Exploring Old & New Technology: One Item at a Time

In summary: The Muppet Show" on ABC in 1976.In summary, older technology was replaced by newer technology. Some of the older technology that was replaced included toothpaste tubes, Coke cans, radios, eight-track tapes, cars with unpadded steel dashboards, calculators, typewriters, lighters, and TV sets. Newer technology that took things to a new level includes the internet, mono HiFi, TV sets with VHF and UHF airwaves, and the iPhone.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
I thought it might be interesting to see what members can come up with as far as old technology that was replaced by newer technology, or new technology that took things to a new level.

One item per post. You may post another item as soon as someone posts after you, this will give everyone a chance. If you have information or pictures to go along with your item, please feel free to add it.

I'll start - I remember when toothpaste tubes were made out of metal.
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  • #2
Pull tabs on Coke cans.
  • #3
Radios had tubes in them and they had to warm up for several minutes before the radio would work.
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  • #4
Eight-track tapes that would change tracks mid-song. CLUNK-CLUNK!
  • #5
When the internet was steam-powered.
  • #6
I remember when cars had dashboards made of painted unpadded steel with no seat-belts.
  • #7
I remember when there were no handheld calculators.
  • #8
I remember when writing a computer program meant sitting at a huge punch-card console, turning in the stack of cards, and waiting days for a print-out.
  • #9
I remember typing too fast on the typewriter, and the little things that hammer the letters onto the ribbon (the type bars?) getting tangled together.
  • #10
I remember having to buy naphtha and flints to keep my cigarette lighter working.
  • #11
Our first remote control for the TV was connected by wires.
  • #12
I remember when TVs were so rare that people would congregate at the houses of other to watch a special show. All B&W, of course.
  • #13
  • #14
I remember the good old days before nostalgia.

  • #15
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:

are those for Victrolas?
  • #17
Yes, but most regular record players would play 78s as well.

My grandmother had a large collection of 78s and a Victrola.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes, but most regular record players would play 78s as well.

My grandmother had a large collection of 78s and a Victrola.

I don't know how old you are---did you play cylinder records when you were a kid?:wink:

my grandparents left one of the players and some of those cylinder records out to be thrown away when I was there one time when I was a kid--I guess that's how some things get more rare
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  • #19
Heh, no, but there were records for kids that were still made in the 78 format.

My parents had a mono HiFi, but my first real record player was stereo, so it had two hand cranks.
  • #20
I remember when there weren't any antiques.
  • #21
Goose Grease!

When as kids we got sick, we were covered in Goose Grease.
  • #22
I remember when most threads in physicsforums only got three or four replys and sometimes you had to wait all day for someone to say something.
  • #23
I remember when LL Bean was not a catalog store, but was just a funky, innovative old sporting goods store that used to stay open 24 hours a day WAY before that caught on with other stores. My uncle would show up at 8 pm and say "Let's go to Beans", which involved hours of driving each way, because 1-95 had not been built yet. It would turn into an all-night pilgrimage with Thermoses of coffee and a big bag of sandwiches.
  • #24
I remember when Lucky Charms had three marshmallow shapes
  • #25
I remember when my grandparents bought the first color TV in town, and the only show broadcast locally in color at the time was Flipper.
  • #26
I remember TVs used to get VHF airwaves only. The chanel changer was a knob that went from 2 to 13. After that there were converter boxes you could get which brought in UHF airwaves. The TVs had horizontal and vertical control knobs and you needed them or the picture would do crazy things. They were black and white. I saw 'The Wizard of Oz' many times before I knew that Kansas is in B&W, while Oz is in color. From time to time, stations would broadcast a placard that said "Please stand by, we are experiencing technical difficulties". In the wee hours of the morning they would broadcast the national anthem, and then go off the air. Later in the morning they would broadcast a placard with a test pattern on it and then the national anthem again and then into the broadcast day.
  • #27
Beer cans would rust... er, biodegrade.
  • #28
I remember the pre-Big Mac era.
  • #29
turbo-1 said:
I remember when my grandparents bought the first color TV in town, and the only show broadcast locally in color at the time was Flipper.
This is either a backward town, or a garbled memory. Disney's "Wonderful World of Color" started broadcasting in 1961. Flipper began in 1964.
  • #30
jimmysnyder said:
This is either a backward town, or a garbled memory. Disney's "Wonderful World of Color" started broadcasting in 1961. Flipper began in 1964.
It could be a garbled memory, but not all the NBC/CDS affiliates started broadcasting in color at the same time, so who knows? At any rate, the very first TV show I saw in color was Flipper.
  • #31
jimmysnyder said:
This is either a backward town, or a garbled memory. Disney's "Wonderful World of Color" started broadcasting in 1961. Flipper began in 1964.
Yep, our neighbors had a color tv and that was the only show in color.
  • #32
jimmysnyder said:
This is either a backward town, or a garbled memory. Disney's "Wonderful World of Color" started broadcasting in 1961. Flipper began in 1964.
It could be a garbled memory, but not all the NBC/CBS affiliates started broadcasting in color at the same time, so who knows? Very rural area, and we had NBC/CBS years before we had an ABC affiliate in the area. When I was a kid and we got our first TV, there were only two broadcast channels At any rate, the very first TV show I saw in color was Flipper.
  • #33
I remember turning in bacon fat to get ration tickets(WWII). Never knew why as a kid.
Turns out munitions (propellants) can be made from triglycerides. An interesting note - you needed ration tickets to buy bacon. Or gasoline.:-p
  • #34
I remember there was a leaded gasoline as well as unleaded.
  • #35
I remember ducking under my flimsy little desk at school in response to air-raid sirens. This despite the fact that our elementary school was less than 1/10th mile downstream from a huge hydro impoundment that would have swept away the whole town (and lots of others) if the dam had been breached.
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