About interesting convergence of Riemann Zeta Function

In summary: But I don't think that is what happened here.In summary, the number -0.295905 is the first negative fixed point of the Riemann zeta function.
  • #1
Hi, I was playing with Riemann zeta function on mathematica. I encountered with a quite interesting result. I iterated Riemann zeta function for zero. (e.g Zeta...[Zeta[Zeta[0]]]...] It converges into a specific number which is -0.295905. Also for any negative values of Zeta function, iteration results the same number.

I searched on internet, but I couldn't find any thing about it, besides one review text.

What is the meaning of that number? for s≤0, Zeta iteration converges to a number. Is that something important?

On the other hand, a lot of great mathematicians dealed with Riemann zeta function and I'm sure they have reached this result, and since nowhere mentions that, it may be too obvious or trivial. But I'm just curious about it. Can someone inform me?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
here's a Riemann visualization you could check out:

Did mathematica complain about the s<0?
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  • #3
Actually, I mean Zeta iteration. Zeta of Zeta of Zeta of ... Zeta.

for s≤0, when I iterate Zeta, I am reaching same value.
  • #5
No, I'm not trying to do anything. I saw an interesting thing when I played with Zeta function on mathematica. I stated everything related with my question, in my first post.
  • #6
fractal generation works like this: start with a point in the complex number plane and count the iterations over a given equation until it no longer converges(?):


there's one example fc(z) = z^2 + 0.279 shown midway through the article under quadratic polynomials

anyway that's all I can think of.
  • #7
According to http://www.wolframalpha.com/
FindRoot[x - Zeta[x] == 0, {x, -0.305495, -0.287253}, WorkingPrecision -> 27]
x ~~ -0.295905005575213955647237831...

I do not know why that would be particularly interesting, more so than
Solve[x == Cos[x], x]

As for negative values some representations of zeta may have trouble with negative values, but that is due to that representation, not the function.

For example a bad representation would be
[tex]\zeta (x)=\sum_{k=1}^\infty n^{-x}[/tex]
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  • #8
Just to clarify what lurflurf is saying (in case you didn't pick up on his point), the number you are getting is a "fixed point" of the zeta function. That is, it satisfies
Zeta(x) = x.

Oftentimes, if you iterate a function, you will approach a fixed point. The reason is the Banach fixed point theorem:


It is also called the contraction mapping theorem. I can't be sure whether this is the real reason because I don't know if the Zeta function really is a contraction mapping (on this particular subset of its domain), but perhaps someone else will clarify this.
  • #9
Vargo said:
Just to clarify what lurflurf is saying (in case you didn't pick up on his point), the number you are getting is a "fixed point" of the zeta function. That is, it satisfies
Zeta(x) = x.

Oftentimes, if you iterate a function, you will approach a fixed point. The reason is the Banach fixed point theorem:


It is also called the contraction mapping theorem. I can't be sure whether this is the real reason because I don't know if the Zeta function really is a contraction mapping (on this particular subset of its domain), but perhaps someone else will clarify this.

Thank you Vargo for this enlightning explanation.
  • #10
x = -0.295905 is the first negative fixed point of the Riemann zeta, but it is not the only one: between x = (1.83 and 1.84) we find the only positive one and for example,
between x = (-24.0 and -24.01) or x = (-36.0 and -36.0000000001) we find others.

Proposition: We have fixed ponts of the Riemann zeta at x = - 12 * i - d
(for integral i > 1 and d a small (not constant) quantity)

But we have to remeber: The Riemann zeta is defined for complex values s and we are just talking about the case of Im(s) = 0
  • #11
This fixed point, as with the others, seem to me to be mean values of the conditions imposed on them. By taking the zeta of the zeta of the zeta (or any other function) will eventually converge to some constant in most cases. However, in every occurence one opens up more possible solutions. Take the mean value of the cosine function for all natural numbers. Eventually as n maps to infinity, the average becomes zero. Problem is there are an infinite number of functions that converge absolutely...map to zero. In terms of the zeros of the zeta function, the roots, there are an infinite number of them and numerical evidence suggests that they are irrational numbers. Thus, by confining such numbers to a region where an infinite number of arguments converge on the same limit suggests the end result of amounting to less information in the end. What I would do is if I really felt there was some significance to a constant that I encountered ad hoc, I would attempt to express it in closed form, like phi = (Sqrt{5}+1)/2. If numerous serious attempts could not present such a solution, then I would probably make note and move on until the constant came up elsewhere. Important constants such as pi, e and the rest came from a careful study into the proceedure at hand, which is why the platonic solids and physical phenomena are useful in comparing mathematical solutions (especially in study of a Riemann Operator)...as we know then what the real problem at hand is. Good luck and keep calculating!

FAQ: About interesting convergence of Riemann Zeta Function

1. What is the Riemann Zeta Function?

The Riemann Zeta Function is a mathematical function that was discovered by Bernhard Riemann in the 19th century. It is defined as the infinite sum of the reciprocals of all positive integers raised to a given power. The function is denoted by ζ(s) and is closely related to the distribution of prime numbers.

2. What is the significance of the Riemann Zeta Function?

The Riemann Zeta Function is significant because it has many interesting and important properties, and it has applications in various areas of mathematics, including number theory, analysis, and physics. It is also closely linked to the famous unsolved problem in mathematics, the Riemann Hypothesis.

3. What is the connection between the Riemann Zeta Function and the distribution of prime numbers?

The Riemann Zeta Function is closely related to the distribution of prime numbers through the Prime Number Theorem. This theorem states that the number of prime numbers less than a given number x is approximately equal to x/ln(x). The Riemann Zeta Function plays a crucial role in proving this theorem.

4. What is the interesting convergence of the Riemann Zeta Function?

The Riemann Zeta Function has a unique property known as analytic continuation, which allows it to be extended to the entire complex plane except for the point s=1. This means that the function can be evaluated for all complex numbers, not just positive integers. This convergence behavior is what makes the Riemann Zeta Function so intriguing and useful in various mathematical applications.

5. How does the Riemann Zeta Function relate to other important mathematical functions?

The Riemann Zeta Function is closely related to other important mathematical functions, such as the Dirichlet Eta Function and the Gamma Function. In fact, the Riemann Zeta Function can be expressed in terms of these functions, and vice versa. This connection between different mathematical functions is one reason why the Riemann Zeta Function is so valuable in various areas of mathematics.
