Improving Math Grades: Is it Possible to Get Into Math Pure?

In summary, for someone who has lower grades in math in high school, it is best to try and improve your grades and consult someone who has already gotten into the course or a student adviser. If someone has slacked off in high school but improved their understanding of math after graduation, they can either take a placement test or spend a year at a community college and then transfer to a college or university. However, fulfilling certain educational requirements in high school is necessary in order to be accepted into most schools.
  • #1
Let's say you're getting 80-90 in the lowest class for math in high school Is there anyway for you to get into Math pure?

Oh and another question, let's say a person who got a lower grade then you in Math got into Math pure. Can schools really do that?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF Gokuraku!

Since different schools require different requirements for the course, it's best to ask someone who has already gotten into the course, or a student adviser. Really the best advice I can give you is to try to improve your grades, which is a sure fire way for them to want to accept you.

I hope I was of some assistance.
  • #3
Let's say a person slacked off in high-school, and graduated with strictly "passing" grades.

Let us then say that person studied math by themselves after graduation, and vastly improved their understanding.

What options does this person have as far as being accepted into a college math program?
  • #4
Holocene said:
Let's say a person slacked off in high-school, and graduated with strictly "passing" grades.

Let us then say that person studied math by themselves after graduation, and vastly improved their understanding.

What options does this person have as far as being accepted into a college math program?

An undergraduate college can test you for your possible Mathematics course placement and then advise you; or you could spend a year or so at a community college officially earning good grades (should be workable, since you already studied some on your own after high school), and then transfer to a regular or undergraduate college/university with no big troubles.
  • #5
Holocene said:
Let's say a person slacked off in high-school, and graduated with strictly "passing" grades.

Let us then say that person studied math by themselves after graduation, and vastly improved their understanding.

What options does this person have as far as being accepted into a college math program?

As long as you fulfilled certain educational requirements in High School like took four years of math and english an some foreign language, then you can go to most schools as an external student for a semester or two and then apply for admittance into the school. But, I wouldn't do this at Harvard because you most certainly won't get in unless you really dazzle someone, ha. Any state school would be a good place to do this and then after you are in you could just transfer at the end of your second year to a better school if you wanted (like Harvard, ha).

FAQ: Improving Math Grades: Is it Possible to Get Into Math Pure?

1. Can anyone improve their math grades?

Yes, with the right approach and dedication, anyone can improve their math grades. It is important to have a positive attitude and put in the effort to practice and understand the concepts.

2. How can I improve my math grades?

There are several ways to improve math grades, such as studying regularly, seeking help from a tutor or teacher, practicing problems, and using online resources or study guides. It is also helpful to identify any areas of weakness and focus on improving them.

3. Is it possible to get into math pure if I have struggled with math in the past?

Yes, it is possible to get into math pure even if you have struggled with math in the past. With determination and a strong work ethic, anyone can improve their math skills and excel in math pure courses.

4. How long does it take to see improvement in math grades?

The timeline for improvement in math grades varies for each individual. It depends on factors such as the amount of effort put in, the complexity of the concepts, and the individual's learning style. With consistent practice and dedication, improvement can be seen within a few weeks to a few months.

5. Are there any specific techniques or strategies that can help in improving math grades?

Yes, there are various techniques and strategies that can be helpful in improving math grades, such as breaking down problems into smaller steps, using visual aids or manipulatives, and practicing regularly. It is also important to understand the underlying concepts rather than just memorizing formulas or procedures.

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