Using battery current to generate magn force

In summary, the problem is asking to show that an aluminum bar sliding along two metal rails in a circuit with a battery and magnetic field will reach a terminal velocity. The circuit has an internal resistance and the aluminum bar has negligible resistance. The initial attempt at a solution was to use the equation v=emf/Bl, but further consideration led to confusion about the effects of the battery current and induced current. The question also asks about the terminal voltage in a short circuit.
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Homework Statement

A circuit is formed by an aluminum bar that can slide along two (parallel) metal rails which are joined by a battery. There is a magnetic field which passes through the circuit. The battery also has an internal resistance of r. Everything else has ~no resistance. When the circuit is closed, battery sends current around the circuit.

Show that the aluminum bar reaches a terminal velocity.

Homework Equations

l=length of aluminum bar
B=magnetic field

The Attempt at a Solution

At first inspection it seems like the answer is straightforward...v=[tex]\epsilon[/tex]/Bl
but I doubt it's that easy and after thinking about it I'm very confused.

So this is what made me confused: the battery sends a current through the aluminum bar, and the magnetic field then exerts a magnetic force on the aluminum bar, making it slide along the rails, but then this increases the magnetic flux through the circuit, so then a current opposing the battery current must be induced...but then wouldn't the currents cancel out and no movement occur?

Also in a short circuit, is the terminal voltage 0?
Since [tex]\epsilon[/tex]-IR=V
and I=[tex]\epsilon[/tex]/R
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  • #2
so V=0? I'm sorry, this may be a bit of a mess and I hope it makes sense. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

FAQ: Using battery current to generate magn force

1. How does using battery current to generate magnetic force work?

Using battery current to generate magnetic force works by sending an electric current through a wire, which creates a magnetic field around the wire. The strength of the magnetic field can be increased by increasing the current or by coiling the wire into a solenoid.

2. What types of batteries can be used to generate magnetic force?

Any type of battery that can supply a steady flow of current can be used to generate magnetic force. This includes alkaline batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and even rechargeable batteries like lead-acid or nickel-cadmium.

3. Can the strength of the magnetic force be controlled?

Yes, the strength of the magnetic force can be controlled by adjusting the amount of current flowing through the wire. Increasing the current or adding more coils to the wire will result in a stronger magnetic force.

4. What is the practical application of using battery current to generate magnetic force?

One practical application is in electric motors, where the magnetic force is used to create rotational motion. This is used in various electronic devices, such as fans, power tools, and even electric cars.

5. Are there any safety concerns when using battery current to generate magnetic force?

Yes, it is important to handle batteries and wires carefully to avoid electric shocks. It is also important to use the appropriate amount of current and to not overload the wires, as this can lead to overheating and potential fire hazards.
