Checking Chadwick's statement about the mysterious neutral radiation ?

In summary, Chadwick's statement about the mysterious "neutral radiation" is that it is gamma radiation causing proton ejections via a sort of Compton-style effect. He calculated that the incident photons would have to have an energy of 50MeV to do this, but his calculations seem to be wrong. He is unsure of how to proceed with this.
  • #1
Checking Chadwick's statement about the mysterious "neutral radiation"?

I have this interesting little problem about Chadwick's identification of the neutron. As the story goes, Curie and Joliot were firing poloniom-sourced alpha particles at beryllium, causing the emission of a neutral, penetrating radiation. They noticed that it could eject protons from hydrogen containing material, and decided it was gamma radiation causing the proton ejections via a sort of Compton-style effect. Chadwick apparently did a calculation where he showed that the incident photons would have to have an energy of 50MeV to eject protons whose top speed was 3*109 cm s-1. Since this is very high energy for a photon, he proposed it was actually neutrons that were being observed.

I am supposed to be verifying his statement that the incident photons would have to be at least 50MeV if they were indeed photons. However, I am getting weird answers, the closest I have gotten is 117MeV. What I'll do here is explain the bits I've worked out that I am pretty sure of...

If I'm not mistaken, the standard Compton effect involves a photon of wavelength [tex] \lambda [/tex] coming in, interacting with the atomic electron, deflecting through an angle x, transferring momentum to the electron and exiting with a longer wavelength [tex] \lambda' [/tex]. The equation is [tex] \lambda' - \lambda = \frac{h}{m_ec}(1-cos(x))[/tex].
As it is a proton that is being interacted with in this problem, I am substituting mp for me.

I also thought that the maximum transfer of momentum from photon to proton will occur when the deflection angle is 180 degrees. This, I was thinking, should allow us to achieve the proton's acceleration to 0.1c with the lowest possible energy photon.

So, setting x=180, I can say that
[tex] \lambda' - \lambda = 2\frac{h}{m_pc} = \frac{2*6.63*10^-^3^4Js}{1.67*10^-^2^7Kg*3*10^8c} = 2.65*10^-^1^5m.[/tex]

In other words, the difference in wavelength before and after interaction is 2.65*10-15m. However, using de Broglie's [tex] E= hf = hc/\lambda [/tex] we can say that this corresponds to an energy transfer of [tex] \Delta E= hf = hc/\lambda - hc/\lambda' [/tex] ie. [tex]\frac{1}{\Delta E} = \frac{\lambda -\lambda'}{hc} = \frac{2.65*10^-^1^5m}{6.63*10^-^3^4*3*10^8} = 1.33*10^1^0 J^-1 [/tex]
In other words [tex] \Delta E = 7.5*10^-11J = 469MeV [/tex]. This is clearly wrong when you see what I found next.

I have then worked out the proton's relativistic momentum via
[tex] p_p' = \gamma m_pv_p = \frac{m_pv_p}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_p^2}{c^2}}} = \frac{1.67*10^-^2^7*3*10^7ms^-^1}{\sqrt{1-0.1^2}} = 5.03*10^-^2^0 Kgms^-^1 = 94.3MeV/c[/tex]

Momentum must be conserved, so that if we denote the quantities after the deflection with a ' we get [tex] p_\gamma = p_\gamma' + p_p' [/tex]. I know what pp' is and I need [tex] p_\gamma[/tex] to use in [tex] E_\gamma = p_\gamma c [/tex].What I'm thinking is that the reflected photon needs to come away with a finite amount of momentum since the proton cannot take the 469MeV that my Compton scattering equation says it would. How you find this i do not know...

I have no idea how to proceed with this. Anyone got any suggestions?
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  • #2

Well [tex] \Delta E = hc/ \lambda - hc/ \lambda ' [/tex] sounds right, but I don't think the next step follows!
  • #3

how does it not follow? the proton ejection speed is definitely 0.1c. It's been a while since I calculated or derived relativistic momentum so I'm using that equation a bit blindly, but assuming it's right we get a proton energy gain that is far less than the photon energy loss. Where's the energy went?
  • #4

heh it's just an algebraic error when you took [tex] 1/ \Delta E [/tex]:

[tex] \frac{1}{hc/\lambda - hc/\lambda '} \neq \frac{\lambda - \lambda'}{hc} [/tex]
  • #5

ahh, what a schoolboy error...

FAQ: Checking Chadwick's statement about the mysterious neutral radiation ?

What is Chadwick's statement about the mysterious neutral radiation?

Chadwick's statement refers to the discovery of the neutral subatomic particle called the neutron in 1932. This was a significant breakthrough in the understanding of atomic structure and the nature of radiation.

How did Chadwick prove the existence of neutral radiation?

Chadwick used a series of experiments involving the bombardment of different elements with alpha particles to prove the existence of neutral radiation. He observed that this radiation was not affected by electric or magnetic fields, unlike other forms of radiation.

What is the importance of Chadwick's discovery of neutral radiation?

Chadwick's discovery of neutral radiation helped to explain the missing mass in the atomic nucleus and provided a more complete understanding of atomic structure. It also led to the development of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb.

Are there any controversies surrounding Chadwick's statement about neutral radiation?

There have been debates about whether Chadwick should be credited with the discovery of the neutron, as some argue that previous experiments by other scientists had hinted at its existence. However, Chadwick's experiments provided the most conclusive evidence for the existence of neutral radiation.

How has Chadwick's statement about neutral radiation impacted modern science?

Chadwick's discovery has had a significant impact on modern science, particularly in the fields of nuclear physics and energy. It also paved the way for further research and discoveries in the realm of subatomic particles.
