My definition of an artianian module is : A module is artinian if

In summary, a module is considered artinian if every descending chain of submodules terminates. This concept is applied in the proof of the theorem that states a finite direct sum of simple modules is artinian. The proof is done by induction and relies on the fact that both the sum of artinian modules and a simple module are also artinian. Additionally, there is a theorem that states if a module has an artinian submodule and the quotient is also artinian, then the module itself is artinian. This can be proven by showing that if both the quotient and submodule are finite dimensional vector spaces, then the original module is also finite dimensional.
  • #1
My definition of an artianian module is : A module is artinian if every decending chain of submodules terminates.

Let A be a semisimple ring and M an A-module.
If M is a finite direct sum of simple modules then M is artinian.

Proof: Suppose that M= S_1+...+S_n where + denotes direct sum. We prove this by induction on n. For n=1 we have that M is artinian. Assume the result for n-1. Then
$S_1+...+S_{n-1}$ and S_n are artinian modules and so is M.

Can somebody help me with this proof because I don't understand that why is S_n artinian and how we have proved the theorem.
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  • #2

A simple module is trivially artinian.

And there is a theorem that states if a module M has an artinian submodule N such that the quotient M/N is artinian, then M is artinian too.
  • #3

try proving that if both V/W and W are finite dimensional vector spaces then so is V. its the same sort of thing. really prove it with your bare hands, don't just quote some theorem.
  • #4

Thanks morphism and mathwonk.

FAQ: My definition of an artianian module is : A module is artinian if

1. What does it mean for a module to be artinian?

A module being artinian means that it satisfies the descending chain condition, which states that there are no infinite descending chains of submodules.

2. Can you provide an example of an artinian module?

One example of an artinian module is the ring of integers modulo n, denoted as Z/nZ. This module has a finite number of submodules, making it satisfy the descending chain condition and therefore, artinian.

3. How is artinian different from noetherian?

While artinian modules satisfy the descending chain condition, noetherian modules satisfy the ascending chain condition. This means that there are no infinite ascending chains of submodules in a noetherian module.

4. What are the applications of studying artinian modules?

Studying artinian modules is important in abstract algebra and commutative algebra, as it helps to understand the structure and properties of rings and modules. It also has applications in algebraic geometry, representation theory, and homological algebra.

5. How is the concept of artinian modules related to the concept of artinian rings?

Artinian modules are modules over artinian rings, which are rings that satisfy the descending chain condition on ideals. In other words, a ring is artinian if and only if it is artinian as a module over itself.
