What is the pH of a Soft Drink with NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4?

In summary, the problem at hand involves finding the pH of a soft drink with a buffer consisting of 6.90 g of NaH2PO4 and 5.70 g of Na2HPO4 per 355 mL of solution. The key concept to solve this is to focus on the equilibrium of H2PO4(-) <-> H(+) + HPO4(2-) since the other equilibria involving H3PO4 and PO4(3-) can be neglected. Applying the Henderson-Hasselbach equation with the appropriate Ka value will give the desired pH. It is also possible to consider all equilibria, but this may not significantly affect the final result.
  • #1

I have been trying several days to solve this problem. But i can't find the procedure to solve this weak acid and weak base problem. I will really appreciate some help.

What is the pH of a soft drink in which the major buffer ingredients are 6.90 g of NaH2PO4 and 5.70 g of Na2HPO4 per 355 mL of solution?

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  • #2
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  • #3

The problem relies in the fact i don't know how to solve for weak acid with a weak base. I do know how to buffers with weak acid and salt or weak base and salt. But I have no idea where to start when you are asked a mixture of weak acid and weak base at the same time. I will really appreciate your help. I don't need the final answer just a way to solve this kind of problem.

  • #4
I think that the conceptual key here is that you can largely ignore the first and third deprotonations of phosphoric acid. If H2PO4(-) and HPO4(2-) exist in significant concentration, then the concentrations of H3PO4 and PO4(3-) will be negligible. That is to say, the only significant equilibrium here is

H2PO4(-) <-> H(+) + HPO4(2-), all phases aqueous.

Then you can just apply the Henderson-Hasselbach equation. Just make sure you use the right Ka.

If you feel paranoid and want to include all of the other equilibria, you can. I'm guessing it'll just be extra work for a 10^-18 or so correction.

FAQ: What is the pH of a Soft Drink with NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4?

What is a weak acid and weak base?

A weak acid is a substance that partially dissociates in water, resulting in a lower concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and a higher concentration of its conjugate base. A weak base is a substance that partially accepts hydrogen ions, resulting in a lower concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) and a higher concentration of its conjugate acid.

How do weak acids and weak bases affect pH?

Weak acids and weak bases have a smaller effect on pH compared to strong acids and strong bases. This is because they only partially dissociate, resulting in a smaller change in the concentration of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions in the solution.

What is the pH of a solution containing a weak acid?

The pH of a solution containing a weak acid can be calculated using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: pH = pKa + log([conjugate base]/[weak acid]). This equation takes into account the dissociation constant (pKa) of the weak acid and the ratio of its conjugate base and weak acid in the solution.

How can you determine if a weak acid or weak base is present in a solution?

You can determine if a weak acid or weak base is present in a solution by measuring the pH of the solution using a pH meter or pH indicator. A low pH (below 7) indicates the presence of a weak acid, while a high pH (above 7) indicates the presence of a weak base.

What factors can affect the pH of a solution containing a weak acid or weak base?

The pH of a solution containing a weak acid or weak base can be affected by factors such as temperature, concentration of the weak acid or weak base, and the presence of other substances that can react with the weak acid or weak base. Additionally, changes in pressure or the addition of a strong acid or strong base can also impact the pH of the solution.
