Simple question about measurable characteristic function

In summary: The characteristic function of a measurable set A is measurable iff A is measurable. In this problem, the book asks to prove this for a general measurable space. The book defines a measurable function f such that the set on which f is 0 is eliminated. Since \chi_A(A^c)=0, A^c need not be measurable, and so the characteristic function of A is measurable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that the characteristic function [itex]\chi_A: X\rightarrow R, \chi_A(x)=1,x\in A; \chi_A(x)=0, x\notin A[/itex], where A is a measurable set of the measurable space [itex] (X,\psi) [/itex], is measurable.

Homework Equations

a function [itex]f: X->R[/itex] is measurable if for any usual measurable set M of R, [itex]f^{-1}(M)[/itex] is measurable in [itex](X,\psi)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Obviously [itex]f^{-1}([0,1])=X[/itex], where the universal set X need not be a measurable set in a general measurable space [itex](X,\psi)[/itex], which only requires that the (uncountable) union of all measurable sets is X. But the book explicitly asked to prove for a general measurable space. What am I missing here? Thank you.
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  • #2
sunjin09 said:

The Attempt at a Solution

Obviously [itex]f^{-1}([0,1])=X[/itex], where the universal set X need not be a measurable set in a general measurable space [itex](X,\psi)[/itex], which only requires that the (uncountable) union of all measurable sets is X. But the book explicitly asked to prove for a general measurable space. What am I missing here? Thank you.

[itex]X=A\cup A^{c}[/itex]
  • #3
But [itex]A^c[/itex] need not be measurable in a general measurable space, which is not necessarily a Borel field, only a [itex]\sigma[/itex]-ring whose union is X. Am I completely wrong?
  • #4
I've heard of sigma fields and sigma algebras before, but never sigma rings... Is that a variation in which measurability is not closed under complements? I would double check that in your book.
  • #5
Every book I've seen defines a measurable space as a set equipped with a Σ-algebra. What book are you using?
  • #6
This is the book I use

The definition of general measurable space in this book
Definition 7.1(3). Let X be a (universal) set and let psi be a sigma-ring on X which has the property that X is a (not necessarily countable) union of sets taken from the collection psi. Then the ordered pair (X, psi) is called a measurable space. The members of psi are referred to as the measurable sets of X.

A example in the book is let X be an uncountable set and psi be all countable subset of X.

This is a wiki page on sigma-ring:
In the last paragraph:
"σ-rings can be used instead of σ-fields in the development of measure and integration theory, if one does not wish to require that the universal set be measurable."

In the same book there is this problem:
Let (X, psi) be a general measurable space. Show that the characteristic function of [itex]A\subset X[/itex] is measurable iff A is measurable. ( Remark: In the text we gave the proof for a Borel space only. )

P.S. I seem to have figured it out. In the book, for a general measurable space, a measurable function f is defined in such a way that the set on which f is 0 is eliminated. Since [itex]\chi_A(A^c)=0, A^c[/itex] need not be measurable. Thank you both!
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FAQ: Simple question about measurable characteristic function

1. What is a measurable characteristic function?

A measurable characteristic function is a mathematical function that describes the behavior of a particular characteristic or property. It is used to represent and quantify a specific aspect or feature of a system or object.

2. How is a measurable characteristic function measured or determined?

A measurable characteristic function is typically measured using a variety of methods such as experiments, observations, or mathematical calculations. The specific method used will depend on the type of characteristic being studied and the available resources.

3. What are some examples of measurable characteristic functions?

Some examples of measurable characteristic functions include temperature, pressure, pH level, and velocity. These are all measurable quantities that can be described using mathematical functions.

4. How is a measurable characteristic function different from a regular function?

A measurable characteristic function is specifically designed to represent a measurable quantity, whereas a regular function can represent any type of relationship between variables. Additionally, measurable characteristic functions often have specific properties and units that must be considered.

5. What is the importance of using measurable characteristic functions in science?

Measurable characteristic functions are important in science because they allow for the quantification and analysis of specific characteristics or properties. They provide a way to accurately describe and compare different systems, and can help identify patterns and relationships in data. This information is crucial for understanding the natural world and making informed decisions in various fields of study.

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