Time-Scaling vs Frequency Shift

In summary, time-scaling and frequency shift are two different operations when it comes to manipulating the properties of Fourier transforms. While time-scaling involves making the period of a signal longer, frequency shift refers to shifting the frequency components of a function by the same offset. While these two notions may be equivalent for functions with a single frequency component, they are not generally equivalent for functions with multiple frequency components.
  • #1
I'm learning about properties of Fourier transforms at the moment, and I've come across 2 terms "time-scaling" and frequency shift.

A quick google search of time-scaling suggests that it is when I make the period of my signal longer (i.e a sine wave would take longer to finish 1 cycle)

but no results seem to come up for frequency shift
- but the name seems to imply changing the frequency of the signal - but isn't that time-scaling?!

thanks again!
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  • #2
A frequency shift means that the frequency components of the function have all been "shifted" (increased or decreased) by the same offset. So for example, if ##f(x) = \sin(\omega_1 x) + \sin(\omega_2 x)##, then if we add an offset ##\omega_0## to both ##\omega_1## and ##\omega_2##, we obtain a frequency-shifted version: ##g(x) = \sin((\omega_1 + \omega_0)x) + \sin((\omega_2 + \omega_0)x)##.

In general, this is NOT equivalent to time-scaling. However, in the special case of a function with a single frequency component, the two notions are equivalent. For example, if ##f(x) = \sin(\omega x)## and we shift the frequency by an offset of ##\omega_0##, the result is ##g(x) = \sin((\omega + \omega_0) x)##. If we define
$$c = \frac{\omega + \omega_0}{\omega} = 1 + \frac{\omega_0}{\omega}$$
then we may equivalently write ##g(x) = \sin(\omega cx)##, which is just ##f(cx)##, i.e., a time scaled version of ##f##.

But as you can see from the example with two frequency components in the first paragraph, the two notions are not generally equivalent. If we time scale ##f(x) = \sin(\omega_1 x) + \sin(\omega_2 x)## to obtain ##f(cx) = \sin(\omega_1 cx) + \sin(\omega_2 cx)##, then we still have two frequency components, but the frequencies are now separated by ##c(\omega_2 - \omega_1)## whereas they were originally separated by ##\omega_2 - \omega_1##. Compare this with the frequency shifted version, where the separation remains the same: ##(\omega_2 + \omega_0) - (\omega_1 + \omega_0) = \omega_2 - \omega_1##.
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FAQ: Time-Scaling vs Frequency Shift

What is time-scaling and frequency shift?

Time-scaling and frequency shift are two techniques used in signal processing and data analysis. Time-scaling involves changing the speed or duration of a signal, while frequency shift involves changing the frequency of a signal.

What is the difference between time-scaling and frequency shift?

The main difference between time-scaling and frequency shift is the aspect of the signal that is altered. Time-scaling changes the duration of the signal, while frequency shift changes the frequency. They are also inverse operations, meaning that time-scaling a signal in one direction will result in a frequency shift in the opposite direction.

When would one use time-scaling vs frequency shift?

Time-scaling is often used to speed up or slow down signals in order to analyze them more easily or to fit them into a specific time frame. Frequency shift is used to change the pitch of a signal or to filter out unwanted frequencies.

What are the potential effects of time-scaling and frequency shift on a signal?

Time-scaling can potentially distort the shape and structure of a signal, especially if done excessively. Frequency shift can change the overall sound or tone of a signal, potentially making it sound higher or lower pitched depending on the direction of the shift.

Can time-scaling and frequency shift be used together?

Yes, time-scaling and frequency shift can be used together to achieve a desired result. For example, a signal can be time-scaled to fit into a certain duration, and then frequency shift can be applied to adjust the tone or pitch of the signal. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential effects on the signal and use these techniques in moderation.

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