Is the Alleged Alien Video Authentic?

In summary, the man claims to have video of an alien, and he's going to show it to some people tomorrow. He won't let the public see it because it's going to be included in a documentary. Some people think the government is trying to hide the truth about aliens, and the video may be proof. However, the video is blurry and vague, so it's hard to know for sure.
  • #1
Gold Member
A guy claims to have video of an alien, and he's going to show it to some people tomorrow. He won't let the public see it because it's going to be included in a documentary.
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Physics news on
  • #3
Man...I hate limited bandwidth...can't watch the clip. But keep us posted k?

"Take us to your dealer!"

(Hehehehe...couldn't resist :biggrin:)
  • #4
turbo-1 said:
A guy claims to have video of an alien, and he's going to show it to some people tomorrow. He won't let the public see it because it's going to be included in a documentary.

Haha, the trouble is that I don't want any aliens. I already have cats.
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  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
Haha, the trouble is that I don't want any aliens. I already have cats.
Perfect! Cats are the aliens' favorite snack!
  • #6
I accept the probability of life elsewhere in the universe, however i find it a little hard to accept aliens visiting earth. Surely if their capable of overcoming the consequences of space travel then their technology is superior to our's. So why haven't they taken over us, or at least let themselves be known to all?

I conclude that no aliens are visiting our little blue dot. All "evidence" submitted by believers so far is subjective, hell we live in the era of 10 mega pixel digital cameras, HD television, etc. So why are all the images and videos so vague and blurry all the time?
  • #7
vincentm said:
I conclude that no aliens are visiting our little blue dot. All "evidence" submitted by believers so far is subjective, hell we live in the era of 10 mega pixel digital cameras, HD television, etc. So why are all the images and videos so vague and blurry all the time?

Haha! I don't think the size of our Earth in comparison to the size of the universe is a reason to disprove the fact that they have visited.
  • #8
vincentm said:
I conclude that no aliens are visiting our little blue dot. All "evidence" submitted by believers so far is subjective, hell we live in the era of 10 mega pixel digital cameras, HD television, etc. So why are all the images and videos so vague and blurry all the time?

Maybe it's not the images and videos...maybe that's the way they actually look :-p .
  • #9
vincentm said:
I conclude that no aliens are visiting our little blue dot. All "evidence" submitted by believers so far is subjective, hell we live in the era of 10 mega pixel digital cameras, HD television, etc. So why are all the images and videos so vague and blurry all the time?

It's a conspiracy...



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  • #10
vincentm said:
So why are all the images and videos so vague and blurry all the time?

In some cases there is good RADAR evidence for UFOs that supports eyewitness testimony [and or photographic evidence] decribing crafts that seem to defy the known limits of technology.

As for images and videos, there are crystal clear photos and videos of both flying crafts and aliens, but if we don't know them to be faked, we assume so.
  • #12
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  • #13
Link dead...
  • #14
russ_watters said:
Link dead...

It works for me... It is an audio file.

Edit: I just cleared my cache to be sure. It works.
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  • #15
I forgot to mention that my dad was there too. He remembers the lights-out and the sirens, and the guns, and the next day he went out and picked-up spent artillery shells, but that's about it.
  • #16
I like the way he says "Los Angeles", Ivan.
  • #17
I think that withholding the evidence to be able to make money off of it is likely the quickest way to make people believe it is fake, even though that is probably what most people would do themselves.
  • #18
I'm not sure I totally believe this...Guess, I want to see proof and to be able to tell it's real, too.
  • #19
mcknia07 said:
I'm not sure I totally believe this...Guess, I want to see proof and to be able to tell it's real, too.

I'll bet against it and give you just about any odds that you like. :biggrin:
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
I'll bet against it and give you just about any odds that you like. :biggrin:

LOL, Thanks :biggrin: Why would anyone want to fake any of this, though?? I must say, it looks a little bizarre :biggrin:
  • #21
Why fake it? Fame and fortune.
  • #22
Ivan Seeking said:
Why fake it? Fame and fortune.

Yeah, ok, but...aren't they made fun of, for, like, making it up, or "faking" it? LOL
  • #23
mcknia07 said:
Yeah, ok, but...aren't they made fun of, for, like, making it up, or "faking" it? LOL

I think the "fortune" part will make up for any amount of public ridicule :smile:
  • #24
phyzmatix said:
I think the "fortune" part will make up for any amount of public ridicule :smile:

Good point :smile: People will do pretty much anything to get the money, lol.
  • #25
mcknia07 said:
Yeah, ok, but...aren't they made fun of, for, like, making it up, or "faking" it? LOL

Yes, which is why I listen a bit more carefully when no one is making any money. But you know that an alleged film of an alien, if done well, could reap some real bucks.
  • #26
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes, which is why I listen a bit more carefully when no one is making any money. But you know that an alleged film of an alien, if done well, could reap some real bucks.

I guess, I'll have to start to talk that into consideration from now on then :biggrin:

Very true too, they do look pretty cool :smile: and i guess that's why some would pay money, and the facct, some might think it's real...They need to think again :biggrin:
  • #27
There are some videos and photos of UFOs that have a reasonable degree of crediblity due to the source. For example, this very interesting video, which coincidentally was taken by the Long Beach Police Department, is almost certainly authentic. It was reported in the press at the time, and AFAIK, no one knows what it was. One possibility that comes to mind for me is ball lightning or some other rare but real phenomenon that is reported as a "UFO" from time to time. In any case the dripping of material "like molten metal" has been reported in many UFO reports [which need not mean alien spacecraft reports...though in some cases that is the specific claim], and in some cases trace evidence was recovered. So I can't help but think of those cases when viewing this video, but of course we could be seeing something else entirely.

