the topic. Additionally, the speaker mentions making a magnetic monopole and shares a link to a forum discussing the topic.
  • #1
He is Walter L. Wagner. I know it's pretty much a non-issue because CERN is going to ignore his lawsuit anyway, but he still disseminates incorrect information. Has anyone bothered to look at his credentials? I cam across an affidavit he swore in a Hawaii court were he claims to be a theoretical physicist. But he has is degree in biology and only a minor in physics. I'm doing a minor in math and but that doesn't make me a mathematician. Hell, even my degree in physics won't make me a physicist, only when I get my PhD then will I have a modicum of credibility. He also claims his work as a nuclear safety officer and his conversations with physicists give him the knowledge. And he also claims to have found a magnetic monopole...I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm genuinely concerned, not for CERN or the LHC, this guy is nothing to them, but for the general misinformation he's spreading, as I listened to the radio show he was on and the callers were actually becoming worried. Any thoughts?
Physics news on
  • #3
I made a magnetic monopole once. I cut my magnet in half.
  • #5
Kurdt said:
I made a magnetic monopole...
Big deal - I made a magnetic tadpole.

FAQ: Anti-LHC Guy Walter L Wagner: Credentials & Misinformation

1. What are Walter L Wagner's credentials?

Walter L Wagner is not a scientist or an expert in any scientific field. He has a degree in law and a degree in finance, but no formal education or training in physics or any related field.

2. Why does Walter L Wagner oppose the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?

Walter L Wagner believes that the LHC poses a risk to the Earth and its inhabitants, citing concerns about potential black holes and other catastrophic events. However, his claims have been thoroughly debunked by the scientific community.

3. What misinformation has Walter L Wagner spread about the LHC?

Walter L Wagner has spread various false claims about the LHC, including that it will create a black hole that will destroy the Earth, that it will cause a catastrophic event similar to the Big Bang, and that it violates the laws of physics. None of these claims have any scientific basis.

4. Has Walter L Wagner's opposition to the LHC been taken seriously by the scientific community?

No, Walter L Wagner's claims and opposition to the LHC have been widely dismissed by the scientific community. The LHC has undergone extensive safety reviews and has been deemed safe by numerous experts and organizations.

5. Has Walter L Wagner taken any legal action against the LHC?

Walter L Wagner has attempted to take legal action against the LHC in the past, but his cases have been dismissed by the courts due to a lack of evidence and scientific basis for his claims.
