Unraveling the Mystery of Extra Dimensions in Physics

  • Thread starter Dephenistrator
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of additional dimensions in physics. The participants mention the possibility of up to 26 dimensions according to string theory, and the ways in which these dimensions may remain hidden to us. They also provide resources for further information on the subject. The conversation ends with a playful exchange about the word "spatial" and its relation to the concept of "special" dimensions.
  • #1
I have a 12 grade Physics report due, topic:

answer an unanswered physics question.
my question= Are there additional dimentions?

if anyone has any information on this topic, can point me to a website, or anything else helpful, that would be great.

im expectiong to hear...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dephenistrator said:
answer an unanswered physics question.
my question= Are there additional dimentions?

Yes,there are.Additional to how many??3,4,10,11,26??


PS.I believe u can be given a good answer here.But try first to ask the right question. :wink:
  • #3
Brief answer: nobody knows for sure, but if sting theory is correct, there may be up to 26 "hidden" spatial dimensions.

Some more info:

Current research in mathematical physics strongly favors a theory (string theory) that predicts the existence of as many as 26 dimentions.

If that is so, and nature actually has as many dimensions, there are (at least) two possible ways in which they remain "hidden" to us:
1. If they are too small, so that we do not notice,
2. If we are confined in a three-dimensional slice of the 26D space,

You can find more info in http://www.superstringtheory.com. If you find something hard to understand in there, feel free to come back and ask.
  • #4
Watch the elegant universe...

or read the book... by brian greene
  • #6


did you mean special instead of spatial? if not i guess in this subject they are interchangeable maybe. yes, of course, other dimensions. dimension=mision-die=mis ion ide. there's a million maybe. c-eve with a smile >wink<

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery of Extra Dimensions in Physics

What are additional dimensions?

Additional dimensions refer to the concept of there being more than the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we experience in our daily lives. In theoretical physics, it is proposed that there may be more dimensions that are hidden or curled up, beyond our ability to perceive.

How many additional dimensions are there?

The number of additional dimensions that are proposed in theoretical physics varies, but the most commonly discussed theories suggest there may be 10 or 11 dimensions.

Why can't we see or experience these additional dimensions?

Our perception is limited to the three dimensions that we experience in our daily lives. The additional dimensions are thought to be curled up or compactified, meaning they are too small for us to detect with our current technology.

What is the purpose of additional dimensions in physics?

Theories proposing additional dimensions aim to provide a more complete understanding of the universe, particularly in fields such as quantum mechanics and gravity. It is also believed that these dimensions could potentially explain phenomena that cannot be explained by our current understanding of the universe.

Are there any experiments or evidence for additional dimensions?

Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence for the existence of additional dimensions. However, some theories, such as string theory, incorporate additional dimensions and have made predictions that have been tested in experiments, providing some indirect evidence for their existence.

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