Once every couple of months do I come in here and

  • Thread starter Ahmes
  • Start date
In summary, the new design has been met with some problems, but Greg is currently working to fix them. There are some features that have been removed or changed, but the overall goal is to make the site more comfortable and user-friendly.
  • #1
each time I find something new.
Unfortunately not for the better.
It appears PF mangement invests more in designs (which change every time I come back) more than in user comfort.
For example:
1. Now I can't preview a post using LaTeX (which I need since my LaTeX spelling is very bad)
2. I tried to enter a name of a book I'm using: Landau-Lifshi&z (&=t) is the name, and it appears like "Landau-Lif****z". I think this method of blocking courses is more annoying than useful (in other words, it shi&s :biggrin: )
3. I think there used to be an English spellcheck button, where did it go?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The problems aren't related to the new design. There was an upgrade to a newer version of the vBulletin software before that, and that brought along some of the problems you're experiencing. Greg has been working on fixing them, but there seems to be a long and continuously growing list of things we're finding are problems with the newer version. What you all don't see is the way it changed the moderation tools, which is a huge improvement that means the mentors can spend more time enjoying the discussions rather than spending all day moving around threads and cleaning up spam, which used to be a very cumbersome task.

However, #2 has been a problem all along. That's the rather mindless language filter that doesn't seem to be able to distinguish when a series of letters appears within another word as different from when those letters ARE the word, and then doesn't catch more vulgar terms that we still need to delete manually. :rolleyes:
  • #3
Moonbear said:
However, #2 has been a problem all along. That's the rather mindless language filter
As evidenced by the Caption Competition thread, its judgement is somewhat arbitrary. :biggrin:
  • #4
Landau-Liflace curtainz?
  • #5
You mean this: Landau-Lifshitz :smile:
  • #6
Danger said:
As evidenced by the Caption Competition thread, its judgement is somewhat arbitrary. :biggrin:
Yeah, but if it caught everything, I wouldn't have all the fun of typing in "pink lace curtains." I get a laugh out of that every time.
  • #7
I think the criticisms are unfair and narrow. First, PF is actively attempting to make improvements on the mechanics of the site. That takes time, money, drive, effort and dedication.

Second, the information and knowledge base continues to grow significantly and is becoming a formidable resource for people like you seeking information and help. I find it somewhat amusing that you would focus on the picayune and piddling while ignoring the most significant aspects of PF.

Finally, all of the above efforts and results are attracting talented people willing to give freely of their time, knowledge, insight, skill and experience in support of a noble effort. Don't you suppose there are some good reasons for that?

Yes, there are occasional glitches and annoyances but, IMHO, they border on the trivial especially when viewed from the broader perspective.
  • #8
Tide said:
I think the criticisms are unfair and narrow. First, PF is actively attempting to make improvements on the mechanics of the site. That takes time, money . . .

Yep, I've been hinting at that somewhat. Personally I feel anyone with more than 299 posts cough-up fifty bucks to Greg to make his job a little more pleasant.:smile:
  • #9
I wholeheartily agree with Tide, the few glitches really are trivial compared with the whole. However, I have wondered about:

Ahmes said:
3. I think there used to be an English spellcheck button, where did it go?

Is it someplace I can't see it or gone entirely? I haven't seen this mentioned.
  • #10
Spell check is gone, I believe it to be only temporary though.
  • #11
mattmns said:
Spell check is gone, I believe it to be only temporary though.

Thanks. Good to hear I wasn't staring at it while asking where it was :smile:
  • #12
shmoe said:
Is it someplace I can't see it or gone entirely? I haven't seen this mentioned.
I hope that it's gone completely. As with the spell checker in Word Perfect or MS Word, it doesn't understand English. It's programmed in Yankee. (Try typing in 'manoeuvre' and see what happens. )
  • #13
Danger said:
I hope that it's gone completely. As with the spell checker in Word Perfect or MS Word, it doesn't understand English. It's programmed in Yankee. (Try typing in 'manoeuvre' and see what happens. )

We can only hope they're in the process of replacing the Yankee spell checker with an English one. :wink:
  • #14
Well, good to hear this is another community I am trying to infiltrate that is not too america-focused. lol.
  • #15
Dol'gon fuhrners! In mah farum? Whur arr they? Ah'll blast em outta hyar! Don' lahk proper Mercun langwich, huh?
Well, that was just not necessary. If you are not willing to accept this as a borderless website, you are free to go elsewhere.

Some people, sheesh.
  • #16
:smile: :-p

FAQ: Once every couple of months do I come in here and

1. What does "once every couple of months" refer to?

"Once every couple of months" refers to a time interval of approximately two months, or every two months. It can also be interpreted as "every other month".

2. Why is it important to come in here regularly?

Coming in here regularly allows for consistent monitoring and data collection, which is crucial in the scientific process. It also helps to maintain accurate and up-to-date records.

3. Can I come in here more frequently than once every couple of months?

Yes, you can come in here more frequently if necessary. The time interval of "once every couple of months" is a minimum requirement, and it is always beneficial to have more frequent check-ins for better data collection.

4. Is there a specific reason for the time interval of once every couple of months?

The specific time interval may vary depending on the experiment or study being conducted. However, once every couple of months is a commonly used interval in scientific research as it allows for enough time to see any changes or patterns while also minimizing the potential for bias in data collection.

5. Do I have to come in physically or can I do it remotely?

This may depend on the specific experiment or study. In some cases, it may be possible to collect data remotely through online surveys or other means. However, physical presence may be necessary for certain experiments or measurements. It is best to consult with the scientist or research team to determine the best approach.

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