Are UFO's True/False? - Get Answers from Astronomy Experts

  • Thread starter gunblaze
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In summary, there is no general agreement about the proper explanation for UFO sightings, but it is argued that there is proof of ET presence by most legal standards. However, science requires absolute proof which we do not have yet. The subject of UFOs is very broad and complicated, and there are many hoaxes and cover-ups surrounding it. The government may be using UFOs as a cover-up for their own projects, while also using the UFO conspiracy theories to protect their secrets. The sightings near Area 51 suggest the existence of advanced technology, but it is uncertain whether it is human-made or of extraterrestrial origin.
  • #1
Hi, I'm quite new to this website and loves i truly love astronomy!

I'm here creating this thread is to find out whether are UFO's true/false?...I have read books writing about UFO's sightings at certain skies of the Earth but just not one in where I'm living now?

I'm not doubting the books written on UFO sightings but i wonder y UFO's only fly near the western countries but not at the other parts of the world? (Does this shows that the planets of these unidentified space objects are nearer to the those countries?)

If these sightings r true, does this mean "a friendly visit" or a visit to plan an invasion on earth?
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  • #2
Hi gunblaze,
UFO's are reported all over the world and have been for thousands of years. To those who have never seen an alien spacecraft , which I assume includes most of us, there is no general agreement about the proper explanation for all of this. I personally think that several unknown phenomena may account for the sightings; and perhaps some of these sightings do involve ET. I have never seen an ET type of UFO.
  • #3
Thanks! that help a lot!

so what u mean is that they r not yet proven but only what others say?(Rumours)

(And if these visit r true den does this means that there r ET living at other places other than ours and even without of our knowing of their existence!)
  • #4
It comes down to eyewitness testimony, films, photographs, RADAR data, electromagnetic effects, bright lights, claimed abduction experiences, and a host of other details that do not constitute proof by any scientific measure. It is argued that by most legal standards we do have proof that ET is here, but science requires a kind of absolute proof - like a landed spacecraft or alien bodies - that thus far we don't appear to have; unless of course we do and the government is hiding this information as many people believe.

For now it seems that unless you run into one, belief that ET is here is like a belief in God: Choose what you like best.

Please see the UFO Napster and other related discussions:

Also, the COMETA Report.

For more information see:
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  • #5
For the record, the generally accepted statistic is that 90 to 95% of all UFO sightings are satisfied by prosaic explanations. I still think it might be possible that we can avoid the need for ET over the last 5%, but the one fact about which you can be sure is that the subject of UFOs is very broad and very complicated. Beyond a doubt we find hoaxes and frauds and some downright nut cases, but after many, many years of serious interest and study, I don't know what to I don't.
  • #6
I personally think many of those “prosaic” explanations are more likely induced by Prozac interpretations. Now where did I put my common reasoning?

Just my personal opinion, UFO’s are real, just as real as the cover up.
  • #7
Of course UFOs are real!*

(*Unidentified flying objects are seen all the time. What has not been observed is a flying object that can be identified as being of extraterrestrial origin)
  • #8
Originally posted by Norval
I personally think many of those “prosaic” explanations are more likely induced by Prozac interpretations. Now where did I put my common reasoning?

Just my personal opinion, UFO’s are real, just as real as the cover up.
It would be pretty hard to cover up a flying saucer landing on the White House lawn - a likely destination.

That said, there most certainly are UFO related government coverups, but that's the government using UFOs to cover up real projects. The UFO conspiracy theories surrounding Area 51 provide better protection of the secrets there than any fence could.
  • #9
Originally posted by russ_watters
- a likely destination.

...based on our knowledge of ET and his motives?

That said, there most certainly are UFO related government coverups, but that's the government using UFOs to cover up real projects. The UFO conspiracy theories surrounding Area 51 provide better protection of the secrets there than any fence could.

This is a double edged sword. I also believe that to the greatest extent possible, we, the X-Soviet, and likely some others do use ETUFO stories as a smoke screen for Air Force UFO's. The flip side is, for example, until recently area 51 didn't even officially exist. The UFO crowd forced them out of the closet. All of the ET stuff made one of the most secret places on Earth into one of the best known places on earth. Since this could have been easily anticipated, I doubt that anyone was intended to see the test flights and then believe them to be ET. Who wouldn't expect crowds given the premise? What better way to draw attention to the area and make it a legend?

Also, if some of the video that I have seen was in fact shot near area 51 as claimed by many alleged witnesses [taken before the government bought the adjacent land and then extended the borders of the area], then we do have some really fantastic technology there; be it human or ET's. I can certainly see why people would think that this is not our technology. Some of the local residents [near and around the base] do describe sightings of Stealthy looking craft as well as much more exotic looking objects.

I'm really not taking sides here...just stating the facts to the best of my knowledge. I do believe that the locals are seeing something that is very exotic relative to our common perception of [even] cutting edge flight technology. I suspect that whatever they're flying around near Area 51 will be quite a surprise to most people when it becomes public knowledge.
  • #10
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
...based on our knowledge of ET and his motives?
Don't tell me you didn't see ID4?
  • #11
Is that in the still classified Jane's Book of UFO's?
  • #12
Aint going to be no U (unidentified) F (flying) O (object) landing on any white house lawn since 911. duh? Unless of course the turn on their sheilds and photon blasters and ,,,, LOL
  • #13
Originally posted by Norval
Aint going to be no U (unidentified) F (flying) O (object) landing on any white house lawn since 911. duh? Unless of course the turn on their sheilds and photon blasters and ,,,, LOL
A ship with interstellar flight capability would likely have little to fear from a .50 cal machine gun and a stinger surface to air missile.
  • #14
If you identify a previously unidentified object as a UFO, does it then become not a UFO?

FAQ: Are UFO's True/False? - Get Answers from Astronomy Experts

1. Are UFOs real or just a hoax?

There is currently no concrete evidence to prove the existence of aliens or UFOs. Many sightings and reports of UFOs can often be explained by natural or man-made phenomena. However, there are still some unexplained sightings that remain a mystery, leaving room for speculation and debate.

2. Do astronomers believe in UFOs?

Astronomers are scientists who study and observe objects in the night sky, such as stars and planets. While they may be open to the possibility of extraterrestrial life, they approach claims of UFO sightings with a skeptical and scientific mindset. They rely on evidence and data to draw conclusions rather than beliefs or personal opinions.

3. Can UFOs be explained by natural occurrences?

Many UFO sightings can be attributed to natural occurrences such as meteors, weather phenomena, or even optical illusions. It is important to thoroughly investigate and rule out all possible explanations before jumping to conclusions about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

4. Have there been any scientific studies on UFOs?

There have been numerous scientific studies and investigations conducted on UFO sightings, but so far, there is no definitive evidence to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Scientists continue to search for answers and explore the possibility of life beyond Earth.

5. How can we know if a UFO sighting is real or not?

Without concrete evidence, it is difficult to determine the authenticity of a UFO sighting. However, there are some red flags to look out for, such as lack of evidence or inconsistent witness testimonies. It is crucial to approach UFO sightings with a critical and skeptical mindset and seek out credible sources and evidence before coming to any conclusions.

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