Calculating the Product of a Series

In summary: He did ask specifically about n! as an example in the OP. An understanding of the factorial concept is incredibly important to almost all mathematics beyond the high school level.That's why I thought it was more than relevant to the topic.
  • #1
Homework Helper
This problem came to my intentions when I was attempting to find the answer in".
The sum of the sequences of a series can be calculated if the series is:
a) Arithmetic Progression by ~ [tex]S_n=\frac{n}{2}[2a+(n-1)d][/tex]
b) Geometric progression by ~ [tex]S_n=\frac{a(r^n-1)}{r-1}[/tex]

My question is, are formulas or basic ideas needed to used to find the product of the series, rather than the sum.

e.g. [tex]1+2+3+...+(n-1)+n=\frac{n^2+n}{2}[/tex]

However, what about:
[tex](1)(2)(3)...(n-1)(n)=x[/tex] where x is the product in terms of n.

I am not looking for the answer, but would appreciate if anyone shows how to approach this problem; rather than the usual guesses I've been taking...
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  • #2
Mentallic said:
However, what about:
[tex](1)(2)(3)...(n-1)(n)=x[/tex] where x is the product in terms of n.

Hi Mentallic! :smile:

That's just x = n! (factorial n).

Or am I misunderstanding your question? :confused:
  • #3
Notice how for the sum of the progression, any positive integer n can be substituted to find the sum of all terms up to that point in the sequence.
e.g. [tex]1+2+3+4+5=\frac{5^2+5}{2}=15[/tex]

I am trying to find a similar result for the product of the sequence.
e.g. [tex][/tex] where x is in terms of n, such that if I substitute n=5 into the equation, would result with 120. This must be true for all positive integers n. Whatever value of n I use, it must be equal to the product of the series up to that n value.
  • #5
Ahh factorials are new to me but they seem to be roughly what I wanted. However, it would be nice if this could be expressed in a way correspondent to the sum.

I have been taking guesses, but [tex]\frac{[n(n-1)]^2}{4}+1[/tex] is not too far off the real answer.
  • #6

Hi Mentallic! :smile:
Mentallic said:
Notice how for the sum of the progression, any positive integer n can be substituted to find the sum of all terms up to that point in the sequence.
e.g. [tex]1+2+3+4+5=\frac{5^2+5}{2}=15[/tex]

I am trying to find a similar result for the product of the sequence.
e.g. [tex][/tex] where x is in terms of n, such that if I substitute n=5 into the equation, would result with 120. This must be true for all positive integers n. Whatever value of n I use, it must be equal to the product of the series up to that n value.

Gotcha! :wink:

The answer is … no, there's no such result …

that's exactly why factorial was defined. :smile:
Mentallic said:
Ahh factorials are new to me but they seem to be roughly what I wanted. However, it would be nice if this could be expressed in a way correspondent to the sum.

It would be nice, but it ain't so.

Since factorials are new to you, and since they're great fun :biggrin:, particularly in combinatorics (the maths of problems like what is the chance of five cards containing two kings) I recommend you look at: and :smile:
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  • #7

tiny-tim said:
The answer is … no, there's no such result …

that's exactly why factorial was defined. :smile:
I'm sure there was much diligence to find a result, until someone proposed and presented a proof that there is no such answer.

tiny-tim said:
Since factorials are new to you, and since they're great fun :biggrin:
They sure are! But too bad this is a little too advanced for me. There seem to be a few prerequisites I need to get in touch with before understanding most of what is that wiki page.

This idea was extended in 2000 by Henry Bottomley to the superduperfactorial as the product of the first n superfactorials
And there I was thinking that superduper is the work of childrens' slang, this is hilarious :smile:
  • #8
Mentallic said:
Ahh factorials are new to me but they seem to be roughly what I wanted. However, it would be nice if this could be expressed in a way correspondent to the sum.

Yes, nothing 'nice' like that is possible. There are approximation, though: n! is roughly (n/e)^n, which can be improved on by Stirling's approximation (Google it).

Mentallic said:
I have been taking guesses, but [tex]\frac{[n(n-1)]^2}{4}+1[/tex] is not too far off the real answer.

That's reasonably close for 5!, but it gets very different rather quickly. (10*9)^2/4+1 = 2026, but 10! = 3628800.
  • #9
Mentallic said:
My question is, are formulas or basic ideas needed to used to find the product of the series, rather than the sum.

This thread has been sidetracked a bit by the discussion on factorials. Not to disparage that discussion; factorials appear in many, many places. It is a very important concept.

