If a UFO lands in front of you. Which way would you run?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: Originally posted by stupo123 In summary, would you approach a UFO if you were confronted with it? Some people would run away, while others would try to take control of the UFO.

What would you do?

  • Approach the thing

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Stand your ground and wait

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Run like the wind

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
This is not a discussion about UFOs, or aliens, or transdimensional spirits. This is a question about human nature. I had occasion to do a real test of this with 100 10 year old boys.

What would you do?

A UFO - something obviously not of this world - lands in front of you. Would you approach it? Would you run away from it? Or would you stand your ground and wait?
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  • #2
If I'm drunk enough I would enter the UFO's door, take control of the ship and then visit the galaxy a bit
If not just sit there and see what's happening... I guess resistance would be futile
  • #3
I would stand my ground and wait too see waht happens.

****ed up the poll though by selecting the top one, the fool that i am!
  • #4
With their love of anal probes, I don't think it would be a good idea to turn your back on the thing, so I voted for stand my ground.
  • #5
i would blow the ship straight to hell
  • #6
Originally posted by stupo123
i would blow the ship straight to hell

That would certainly warm the relations between our civilisations
  • #7
I voted - approach it, but I really would've voted for
"run like hell" if you added - TOWARDS the UFO ! :wink:
I mean, this planet is so boring in many ways, I wan'na
have some real galactic fun !
  • #8
Originally posted by drag
I voted - approach it, but I really would've voted for
"run like hell" if you added - TOWARDS the UFO ! :wink:
I mean, this planet is so boring in many ways, I wan'na
have some real galactic fun !

Well Drag, I have some bad news for you. Some years ago I helped to put on a Space Camp for the Cub Scouts. After building up this well planned story for a week, complete with all of the threatening elements needed for any good nemesis - the enemy alien Be-Gones - we had these kids really pumped. Then the mother ship appeared over the hill [really an invisibly tethered 8 ft weather balloon with large black wings, blinking lights, sound effects; the works]. Sbout 97 kids saw this and ran towards the mother ship. About 3 or 4 ran the other direction. These were also a few of the brightest kids present. We decided that this was significant.

PS. I voted to stand my ground and wait. It seems that I am just as likely as you to get vaporized with a zero point energy weapon.
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  • #9
If the alien I encounter would be a female, I'll run (towards). If the alien's a male, I'll stand still. If it's a bisexual, hell, I'll run like wind!
  • #10
Originally posted by Dal
If the alien I encounter would be a female, I'll run (towards). If the alien's a male, I'll stand still. If it's a bisexual, hell, I'll run like wind!

It should have bee "earth GUYS are easy"

I'd stay and chance getting fried. Bbeats watching the next MIB movie.
  • #11
Originally posted by Dal
If the alien I encounter would be a female, I'll run (towards). If the alien's a male, I'll stand still. If it's a bisexual, hell, I'll run like wind!
How do you know whether they are male, female or bisexual? Perhaps you need to stand really close before you can recognise it.

I chose stand your ground and wait. If they are hostile, at least I can hold my breath and pretend I'm just a non-living creature like a lamp post or a statue.
  • #12
Originally posted by KL Kam
How do you know whether they are male, female or bisexual? Perhaps you need to stand really close before you can recognise it.

Ya! They might be quintasexual...hey...oh never mind.

I chose stand your ground and wait. If they are hostile, at least I can hold my breath and pretend I'm just a non-living creature like a lamp post or a statue.

Gosh! That never would have occurred to me!
They may not be able to tell the difference. To Zeta Reticulins, we and trees all look alike!
  • #13
Towards it! :)

FAQ: If a UFO lands in front of you. Which way would you run?

1. What should I do if a UFO lands in front of me?

If a UFO lands in front of you, the most important thing to do is to stay calm. Do not panic or run away in fear. Take a few deep breaths and try to assess the situation.

2. Is it safe to approach a UFO that has landed?

Approaching a UFO that has landed can be dangerous, as we do not know the intentions or capabilities of the beings inside. It is best to keep a safe distance and observe from afar.

3. Can I communicate with the beings inside the UFO?

It is not recommended to try and communicate with the beings inside the UFO. They may not understand our language or have peaceful intentions. It is best to observe from a safe distance and contact local authorities.

4. Should I take photos or videos of the UFO?

If you feel safe and comfortable, you can take photos or videos of the UFO. However, be mindful of your surroundings and do not put yourself in danger. It is important to document the event, but your safety should always come first.

5. What should I do if the UFO tries to abduct me?

If the UFO tries to abduct you, do not resist or fight back. Stay calm and comply with any instructions given to you. After the event, seek medical attention and report the incident to the proper authorities.
