What is your yardstick to judge someone?

  • Thread starter Saint
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In summary, saint believes that she is God with a yardstick by which she judges people. She is very judgemental of people and believes that they are all sinners.
  • #1
If you want to measure the length of something,
you need a Frame of Reference (yardstick) to refer to, which must have a standard calibration up to the acceptable accuracy.

When you judge someone- his personality, his opinions,
what is the yardstick you use against him?
How do you know your yardstick is accurate that it is qualified to be used as a frame of reference?
Do you think you are absolute enough to judge people right or wrong?
Are you GOD ?

How can you say people are funny?
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  • #2
Saint said:
When you judge someone- his personality, his opinions,
what is the yardstick you use against him?

The seven deadly sins are a quick, simple and dirty guide that I use. If the person has seriously violated any of them, then he/she deserves to rot in hell. The 7 deadly sins are wrath, lust, gluttony, greed, pride, envy and sloth.

Do you think you are absolute enough to judge people right or wrong?
No, not as yet as I have not finished reading Dante's The Divine Comedy. Nor will I have the power to judge after reading that because I still need to read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

Are you GOD?
The large alphabets confuse me. Is there a difference between God and GOD? Anyhow, I'll let you judge for yourself.

How can you say people are funny?
People are funny when they do something unexpected and defy normal conventions.
  • #3
what is normal convention?
is it absolute?
which country's normal convention? America?Singapore? malaysia?
  • #4
Of course I'm judging you based on the experience I have from living in Brunei. People from America will be judging you based on their conventions. You are judging us based on a convention that I feel is not very Malaysian.
  • #5
please define Not Very malaysian,
what is malaysian convention.
  • #6
It means that what you are doing is totally unexpected of you coming from a stable country like Malaysia. And please don't tell me I don't anything about Malaysians because I have a large number of friends who are Malaysians.
  • #7
recon said:
People are funny when they do something unexpected and defy normal conventions.
You are so astute, recon. I studied classic works of comedy in a literature class at UCLA this summer, and I don't think I ever could have put it so succinctly and accurately as you have.
  • #8
you know malaysia?
ask you, is malaysia an islamic country? yes or no? Why?
  • #9
normal convention is what?
many people think gay is disgustable, is this normal convention? then , why fight to legalise gay marriage? why it is debatable in USA? why not use normal convention to settle the dispute?

normal convention is changable, from time to time...nothing is normal naturally!
the "normal" you mean is Artificial --- subject to the opinion of majority.
more people (>2/3 of the population) agree with it, it is "normal"
this is what i understand about "normal"
  • #10
Do you think you are absolute enough to judge people right or wrong?
Are you GOD ?
Do YOU think you’re absolute enough to judge people right or wrong?
Are YOU GOD, and if not, what's your justification for labeling others with stamp of immorality? :rolleyes:

How can you say people are funny?
Because you make me smile and laugh out loud, silly goose ! :-p
  • #11
I judge people by their intolerance for bull****. I also like those who don't try to interfere with others' lives.
  • #12
some of you are very narrow-minded,
you never analyse the matter from different points of view, and jump to the conclusion based on your obsolete normal convention inherited from your school teachers and parents.

think Horizontally, in all directions,
don't think only vertically.
  • #13
Who is judging whom?
  • #14
Most people think unrepentant greed is outside the norm, regardless of cutural background. Even in America.

Most people think it's amusing when someone does something so obviously outside the norms of society, then at least has the appearance that they don't know what they did is deviant.
  • #15
I don't have a yardstick. Every person is an individual, and while I may not agree with them on points of view or ways of doing things or how to live life, and I may choose not to spend my time with those people who are too different from me in basic value systems, I do not judge them. They are different, but it is not my place to say they are wrong or right or better or worse or should or should not do things the way they do them.

Saint, you should answer your own question. Do you think you are God with a yardstick by which you judge people? From what I've seen through your posts here, you do seem very judgemental of people.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
From what I've seen through your posts here, you do seem very judgemental of people.

Maybe that's why I feel so compelled to share my disdain for saint.. or maybe I'm just a big prick.. you can be the judge

  • #17
your definition of greed is very narrow.
desire to have something better is greed?
  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
You are so astute, recon. I studied classic works of comedy in a literature class at UCLA this summer, and I don't think I ever could have put it so succinctly and accurately as you have.

I'm just free of the ravages of higher education, MIH. :wink:
  • #19
Recon, you are such a delight! :approve:
  • #20
Well here is my checklist for a good person. It must say yes to all of them.

Likes me?
Would kill for me?
Would kill me for me?

That's about it.

Note: I am kidding.

My advice is to not think about money or others. ENJOY YOURSELF!
  • #21
the thread has gone no where,...CLOSED!

FAQ: What is your yardstick to judge someone?

1. What is a yardstick for judging someone's character?

A yardstick for judging someone's character is a set of criteria or standards used to evaluate a person's moral and ethical values, behavior, and actions.

2. How do you determine someone's yardstick?

Determining someone's yardstick involves observing their behavior and actions, listening to their words and beliefs, and understanding their values and principles.

3. Is there a universal yardstick for judging someone?

No, there is not a universal yardstick for judging someone as different cultures, societies, and individuals may have varying standards and beliefs about character.

4. Can a person's yardstick change over time?

Yes, a person's yardstick can change over time as they gain new experiences, perspectives, and values. It is important to regularly re-evaluate and adjust one's yardstick to reflect personal growth and development.

5. How do biases and prejudices affect one's yardstick for judging someone?

Biases and prejudices can greatly influence a person's yardstick for judging someone, as they may form preconceived notions and unfairly judge individuals based on their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. It is important to recognize and challenge these biases in order to have a fair and accurate yardstick for judging someone.

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