Minimum Speed for Hoop to Roll Without Slipping Around a Loop

In summary, a thin hoop of mass m and radius R must travel with a minimum speed on the horizontal portion of the track in order to successfully go around a loop of radius r without losing contact with it at the top. This minimum speed can be determined using the conservation of energy and the formula for centripetal acceleration, expressed in terms of m, R, r, and g.
  • #1
A thin hoop of mass m and radius R is rolling without slipping along a horizontal track. It then encounters a loop of radius r. If the hoop travels fast enough along the horizontal portion of the track it is able to go around the loop without losing contact with it at the top. Find the minimum speed the hoop needs to have on the horizontal portion of the track to accomplish this. Express in terms of m, R, r, and g.
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  • #2
What exactly have you tried so far?

Meanwhile, here's a couple of hints:

(1) Energy is conserved.

(2) Centripetal acceleration is speed squared divided by radius of circular path.
  • #3

To find the minimum speed needed for the hoop to successfully go around the loop without losing contact, we can use the conservation of energy principle. At the top of the loop, the hoop will have both translational and rotational kinetic energy, as well as potential energy due to its height.

First, we can find the potential energy at the top of the loop by considering the height of the hoop above the ground. Since the hoop is rolling without slipping, the height of the hoop at the top of the loop will be equal to the radius of the loop, r. Therefore, the potential energy at the top of the loop is given by mgh = mgr.

Next, we can find the kinetic energy of the hoop at the top of the loop. Since the hoop is rolling without slipping, its translational kinetic energy is given by 1/2mv^2, where v is the speed of the hoop. Additionally, the hoop will also have rotational kinetic energy given by 1/2Iω^2, where I is the moment of inertia of the hoop (for a thin hoop, I = mr^2) and ω is the angular velocity of the hoop. Since the hoop is rolling without slipping, the linear speed of the hoop is equal to its angular speed, v = ωr. Therefore, the total kinetic energy at the top of the loop is given by 1/2mv^2 + 1/2Iω^2 = 1/2mv^2 + 1/2mr^2ω^2 = 1/2mv^2 + 1/2mr^2(v/r)^2 = 1/2mv^2 + 1/2mv^2 = mv^2.

Using the conservation of energy principle, we can equate the potential energy at the top of the loop to the kinetic energy at the top of the loop, and solve for the minimum speed v needed for the hoop to successfully go around the loop without losing contact:

mgr = mv^2

Solving for v, we get:

v = √(gr)

Therefore, the minimum speed the hoop needs to have on the horizontal portion of the track to successfully go around the loop without losing contact is √(gr). This speed is independent of the mass and radius of the hoop, and only depends on the radius of the loop and the acceleration due to gravity, g.

FAQ: Minimum Speed for Hoop to Roll Without Slipping Around a Loop

1. What is rolling without slipping?

Rolling without slipping is a type of motion in which an object moves both forward and rotates at the same time without any slipping or sliding. This is commonly observed in objects like wheels or balls rolling on a surface.

2. How is rolling without slipping different from regular rolling?

In regular rolling, an object moves forward while also experiencing some slipping or sliding on the surface. In rolling without slipping, there is no slipping or sliding, and the object's point of contact with the surface remains stationary.

3. What are the conditions for rolling without slipping to occur?

For an object to roll without slipping, the point of contact between the object and the surface should remain stationary, and the object's velocity should be a combination of linear and angular velocity.

4. Can an object roll without slipping on any surface?

No, an object can only roll without slipping on surfaces with sufficient friction. If the surface is too slippery, the object will experience slipping and sliding instead of rolling without slipping.

5. How is rolling without slipping useful in science and everyday life?

Rolling without slipping is essential in many practical applications, such as in the design of wheels and gears. It is also crucial in understanding the motion of objects like rolling balls or tires, which are commonly used in transportation. In science, it is used to study the dynamics and motion of objects in various systems.
