Idea about change in Earth's rotation speed by Climate Change

In summary, the melting of polar ice caps could have an impact on the Earth's rotation speed by shifting the mass of water closer to the equator and increasing the moment of inertia. However, the change is likely to be very small and would only be measurable with precise instruments. To estimate the significance of this change, the mass of the water being shifted would need to be compared to the mass of the Earth.
  • #1
I know the two seem very unrelated at first, but actually I think the partial melting of the polar ice caps would actually give us longer days and nights.

Most of the ice that would be melting is relatively close to the poles, the axis of Earth's rotation. But, when it melted, the mass of the water would move closer to the equator, increasing the Earth's moment of inertia (I think this is the right way to use this, but basically the same as a figure skater moving their arms out and slowing their rotation speed down). Thus, the Earth's rotation speed would slow down, although probably so minuscule that it would only be measured by very precise instruments.

Do you guys think I'm right? And how would I calculate this speed change?
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  • #2
TheBigK1d said:
Do you guys think I'm right? And how would I calculate this speed change?

You would estimate how significant it is by forming a rough estimate of the mass of the water that's moving from polar icecap to equatorial ocean, then comparing that mass with the mass of the Earth to see if it's enough to make a difference.

The mass of the Earth is about 6x1024 kilograms.

A volume of ice 1000 kilometers on a side and 100 meters thick will have a mass of about 1017 kilograms.

So the mass that we're shifting will be about one part in sixty million. You can play with the numbers a bit, move that sixty million around by a factor of ten or so in either direction... But you're still talking about an ant trying to influence the spin of a soccer ball by walking around on its surface.
  • #3
Most of the ice that would be melting is relatively close to the poles, the axis of Earth's rotation. But, when it melted, the mass of the water would move closer to the equator, increasing the Earth's moment of inertia (I think this is the right way to use this, but basically the same as a figure skater moving their arms out and slowing their rotation speed down). Thus, the Earth's rotation speed would slow down, although probably so minuscule that it would only be measured by very precise instruments.
When the ice melted it would also move from a higher level on the Earth's surface to a lower one at first before moving towards the oblate equator.Which would speed up the Earth's rotation before any slowing.

FAQ: Idea about change in Earth's rotation speed by Climate Change

What is the idea about change in Earth's rotation speed by Climate Change?

The idea is that climate change could potentially affect the Earth's rotation speed through various mechanisms such as melting ice sheets, changes in ocean currents, and shifts in atmospheric mass distribution.

How would climate change impact the Earth's rotation speed?

Climate change could cause the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, which would redistribute the mass of the Earth, leading to a shift in the rotation axis and a change in the rotation speed. It could also alter the Earth's ocean currents, which play a significant role in maintaining the planet's rotation speed.

Is there evidence to support the idea of climate change affecting the Earth's rotation speed?

There is some evidence to suggest that climate change is already affecting the Earth's rotation speed. Studies have shown that the melting of glaciers and ice sheets has caused a slight increase in the length of day, and changes in ocean currents have also been observed. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of this impact.

Could a change in Earth's rotation speed have consequences for the planet?

Yes, a change in the Earth's rotation speed could have significant consequences for the planet. It could alter the length of day and night, affect the Earth's climate patterns, and potentially lead to more extreme weather events. It could also impact the Earth's magnetic field and potentially affect animal migration patterns.

What can we do to mitigate the potential effects of climate change on the Earth's rotation speed?

The most effective way to mitigate the potential impacts of climate change on the Earth's rotation speed is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rate of global warming. This can be achieved through various measures such as transitioning to renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable practices in industries such as agriculture and transportation. It is also crucial to continue studying and monitoring the Earth's rotation speed to better understand and prepare for any potential changes.
