How can we better understand and navigate the complexities of our inner world?

  • Thread starter praveen
  • Start date
In summary, the Outer world can be explored by Knowledge plus thought, while the Inner World is a mystery that we haven't been able to solve.
  • #1
"Outer World" and "Inner World"

Hi All,

I am opening this thread NOT to ask questions but just to explore with you all on the subject of
"Outer world" and "inner World"

We , Human beings seems to be MASTERS in exploring the Outer World. Outer world I mean by..whatever
out side of "Consciousness" . We seems to solve ANY PROBLEM whether it is a challenge in physics,
chemistry, math ,astronomy ,biology..etc.

To me "knowledge plus thought" seems to play a BIG role in solving & understanding the "outer world".

When coming to "inner World", inner world i mean by "the mind" (not brain), I feel like we didn't succeed
in solving/understanding "inner World" as we succeeded in out world.

I would call the tool to handle "outer world" is "Knowledge plus thought".

what is the tool to handle "Inner World" ? If there is a problem within the mind, how can a mind solves when itself is a problem?
Physics news on
  • #2
praveen said:
If there is a problem within the mind, how can a mind solves when itself is a problem?

Would you be able to give an example of this, so I know what you mean.
  • #3
Lets us take a common problem exist in almost everybody's Inner World (Consciousness) which is "FEAR"...

I see the FEAR as the source of many of our actions...

Why we have accepted a LIFE based on identification with a Nation ( American, Indian...) , religion (Hindu , Christian , Islam...) ?

We want to identify with a community because we are afraid of and then seeking security , protection ??

The above is just one of the example of problems in "Inner World".
  • #4
praveen said:
If there is a problem within the mind, how can a mind solves when itself is a problem?

Maybe the mind is a product of the outer world and actually has no separate individual existence unto itself..
  • #5
And vice versa, maybe the brain is the product of the inner world. Evidently, this is the case according to science. Inner and Outer are like up and down, two aspects of a single thing sometimes called a "dimension".

In recent decades a new tool has been developed which spans both the inner cognitive and external behavioral, Relational Frame Theory. It is the only tool scientifically proven to do so meaningfully and in a consistent and nontrivial manner. It is based on the philosophy of Functional Contextualism, and resembles some asian philosophies.

Out of this research Radical Behaviorists created Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. This utilizes paradoxes and metaphores to explore the mind rather than any particular rational system. You might compare the idea to that of self-organizing systems. A garden is a self-organizing system, which if well arranged will grow well with minimal intervention.

Similarly, by presenting the mind with paradoxes and metaphores, we present it only with an opportunity to interpret them anyway it so desires, and organize itself accordingly. A kind of mirror for the mind if you will. As they say, knowing what the problem is is half the battle. Different kinds of mirrors can be used to facilitate distinct types of growth.

This is also what psychologists have noted in nature. Given enough time and focus on the issues, mental and emotional conflicts tend to be self-correcting. The only real job of the psychologist is to help facilitate the process, to make it easier and hopefully faster.
  • #6
Understanding & knowing of Outer world is done thru observation from ages...

But to understand and to know how ones mind is working, reacting, acting , feeling...what is the method/process to do this ? Here the observer and observed is same ! How the mind to observ itself ?
  • #7
There is a fine line between asking questions and preaching.
  • #8
Many people believe that there is no "mind". What we call the mind is really just an always changing pattern of energy so to speak. So really there is no mind to see. What we see is the temporary and always fleeting thoughts and feelings of the moment and so in that sense we are always seeing the mind.

Also, I think the conscious part of ourselves isn't nearly advanced enough to be able to make sense of how complicated what we are really is.. in the same way that perhaps a person can't visualize 10 dimmensional space.

The problem of how can "the mind" see itself is also like how can "the eye" see itself.
  • #9
The problem is, that the formula "E=mc^2" is the formula for "Mind", better known as "Aware". But to many, they look at "Aware" as a byproduct of "E=mc^2" instead of vice versa. This is the Mother of all problems with todays thinking, and it is holding humanity back from expansion of thought.
  • #10
I think the way to overcome "inner-world" problems is through your own will power. A lot of people don't have very strong will power, so they find it hard to solve mental/psychological problems that they might have to face, but that's something that they can work on - if they know how.

FAQ: How can we better understand and navigate the complexities of our inner world?

1. What is the difference between the Outer World and the Inner World?

The Outer World refers to the physical world that we experience through our senses, while the Inner World refers to our internal thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. The Outer World is objective and shared by all individuals, while the Inner World is subjective and unique to each person.

2. How do the Outer World and the Inner World interact?

The Outer World and the Inner World are interconnected and constantly influence each other. Our experiences in the Outer World can shape our thoughts and emotions in the Inner World, and our thoughts and emotions can also affect how we perceive and interact with the Outer World.

3. Can we control our Inner World?

While our Inner World is shaped by external factors, we do have some control over our thoughts and emotions. Through self-awareness and mindfulness practices, we can learn to manage our inner experiences and make conscious choices about how we perceive and react to the world around us.

4. Is the Inner World real?

The Inner World may not have a physical existence like the Outer World, but it is a very real and important aspect of our lives. Our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions have a powerful impact on our behavior and overall well-being, making the Inner World just as important as the Outer World.

5. How does studying the Outer World and the Inner World benefit us?

Studying the Outer World and the Inner World can help us gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. By exploring our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, we can learn to manage them in a healthier way and improve our relationships and overall quality of life.
