Quench spreading on multiple coils superconducting magnet

In summary, a bypass quench heater is necessary to speed up the quench process in superconducting magnets.
  • #1
The multiple coils superconducting maget is uaually quench protected by bypass diodes.

The heat spreading model is mentioned on textbook for coil to coil quench spreading.
But the heat spreading is not fast enough for magnet quench protection.
Because the theoretical quench protection should be "fast" spreading for all coils.
(With initial quench in one coil only.)
So I need the bypass quench heater to accelerate the quench process.
Is it true?

I think the current decay causes the quench spreading from coil to coil through
mutual inductance or self-induced voltage.
This type of quench spreading is faster than heat spreading model.
If the theory above is correct?

If it's true, how can I evaluate it through simulation?
I cannot find any information about field changing quench on superconducting coil.
Thank you very much!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Quench protection in superconducting magnets is a difficult but solvable problem. If a small section of a superconducting coil goes normal, there is a very small V=x·I·Rx voltage drop (where Rx is the resistance per unit length of normal (non-superconducting) cable and x is the length of the normal cable) in addition to the expected V= L·dI/dt signal across the entire coil (where L is the coil inductance). Once the I·R drop is detected, the magnet current has to be shut off, and often the current has to be switched to an external resistive load Rext to speed up the L/Rext current decay time constant. If I(t) is the magnet current as a function of time, the total heating per unit length of cable is ∫I(t)2·Rx dt (joules per meter), which has to be minimized to prevent the cable from melting. But if the dI/dt is too fast, then the inductive voltage V = L·dI/dt will arc over inside the magnet. Coil heaters are used to heat the coil and make the normal zone spread faster, make the IR voltage drop larger, and distribute the coil heating. Quench bypass circuits (either active SCRs or passive diodes) are used to shunt current around quenching magnets. In the case of shunt diodes, the V=I·R voltage drop of the normal zone is opposite polarity to the V = L·dI/dt voltage of the decaying current, so heating the coil is necessary to make the IR drop larger than the L·dI/dt voltage and make the diodes conduct. The dI/dt by itself does not induce quenching in other coils, excepting in coil designs where eddy current losses inside the superconducting cable (caused by dB/dt) produces heating..

Some superconducting magnets are designed to fully absorb the quench heating of the superconducting wire and not damage it by overheating.

Bob S
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  • #3
Dear Bob S, thanks for your great answer!
So the quench spreads by the means of heating only.

In the persistent mode operation,
there is no way to transfer the coil energy to dump resistor.
If the bypass quench heater is necessary for the multi-coils SC magnet?

Thanks a lot!
  • #4
A real problem in a superconducting magnet is if a small normal zone (quench) appears, and propagates very slowly. In this case, a short section of wire will (in many cases) overheat and melt the wire, unless it is detected and the heaters are fired. Detecting the normal zone depends on having a detectable IR drop, which requires a large normal zone. Some magnets do not need a bypass dump resistor. The bypass dump resistor is just to get the energy out fast and minimize the amp-squared seconds in the normal zone. It is not needed in some magnets (e.g., persistent magnets), if they are capable of absorbing their own stored energy.

Bob S
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  • #5

I would like to provide some insights and suggestions regarding the topic of quench spreading on multiple coils superconducting magnet and the use of bypass diodes for quench protection.

Firstly, it is important to understand the concept of quench in superconducting magnets. Quench refers to the sudden loss of superconductivity in a magnet, which leads to a rapid increase in temperature and thus, a loss of its magnetic properties. This can be caused by various factors such as excessive current, mechanical stress, or external magnetic fields.

In the case of multiple coils superconducting magnets, the quench can occur in one coil and then spread to the other coils through mutual inductance or self-induced voltage. This type of quench spreading is indeed faster than heat spreading, as mentioned in the content. However, the use of bypass diodes can also help in accelerating the quench process by providing an alternative path for the current to flow and thus, reducing the overall resistance in the circuit.

In terms of simulation, there are various software and tools available that can help in evaluating the quench behavior in superconducting magnets. These simulations can take into account factors such as the magnetic field changes, temperature distribution, and current decay to accurately predict the quench behavior. It is important to validate these simulations with experimental data to ensure their accuracy.

In conclusion, the use of bypass diodes and simulations can indeed aid in improving the quench protection in multiple coils superconducting magnets. However, it is also essential to consider other factors such as the design and materials used in the magnet to ensure its overall stability and performance. More research and experimentation in this area can further enhance our understanding and capabilities in quench protection for superconducting magnets.

FAQ: Quench spreading on multiple coils superconducting magnet

1. What is quench spreading on multiple coils superconducting magnet?

Quench spreading is a phenomenon that occurs in superconducting magnets when one part of the magnet experiences a sudden loss of its superconductivity, causing a rapid increase in temperature and a consequent loss of its magnetic field. This rapid temperature increase can spread to other parts of the magnet, causing further quenching and potentially damaging the magnet.

2. How does quench spreading affect the performance of a superconducting magnet?

Quench spreading can significantly impact the performance of a superconducting magnet by causing a loss of its magnetic field and potentially damaging the magnet. It can also lead to a decrease in its overall stability and increase the risk of further quenching events.

3. What factors can contribute to quench spreading in a superconducting magnet?

There are several factors that can contribute to quench spreading in a superconducting magnet, including the materials used in the construction of the magnet, the design of the magnet, and the operating conditions of the magnet. Inadequate cooling systems and mechanical stresses can also play a role in quench spreading.

4. How can quench spreading be prevented in a superconducting magnet?

To prevent quench spreading, careful design and construction of the magnet, as well as proper cooling and monitoring systems, are crucial. Regular maintenance and inspections can also help identify and address any potential issues before they lead to quench spreading.

5. What are some potential applications of superconducting magnets that are susceptible to quench spreading?

Superconducting magnets have a wide range of applications, including in medical imaging, particle accelerators, and fusion reactors. All of these applications can be affected by quench spreading and require careful design and operation to prevent any potential damage or performance issues.
