What are the operative slip systems in hcp metals?

In summary, the conversation involved a discussion about the operative slip systems of hcp metals. The slip system in question was {001}<100>, with a discrepancy in the number of slip systems indicated in the notes. The conversation delved into the topic of how to determine which directions are equivalent in hcp and belong to the same family, with a focus on the fourth index in the 4-index notation. The conversation also touched upon the symmetry of HCP metals and the concept of rotation about the c-axis. Ultimately, the topic of discussion was how to calculate and understand the different directions within the <100> family in hcp metals.
  • #1

I'm having looots of trouble trying to find out the operative slip systems of hcp metals. the slip system is {001}<100> and in my notes it says that there are 3 slip systems and I don't see why! I'm guessing there's only one slip plane the (001) or (0001), and three directions. But the three directions I'm calculating are [100]. [010] and [001], which in the 4-indices system are: [2 -1 -1 0], [-1 2 -1 0] and [0 0 0 1]. Is this correct?

If it is correct, then only the first two are contained in the (001) plane, so there should be only 2 SLIP SYSTEMS!

I'm lost!
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  • #3
Yes, i know that for hco you usually use 4 indices, but you can also talk about 3, since these can converted into the 4-inices system! Eg: {001} is the same as {0001}. what i don't see is how do I know which directions are equivalente in hcp and therefore belong to the same family?

  • #4
The fourth index is only added (between the 2nd and 3rd) to make like planes look like.

(H K L) contains all the necessary information, but often (H K (-H-K) L) is written.

(1 0 0) would then become (1 0 -1 0).

(1 0 -1 0), (0 -1 1 0), (-1 1 0 0) are all in the same star, which is easy to see in the 4-index notation.

(1 1 -2 0) is in a different star with (-2 1 1 0), (1 -2 1 0).
  • #5
M Quack said:
The fourth index is only added (between the 2nd and 3rd) to make like planes look like.

(H K L) contains all the necessary information, but often (H K (-H-K) L) is written.

(1 0 0) would then become (1 0 -1 0).

(1 0 -1 0), (0 -1 1 0), (-1 1 0 0) are all in the same star, which is easy to see in the 4-index notation.

(1 1 -2 0) is in a different star with (-2 1 1 0), (1 -2 1 0).

right, so basically if i change the order or sign of the indices, they still belong to the same family?

then why do [100], [010] and [110] (in the 3 indices system) belong to the same family in hcp??!? don't seee why [110] should belong to the same one as the other two!
  • #6
Chemist20 said:
right, so basically if i change the order or sign of the indices, they still belong to the same family?

then why do [100], [010] and [110] (in the 3 indices system) belong to the same family in hcp??!? don't seee why [110] should belong to the same one as the other two!
[110], [101], [011] is a different system than [100], [010], [001]. Look at the number of zero indices, and nonzero indices.

In hcp, basal planes are {0001}, primary prism planes {10-10}, and pyramidal planes {10-11}. Another pyramidal plane is {11-21}
  • #7
Yes, just remember that the c-axis (00L) or (000L) has a completely different symmetry.
For HCP, you can change the sign, but this is not true for all hexagonal crystal classes.

It is counter-intuitive because the two in-plane vectors a* and b* are not at right angles.

Just take a piece of paper, draw a hexagon and sketch the vectors. You will see.
  • #8
Yeap I see. But i still don't know why in my book it says that the three directions in the <100> family in hcp metals are [100] [010] and [110]...
  • #9
You actually get 6 directions corresponding to the 6 corners of the hexagon. But HCP systems have inversion symmetry, so (110) is the same as (-1 -1 0) and this reduces to just 3 directions.
  • #10
M Quack said:
You actually get 6 directions corresponding to the 6 corners of the hexagon. But HCP systems have inversion symmetry, so (110) is the same as (-1 -1 0) and this reduces to just 3 directions.

I'm lost.. can you explain please?
  • #11
(1 1 0) you are looking at the top of the plane, (-1 -1 0) you are looking at the bottom of the plane.

If the plane is a symmetry plane, then that makes no difference. This is the case in HCP metals.

In lower symmetry systems that might make a difference - say above the plane there are OH groups attached, and below F ions.
  • #12
M Quack said:
(1 1 0) you are looking at the top of the plane, (-1 -1 0) you are looking at the bottom of the plane.

If the plane is a symmetry plane, then that makes no difference. This is the case in HCP metals.

In lower symmetry systems that might make a difference - say above the plane there are OH groups attached, and below F ions.

Yes, I do understand that. But why is the -1 -1 0 direction in the same family as 1 0 0 for hcp? That's what I don't get...
  • #13
The defining feature of all hexagonal crystal structures is a 3-fold rotation axis along c, i.e. if you rotate the whole crystal by 120 deg about the c-axis you end up with the same crystal structure.

If you rotate (1 0 0) by 120 deg, you get (0 1 0).
If you rotate (0 1 0) by 120 deg, what do you get?
  • #14
m quack said:
the defining feature of all hexagonal crystal structures is a 3-fold rotation axis along c, i.e. If you rotate the whole crystal by 120 deg about the c-axis you end up with the same crystal structure.

If you rotate (1 0 0) by 120 deg, you get (0 1 0).
If you rotate (0 1 0) by 120 deg, what do you get?

( 0 0 1) ?
  • #15
Nope. Try again :-)

(0 0 1) is the c-axis. You are rotating about the c-axis. How can any vector perpendicular to the axis or rotation become parallel to it?!?
  • #16
M Quack said:
Nope. Try again :-)

(0 0 1) is the c-axis. You are rotating about the c-axis. How can any vector perpendicular to the axis or rotation become parallel to it?!?

woops okay. so I am guessing the answer is 110 but i don't know why.!
  • #17
Oh well.. :-)

Let [itex]\vec{a}=\left(\begin{array}{c}0\\ 0\\1 \end{array} \right)[/itex]

Let [itex]C_3 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} c & -s & 0 \\ s & c & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right) [/itex]

With s=sin(120 deg) and c= cos(120 deg).

Calculate [itex] \vec{b} = C_3 \vec{a} [/itex] and [itex] \vec{d} = C_3 \vec{b} [/itex]

Write d as linear combination of a and b.

Show C_3^3 =1 and C_3 c = c with c=(0 0 1)

FAQ: What are the operative slip systems in hcp metals?

1. What are slip systems in HCP metals?

Slip systems in HCP (hexagonal close-packed) metals refer to the specific crystallographic planes and directions along which dislocations can move and cause plastic deformation.

2. How do slip systems differ in HCP metals compared to FCC and BCC metals?

In HCP metals, there are typically fewer slip systems due to the hexagonal crystal structure, resulting in limited plastic deformation. This is in contrast to FCC (face-centered cubic) and BCC (body-centered cubic) metals, which have more slip systems and are more ductile.

3. What factors influence slip system activity in HCP metals?

The orientation of the crystal, the applied stress, and the presence of impurities or defects can all affect the activity of slip systems in HCP metals. Additionally, the temperature and strain rate can impact the ease of slip along certain planes and directions.

4. Can slip systems be observed and studied in HCP metals?

Yes, slip systems can be observed and studied through various techniques such as electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and atomic force microscopy. These methods allow for the visualization and characterization of dislocations and their movement within the crystal lattice.

5. How do slip systems contribute to the mechanical properties of HCP metals?

The limited number of slip systems in HCP metals can lead to anisotropic mechanical properties, meaning the material may exhibit different strengths or deformations in different directions. This can present challenges in engineering and designing components made from HCP metals.

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