Do women really look at a man's shoes?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
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In summary: Recently there was a discussion here on open-back tops, are people shallow for judging women on the tops they wear?Women who appreciate a pair of shoes are shallow, but people who find open-back tops poor...From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.Yes, men are profound that way.Women pay attention to a man's whole wardrobe, not just the shoes.
  • #1
If so, what do they garner by them?

Today I bought my very first pair of very fine shoes. Hopefully they'll last a loooong time. I'm also just wondering if what they say is true, do mothers really tell their daughters to check out a man's shoes?
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  • #2
gravenewworld said:
If so, what do they garner by them?

Today I bought my very first pair of very fine shoes. Hopefully they'll last a loooong time. I'm also just wondering if what they say is true, do mothers really tell their daughters to check out a man's shoes?
Normal women, no. Superficial women, I've known golddiggers that judge men by their shoes.
  • #3
My wife checked out my shoes. She married me anyway.
  • #4
gravenewworld said:
do mothers really tell their daughters to check out a man's shoes?

*looks at his own shoes* ...I certainly hope not.
  • #5
Evo said:
Normal women, no. Superficial women, I've known golddiggers that judge men by their shoes.
I like to see a man that wears nice shoes, I don't consciously look at it though. A man that wears ugly white sportshoes all day long would put me off, it's a first impression thing.
  • #6
Well if it's something you buy 20 pairs of a year you probably are an expert on the subject :)
  • #7
You can't have fun in nice shoes!
  • #8
Women pay attention to a man's whole wardrobe, not just the shoes.
  • #9
zoobyshoe said:
Women pay attention to a man's whole wardrobe, not just the shoes.
From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.
  • #10
Do women really look at a man's shoes?

Only the shy ones.
  • #11
arildno said:
From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.
This describes me to a T. I don't care what a woman wears, I only care about what lies beneath.
  • #12
Well. Downright intimidating women (head-shoes-head) while shy type (shoes-head-shoes). Both' stare in the middle. Goes with guys also... Don't ask me why. "Head scratch"
  • #13
@julcab12 lol interested, never thought about it like that.

Last summer I went outside to get grab something out of my car wearing my roommates pink flip flops with a flower on them. I figured I only have to walk ten feet down the hall, down three flights of stairs, and it's in the middle of the day so everyone is at work. Naturally a girl who lived in the first floor happened to be doing the same and sees the flowers.

She said "Nice flip flops?".

We're still dating.
  • #14
OMGCarlos said:
@julcab12 lol interested, never thought about it like that.

Last summer I went outside to get grab something out of my car wearing my roommates pink flip flops with a flower on them. I figured I only have to walk ten feet down the hall, down three flights of stairs, and it's in the middle of the day so everyone is at work. Naturally a girl who lived in the first floor happened to be doing the same and sees the flowers.

She said "Nice flip flops?".

We're still dating.

And chicks dig that!?... I..^^
  • #15
arildno said:
From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.
Yes, men are profound that way.
  • #16
Evo said:
Normal women, no. Superficial women, I've known golddiggers that judge men by their shoes.

Shy women also look at a man's shoes!:shy::biggrin:
  • #17
In college, if I wasn't wearing nice broken-in running shoes, I was wearing broken-in work boots. One variation was when I was playing music, and I often wore cowboy boots. They were so comfortable to stand in - not so much for walking, though. If women were looking at my shoes, I probably got down-graded regularly by the shallow ones. That's OK.
  • #18
I'm okay with any woman willing to judge me by my shoes keeping herself out of my life.
  • #19
arildno said:
From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.

Beneath what, though..
  • #20
BhutJolokia said:
I'm okay with any woman willing to judge me by my shoes keeping herself out of my life.
Isn't that a bit judgmental in itself? Do you really think that your appearance does not influence how people perceive you? Look at society and it should be very clear that appearance plays a big role, whether you like it or not. One needs to be a robot to have a completely blank impression of a person.

Recently there was a discussion here on open-back tops, are people shallow for judging women on the tops they wear?