The weather report from that night says it was calm. Note also that the clouds appear to be motionless as compared to the target.
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  • #29
Ivan Seeking said:
There are some videos and photos of UFOs that have a reasonable degree of crediblity due to the source. For example, this very interesting video, which coincidentally was taken by the Long Beach Police Department, is almost certainly authentic. It was reported in the press at the time, and AFAIK, no one knows what it was. One possibility that comes to mind for me is ball lightning or some other rare but real phenomenon that is reported as a "UFO" from time to time. In any case the dripping of material "like molten metal" has been reported in many UFO reports [which need not mean alien spacecraft reports...though in some cases that is the specific claim], and in some cases trace evidence was recovered. So I can't help but think of those cases when viewing this video, but of course we could be seeing something else entirely.

The weather report from that night says it was calm. Note also that the clouds appear to be motionless as compared to the target.

At 0:39 a large piece falls off and falls faster than the small piece before it. Why would molten anything do that?
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  • #30
I've never studied the dynamics of this, but I would expect the aerodynamic frictional force to go as the cross-sectional area and velocity of a drop, and of course the gravitational force goes as the volume. Since the area goes as radius2, and weight goes as the radius3, the weight [force] per unit area goes as the radius. So one would expect large [heavy] drops to have a higher terminal velocity than relatively smaller and lighter drops.

One might also imagine that more complicated aspects of this could involve subjects like plasma physics, depending on the temperatures involved.

But that assumes the idea of molten metal or some other material. I'm not saying that this is what we are seeing; I was only saying that it reminds of many UFO reports that describe something like dripping molten metal, and a few where alleged trace evidence was recovered.
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  • #31
I'm still having trouble with that link - not sure what the problem is.
Ivan Seeking said:
For example, this very interesting video, which coincidentally was taken by the Long Beach Police Department, is almost certainly authentic. It was reported in the press at the time, and AFAIK, no one knows what it was. One possibility that comes to mind for me is ball lightning or some other rare but real phenomenon that is reported as a "UFO" from time to time. In any case the dripping of material "like molten metal" has been reported in many UFO reports [which need not mean alien spacecraft reports...though in some cases that is the specific claim], and in some cases trace evidence was recovered. So I can't help but think of those cases when viewing this video, but of course we could be seeing something else entirely.

The weather report from that night says it was calm. Note also that the clouds appear to be motionless as compared to the target.
Given the context and content, I think the most likely explanation is a fire balloon. These appear to be growing in popularity, we've seen a bunch here lately.
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  • #32
I'm still having trouble with that link - not sure what the problem is. .asx is some sort of media redirector, and is supposed to open media player, I think.
Ivan Seeking said:
For example, this very interesting video, which coincidentally was taken by the Long Beach Police Department, is almost certainly authentic. It was reported in the press at the time, and AFAIK, no one knows what it was. One possibility that comes to mind for me is ball lightning or some other rare but real phenomenon that is reported as a "UFO" from time to time. In any case the dripping of material "like molten metal" has been reported in many UFO reports [which need not mean alien spacecraft reports...though in some cases that is the specific claim], and in some cases trace evidence was recovered. So I can't help but think of those cases when viewing this video, but of course we could be seeing something else entirely.

The weather report from that night says it was calm. Note also that the clouds appear to be motionless as compared to the target.
Given the context and content, I think the most likely explanation is a fire balloon. It fits very well. These appear to be growing in popularity, we've seen a bunch here lately. In any case:

-It was shot on a beach.
-Flaming pieces falling off is a common characteristic of fire balloons.
Here's a good example of one "dripping" as it burns up (not as much as in the one above, though):
Here's one with fireworks attached to the bottom:

Some of these are done for fun, some are done as purposeful UFO hoaxes. Some are so good, they may explain a very large class of UFO sightings. Such as the famous Phoenix Lights:

These might be the new crop circles.
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  • #33
russ_watters said:
Here's a good example of one "dripping" as it burns up (not as much as in the one above, though):
Here's one with fireworks attached to the bottom:

The apparent amount of material that falls is one thing that made me shy away from a standard lantern explantion, but something designed to produce a hoax is certainly within the realm of possibilities. But, the biggest problem that I see with that explanation is the motion - it does not appear to me that we have an explanation for the observed speed relative to the background clouds: It does not appear to be wind driven. And the weather reports indicates that there was little to no wind.

As for the first link, have you tried opening it with the Win Media Player directly?

It is a fascinating bit of War and UFO history - well worth the effort to listen at least once, IMO.
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FAQ: Is the Alleged Alien Video Authentic?

1. What is the source of the "Video of Purported Alien"?

The source of the video has not been officially confirmed. It is believed to have been obtained from a government agency or a private organization.

2. Is the video authentic?

At this time, it is not possible to determine the authenticity of the video. Further analysis and investigation will be needed to verify its legitimacy.

3. What can we expect to see in the video?

The video is said to show footage of an alleged alien being, possibly captured by a government agency or private organization. It is unclear what the video will reveal, but it is expected to be of high interest to the scientific community.

4. Why is the video being shown now?

The reason for the timing of the video's release is unknown. It could be a deliberate decision by the source to create buzz and generate interest, or it could be a coincidence.

5. How will this video impact the scientific community?

If the video is deemed authentic, it could have a major impact on the scientific community and our understanding of extraterrestrial life. It could also spark further research and investigation into the existence of aliens and their potential impact on our world.

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