Basic question on Specific Heat Ratio of gases

In summary: The specific heat at constant pressure and volume is defined as the quotient of the specific heat at constant pressure and the specific heat ratio at constant volume. The specific heat ratio is the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume.
  • #1
I have been trying to understand the concept of specific heat ratios. From what I gather, the ratio is defined as the quotient of the Specific heat at constant pressure and the Specific heat ratio at constant volume.

Could anybody give me an insight into what leads to gases having different specific heats when under constant pressure or constant volume. I'm guessing it's to do with the difference in particle interactions when at constant volume and at constant pressure, but how exactly?

And does the ratio of specific heat have any physical meaning attached to it? If so, how would you define the ratio other than in a mathematical way.
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  • #2
Crumbles said:
I have been trying to understand the concept of specific heat ratios. From what I gather, the ratio is defined as the quotient of the Specific heat at constant pressure and the Specific heat ratio at constant volume.

Could anybody give me an insight into what leads to gases having different specific heats when under constant pressure or constant volume. I'm guessing it's to do with the difference in particle interactions when at constant volume and at constant pressure, but how exactly?

And does the ratio of specific heat have any physical meaning attached to it? If so, how would you define the ratio other than in a mathematical way.

Basically, what deterines the specific heat of a gas is its structure - is it monoatomic, diatomic, triatomic, or possibly even larger.

For a monoatomic ideal gas, there are three degrees of freedom corresponding to translation.

For a diatomic gas, one has more degrees of freedom. The molecule can rotate, and vibrate. Quantum mechanics also enters here, the different degrees of freedom "activate" depending on the temperature.

Triatomic gasses have even more degrees of freedom than diatomic- there are more vibrational and rotational modes.

To make life even more interesting, forces between atoms affect the heat capacity as well, causing some departure away from the ideal gas equation.

To get all the details of what degrees of freedom are active when, I'd suggest consulting a good physics book. Haliday & Resnick has some discussion of this IIRC, at least in the older editions.
  • #3
Thanks for the explanation pervect. However, I am still not clear about what leads to a gas having some heat capacity at constant pressure and why that heat capacity has to be different at constant volume. I understand that different gases have different specific heat capacities (shc) because of the different degrees of freedom they may have, from what you explained. But why does the same gas (say a monoatomic gas) have a different shc at constant volume than it has at constant pressure.

FAQ: Basic question on Specific Heat Ratio of gases

1. What is the specific heat ratio of a gas?

The specific heat ratio of a gas, also known as the adiabatic index or ratio of specific heats, is a thermodynamic property that represents the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) to the specific heat at constant volume (Cv).

2. How is the specific heat ratio of a gas calculated?

The specific heat ratio can be calculated by dividing the molar specific heat at constant pressure (Cp,m) by the molar specific heat at constant volume (Cv,m). This can also be expressed as the ratio of the gas constant (R) to the specific gas constant (Rspecific): γ = Cp,m/Cv,m = R/Rspecific.

3. What is the significance of the specific heat ratio in thermodynamics?

The specific heat ratio is an important property in thermodynamics as it relates to the amount of energy a gas can store and release when it is heated or cooled. It also affects the speed of sound and the adiabatic processes of a gas.

4. How does the specific heat ratio vary for different gases?

The specific heat ratio varies for different gases due to their molecular structure and composition. For monatomic gases, the specific heat ratio is 5/3 (1.67), for diatomic gases it is 7/5 (1.4), and for polyatomic gases it is slightly higher than 1.4.

5. How does the specific heat ratio change with temperature?

The specific heat ratio of a gas is generally assumed to be constant at low temperatures, but it can increase slightly with higher temperatures due to the increase in molecular vibrations. However, for most practical purposes, the specific heat ratio can be considered constant over a wide range of temperatures.