Women who appreciate a pair of shoes are shallow, but people who find open-back tops poor taste, the showing of bra straps tacky, the trend of bra-less look attractive are... ? Just as shallow as they claim other people to be?
  • #21
L'enfer, c'est les autres... The others are hell. Being capable of suspending it's own judgment is the most important skill a decent man should develop. Although they are a far more superior kind of beings, don't ask women's to do that : they have to find a partner in order to breed. But shoes ? Really ? What qualities do you look for in a man ?
I met a poet with no teeth yesterday. He was wearing a 5 euros pants and a pair of very old shoes : no one knows that he's part of the elite. An incredible mind. He doesn't care. A man without qualities.
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  • #22
Maybe this is a bit simplistic, but I think men who don't wear nice shoes fall into one of these categories:
  1. Those who can't afford good shoes.
  2. Those who could afford good shoes, but don't realize that others are judging them by appearances.
  3. Thoes who could afford good shoes, know that it would impress others, but don't give tuppence about their opinions.
I guess many of us want to belong to the third group, i.e. be rich and cool (or at least cool alone) without having to show off, like this guy:
nazarbaz said:
I met a poet with no teeth yesterday. He was wearing a 5 euros pants and a pair of very old shoes : no one knows that he's part of the elite. An incredible mind. He doesn't care. A man without qualities.

But then we must really live with the fact that most others will avoid us, because they think we belong in one of the other groups (poor or ignorant).
  • #23
Why on Earth does everyone take everything so bloody literally? The original idea behind the concept was not 'what shoes are being worn', but the care behind them. I've grown up with this saying for years, but it was always about paying attention to detail. Ie wax/polish your shoes, as it keeps the water off the leather so they'll last longer and look good. And scuffed shoes will make you look like a scruff, even if you have the very best suit on.

So really the point behind this is, old shoes that have been looked after and taken care of speak more volumes about a man than a brand spanking new, very expensive pair. One who takes good care of his possessions, is more likely to take care of a lady.

Yet another thing my gran used to say to me has been bastardized into this load of horse manure.
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  • #24
I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet and I asked him, can I have your shoes?
  • #25
arildno said:
From what I've heard, men in general couldn't care less about what women wear at all. That's why women are the superficial ones, men only cares about what lies beneath.

Haha, when I was much younger I didn't think I cared what women wore until I realized how much it influenced my impression of them. I was actually shocked to realize how much of a difference make up and clothes can make. I thought I was more perceptive than that!

When Tsu and I met I would often work after hours in shorts. She was too busy looking at my legs to notice my shoes.
  • #26
Jimmy Snyder said:
I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet and I asked him, can I have your shoes?

I cried when I met a man with no feet. And then I met a man with no head...
  • #27
Do women really look at a man's shoes?

Borek said:
Only the shy ones.

Too funny!
  • #28
I had an old pair of pig-skin Reebocks that were so comfortable. I about cried when I had to retire them. They weren't pretty, but they were comfortable as all get-out. Back then, I could easily run 5-6 miles/day and I should have just been happy that they held up as long as they did.
  • #29
I don't notice them unless they're particularly bad. But that goes for everything... clothes, hair style, hygiene, etc... If someone's shoes are bad but they're still nice, then it doesn't matter.

Hygiene on the other hand... that trumps just about everything.
  • #30
seaofghosts said:
Hygiene on the other hand... that trumps just about everything.
In my old age, I have reverted back to my teens. I wear comfortable running shoes/court shoes when it is warm and well-worn and comfortable work boots in the winter. If my wife should pass away before me, women who would judge me by my shoes would be weeded out pretty quickly.
  • #31
OMGCarlos said:
... Last summer I went outside to get grab something out of my car wearing my roommates pink flip flops with a flower on them...
Err, uh ... forget it.
  • #32
Hahaha I would say they were by the door so I just put them on, but I doubt anyone would believe that (it's true, I swear :P )
  • #33
Let's back it up with some peer-reviewed research :biggrin:

Journal of Research in Personality, Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2012, Pages 423–430.
Shoes as a source of first impressions
Surprisingly minimal appearance cues lead perceivers to accurately judge others’ personality, status, or politics. We investigated people’s precision in judging characteristics of an unknown person, based solely on the shoes he or she wears most often. Participants provided photographs of their shoes, and during a separate session completed self-report measures. Coders rated the shoes on various dimensions, and these ratings were found to correlate with the owners’ personal characteristics. A new group of participants accurately judged the age, gender, income, and attachment anxiety of shoe owners based solely on the pictures. Shoes can indeed be used to evaluate others, at least in some domains.
  • #34
My wife is always insisting I need new shoes. I have like 20 pairs now. I won't even talk about how many she has.
  • #35
Monique said:
Let's back it up with some peer-reviewed research :biggrin:

Journal of Research in Personality, Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2012, Pages 423–430.
Shoes as a source of first impressions

So our shoes say a lot about us!:rolleyes: