Is the Interval [a,b] Sequentially Compact?

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In summary, to show that [a,b] is sequentially compact, we can consider two cases: if the range of the sequence (xn) is finite, then we can choose a subsequence with infinitely many repeated terms that converges to one of those terms. If the range is infinite, we can use the Bolzano Weierstrass theorem to show that there is a limit point in [a,b]. Another approach is to subdivide [a,b] into smaller intervals and choose terms from each interval to form a decreasing sequence. This sequence is Cauchy, proving the sequential compactness of [a,b].
  • #1
I'd like to show that [a,b] is sequentially compact. So I pick a sequence in [a,b] , say (xn).

case 1:range(xn) is finite
Then one term, say c is repeated infinitely often. Now we choose the subsequence that has infinitely many similar terms c. It converges to c.

case 2: range of (xn) is infinite.
I know I can prove this using the Bolzano Weierstrass theorem that says that every infinite bounded subset of R has a limit point. But in this case I'd have to prove the theorem. How?
Or I may Try and subdivide [a,b] in two parts and say that one part must contain infinitely many points of the range, and pick a term x_n1 in that part. Next I can choose x_n2 since I have infinitely many terms to choose from. And then continue to subdivide... But then I'm stuck. I am not sure what I need to do from there or how exactly I need to write this down (how the subdivision part works exactly).
Thanks for your help.
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  • #2
The subdivision part works like this. Say you divide [a,b] into two closed intervals I_1 and J_1 (for instance, I_1 = [a,c] and J_1 = [c,b]), where say I_1 contains infinitely many terms of the sequence. Then further split I_1 into I_2 and J_2 where I_2 contains infinitely many terms of the sequence. Proceed like this to get a decreasing sequence of closed intervals I_1 >= I_2 >= ... of decreasing 'length'.

Show that the sequence {x_n_i} you formed is Cauchy.

FAQ: Is the Interval [a,b] Sequentially Compact?

1. What does it mean for [a,b] to be sequentially compact?

Sequential compactness is a property of a metric space, which means that every sequence in the space has a convergent subsequence. In the case of [a,b], this means that every sequence of numbers within the interval [a,b] has a subsequence that converges to a number within the interval.

2. How is sequential compactness different from compactness?

Sequential compactness is a weaker condition than compactness. While compactness requires that every open cover of a space has a finite subcover, sequential compactness only requires that every sequence in the space has a convergent subsequence. In other words, compactness is a topological property, while sequential compactness is a metric property.

3. Can a set be sequentially compact but not compact?

Yes, it is possible for a set to be sequentially compact but not compact. For example, the set [0,1] in the standard metric space of real numbers is sequentially compact but not compact. This is because [0,1] is not closed, so it does not satisfy the definition of compactness.

4. What are some examples of sequentially compact sets?

Some examples of sequentially compact sets include closed and bounded intervals, such as [a,b], [0,1], and [-1,1], in the standard metric space of real numbers. Other examples include compact subsets of metric spaces, such as circles and spheres in Euclidean space.

5. How is sequential compactness used in mathematical analysis?

Sequential compactness is a useful tool in mathematical analysis because it allows us to prove the existence of certain limits and to establish certain continuity and convergence properties. For example, if a function is continuous on a sequentially compact set, then it is also uniformly continuous on that set. Additionally, sequential compactness is often used in the proofs of theorems in real and complex analysis.

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