However, no one has answered Mentallic's question in a general sense. There is a very direct relationship between a product and a sum. Taking the logarithm of a product yields a sum:

[tex]\log\left(\prod_{r=1}^k a_r\right) = \sum_{r=1}^k \log a_r[/tex]

Similarly, the exponential of a sum is a product:

[tex]\exp\left(\sum_{r=1}^k a_r\right) = \prod_{r=1}^k e^{a_r}[/tex]
  • #10
D H said:
This thread has been sidetracked a bit by the discussion on factorials. Not to disparage that discussion; factorials appear in many, many places. It is a very important concept.

I don't think that's a sidetrack. In the opening post Mentallic asked about n!:
However, what about:
[tex](1)(2)(3)...(n-1)(n)=x[/tex] where x is the product in terms of n.

I agree that
[tex]n!=\prod_{k=1}^nk=\exp\left(\log\prod_{k=1}^nk\right)=\exp\left(\sum_{k=1}^n\log k\right)[/tex]
but since there's no 'closed form' for [itex]\sum_{k=1}^n\log k[/itex] I don't think that solves Mentallic's question.
  • #11
Point noted. He did ask specifically about n! as an example in the OP. An understanding of the factorial concept is incredibly important to almost all mathematics beyond the high school level.

He did ask about products in general as well, which is what motivated my response.
  • #12
D H said:
He did ask about products in general as well, which is what motivated my response.

Yes, thanks for that. The thread needed an explanation of that.
  • #13
I appreciate the responses. However, like I've already said, there are many concepts posted in here that I do not understand. If I am to have any hope in understanding them, could someone please explain or even refer me to the wiki page for the descriptions of:

[tex]\prod[/tex] and [tex]exp[/tex]
  • #14
Mentallic said:
I appreciate the responses. However, like I've already said, there are many concepts posted in here that I do not understand. If I am to have any hope in understanding them, could someone please explain or even refer me to the wiki page for the descriptions of:

[tex]\prod[/tex] and [tex]exp[/tex]

Hi Mentallic! :smile:

The exponential is exp(x), which is just another way of writing ex, where e = 2.7181828459… = ∑(1/n!)n

The other one is just the repeated multiplying symbol, exactly the same as ∑ is the repeated adding symbol.

See and :smile:

btw, in the wiki article on factorials, I wouldn't bother with anything from gamma functions onward. :wink:
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  • #15
I'm not sure how well this comment might go down, but is indeed a general method to deal with products without relying on sums (i.e- the logarithm and exponential relationships that were explained before).

[tex]\prod_{n = 1}^{N} u_{n}[/tex]
Whenever we can write, [itex]u_{n} = v_{n}/v_{n-1}[/tex] that holds for every [itex]n[/tex], we have the product as,

[tex]\prod_{n=1}^{N} \frac{v_{n}}{v_{n-1}} = \frac{v_{N}}{v_{0}}[/tex]

Of course, there's no guarantee we can get the general term of the product in the given form as a neat fraction (compare this method with the method of differences in dealing with series), but with regard to the OP's question about the factorial, this is the basis for its origin since we have,

[tex]\Gamma(s) = (s - 1) \Gamma(s - 1)[/tex]
as a reflection formula directly from the definition of the gamma function (by integrating by parts).

It's interesting that, formally, we can use the derivative of the zeta function (by relying on the analytic continuation we can have the required series of logarithms on one side by term by term differentiation and an otherwise evaluated value on the other side) at zero to obtain a finite value for the factorial of infinity! (stress added that the procedure is formal)
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FAQ: Calculating the Product of a Series

1. How do you calculate the product of a series?

To calculate the product of a series, you need to multiply all the terms in the series together. For example, if the series is 1, 2, 3, the product would be 1 x 2 x 3 = 6.

2. What is the formula for calculating the product of a series?

The formula for calculating the product of a series is P = a1 * a2 * a3 * ... * an, where P is the product and a1, a2, a3, etc. are the terms in the series.

3. Can the product of a series be negative?

Yes, the product of a series can be negative if there are an odd number of negative terms in the series. In this case, the negative terms will cancel out the positive terms, resulting in a negative product.

4. How do you calculate the product of an infinite series?

Calculating the product of an infinite series is not always possible or practical. However, if the series converges, it is possible to find the limit of the product as the number of terms approaches infinity. This can be done using different convergence tests, such as the ratio test or the root test.

5. What is the significance of calculating the product of a series?

The product of a series is used in various mathematical and scientific applications, such as in calculating probabilities, finding the area under a curve, and solving differential equations. It is also an important concept in algebra and calculus, and helps to understand the behavior of functions and sequences.

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