How Do You Solve Interacting Systems Physics Problems?

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In summary, the conversation discusses various physics problems involving multiple systems and the application of formulas to solve them. Some of the problems involve finding the magnitude of forces, tension in ropes, and acceleration of objects. The conversation also includes tips on using force diagrams and conservation of momentum to solve problems. There is also a discussion on a specific problem involving a pulley and finding acceleration.
  • #1
im trying to do these homework problems but really don't know where to begin. they deal with multiple systems and they seem really easy i just don't know the formula to apply. any help with these would be appreciated.
1) A 1000 kg car pushes a 2000 kg truck that has a dead battery. When the driver steps on the accelerator, the drive wheels of the car push against the ground with a force of 4500 N. What is the magnitude of the force of the car on the truck?
2) The 1.0 kg block in the figure is tied to the wall with a rope. It sits on top of the 2.0 kg block. The lower block is pulled to the right with a tension force of 20 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction at both the lower and upper surfaces of the 2.0 kg block is 0.440 (static friction). What is the tension in the rope holding the 1.0 kg block to the wall? What is the acceleration of the 2.0 kg block?
3) The 100 kg block in figure takes 5.50 to reach the floor after being released from rest.What is the mass of the block on the left?
4) A 10-m-long glider with a mass of 680 kg (including the passengers) is gliding horizontally through the air at 30 m/s when a 60 kg skydiver drops out by releasing his grip on the glider. What is the glider's speed just after the skydiver let's go?
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  • #2
As for your first question, we need more information but assuming that either of them are not moving still...

Consider the force diagram of your car...

<------O ------>Truck
4500 N

Since the car is going to be in equilibrium the forces should balance each other... hence the force applied by the car on the truck would be...?

As for the other questions, go ahead and draw force diagrams... it really helps in understandint the problem.. once you have the force diagrams.. the only formula you will ever need is Net Force = Mass * Acceleration :)

For the last question, it is slighly tricky.. conservation of momentum is the key...

Hint: As soon as the sky diver drops out he still has the same velocity as the glider... use Mo*Vo = M1*V1 + M2*V2.. if you think a little bit you don't need the formula for the answer...
  • #3
ok I've figured out all of the problems except for the third one. i have set up a force diagram with gravity acting on both masses as well as both of the blocks acting on each other. i am unsure of the equation for the net force on the right block in terms of the left block. i was thinking m_1*g - m_2*g = m*a where m_2 is the right block of 100kg. then i tried to find the acceleration by using the equation for the position of an object at time t given constant acceleration. with intial x as 1 m, intial velocity at 0 and t is 5.5 s. i got -.066 m/s^2 but don't know if this is correct. can someone lead me to the right direction?
  • #4
The pulley is masless and frictionless right? if so then its the same tension for both blocks.
  • #5
I'm also stuck on a similar problem to number three. How do you find the acceleration?

FAQ: How Do You Solve Interacting Systems Physics Problems?

1. What are interacting systems problems?

Interacting systems problems refer to a class of scientific problems that involve multiple systems or components that interact with each other in complex ways. These systems can range from physical systems like ecosystems and climate patterns, to social systems like economies and communication networks.

2. Why are interacting systems problems important?

Interacting systems problems are important because they are prevalent in many fields of science, and understanding and managing these complex interactions is crucial for making accurate predictions, solving real-world problems, and making informed decisions. They also provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms and dynamics of natural and social systems.

3. What are some common methods used to study interacting systems problems?

Some common methods used to study interacting systems problems include mathematical modeling, computer simulations, statistical analysis, and experimental approaches. These methods allow scientists to explore the dynamics of complex systems, test hypotheses, and make predictions about their behavior.

4. What are some challenges in studying interacting systems problems?

One of the main challenges in studying interacting systems problems is that these systems are often highly complex and nonlinear, meaning that small changes in one component can have significant effects on the entire system. Additionally, there may be many unknown factors and interactions that make it difficult to accurately model and predict the behavior of these systems.

5. How can we use knowledge of interacting systems to solve real-world problems?

By studying interacting systems, scientists can gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms and dynamics of complex systems. This knowledge can then be applied to real-world problems, such as managing natural resources, controlling disease outbreaks, and improving the efficiency of social and economic systems. By understanding how different components interact and influence each other, we can make more effective and informed decisions in solving these problems.
